Standing O for Blackbird_Nevermore !

Just wanted to give you a shout out and thank you for taking the time to put up your fantastic post! We totally look forward to Pcola in a couple of weeks. Thank you again!
And you’ve just touched the tip of the iceberg!! This guy, including reviews, is lengendary!!
DJIncognito's Avatar
I look forward to seeing you two in Pcola in a few weeks
44formore's Avatar
Hello Winter. It's been a bit since I've seen you last. Maybe a loop through PCB would be possible?
hotrix1's Avatar
Just wanted to give you a shout out and thank you for taking the time to put up your fantastic post! We totally look forward to Pcola in a couple of weeks. Thank you again! Originally Posted by Winter Kay
Which one Kay? I'd like to know how to get a woman to give me a "standing O" just using my keyboard. That's certainly one for the books. I can get one, but usually have to pay for it, and I'm usually also leaning against something when I do. Get kinda weak in the knees, you know.

Dang 'bird. Now you realize that you've now reached beyond legendary status being able to get a lady to give you a "Standing O" with your writing alone.

Dammit boy! Way to lead the masses.
Hotrix, it was for the Panhandle database post, which was removed.
Hotrix, it was for the Panhandle database post, which was removed. Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore
WHAT!!! It's been removed? I bet it was because you implied that girls will have sex with a guy if he gives her a certain amount of money. I can't believe girls would ever do that. I pay them for their time and companionship and whatever happens between two consenting people is their business. It's even better if you are the third while the other 2 are cunt scenting.
^^^^ Hahahaha yeah I have never paid to do unmentionable things!!
hotrix1's Avatar
Hotrix, it was for the Panhandle database post, which was removed. Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore

Damn, of all things to remove. When it should have been made a sticky.