It's not the science that's wrong.... it's the scientist

Partisan Science in America
Scientists corrode public trust when they pretend to have authority on social and political matters.

Some parts of climate science have been tested countless times—like the greenhouse effect—but specific predictions about rising temperatures and their effects have often proved mistaken. Early last year we were treated to the delightful spectacle of Montana’s Glacier National Park removing signs that said its glaciers would be gone by 2020.

If a scientific periodical expels editors or peer reviewers because they don’t accept some prevailing theory, that process has been short-circuited. Those who call for such expulsions have missed the whole point of how science works. They are the true deniers, far more dangerous to science than a religious fundamentalist who believes the world is 6,000 years old.
NIH admits Fauci lied about funding Wuhan gain-of-function experiments

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A full two years after Wuhan hosted the 2019 Military World Games, determined by House Foreign Affairs Republicans to be one of the planet's first superspreader events of the novel coronavirus pandemic, a top official at the National Institutes of Health has conceded that contrary to the repeated assertions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the NIH did indeed fund highly dangerous gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
rooster's Avatar
Interesting tactic, flipping the moniker "denier" back to the "other side." First time I've seen it. That ain't a compliment though.

Yer hobby babies are in for a rough ride cuzza alla you cucks and simps in so much... denial...

You "wishing" for this all to be true ain't gonna change nuthin. Climate change gonna fuck us over, plain and simple. Garbage threAds like this are only contributing to the time-wasting.


(YESSSS...beers in January)

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Interesting tactic, flipping the moniker "denier" back to the "other side." First time I've seen it. That ain't a compliment though.

Yer hobby babies are in for a rough ride cuzza alla you cucks and simps in so much... denial...

You "wishing" for this all to be true ain't gonna change nuthin. Climate change gonna fuck us over, plain and simple. Garbage threAds like this are only contributing to the time-wasting.


(YESSSS...beers in January)

. Originally Posted by rooster
Willie Wanker's Avatar
FatCity's Avatar
Interesting tactic, f
. Originally Posted by rooster
Rooster is dead on right on this one.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Only time will tell who's right on this one.
I'm right.
I'm always right.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm right.
I'm always right..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
bambino???? is that you ????
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I'm right.
I'm always right..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
I'd say odds are definitely in your favor.

If a scientific periodical expels editors or peer reviewers because they don’t accept some prevailing theory, that process has been short-circuited. Those who call for such expulsions have missed the whole point of how science works. They are the true deniers, far more dangerous to science than a religious fundamentalist who believes the world is 6,000 years old. Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

Yep. It's no longer Science just another tool of build back better. Fauci's got em quaking in their boots with the so called green energy profiteers, I mean scientists queued up.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
"Let's Go Brandon" ????
rooster's Avatar
Man!...the memes and GIF's just keep FLYIN through these threAds....proving everything you boyz want to be true.

Congratulations! I just can't compete. I mean...every time I post something backed up by science, data, and....common sense...sexman and FATs find an awesome graphic or cartoon that just fucking buries me, proves me for the absolute fool I am...just another dope that can't integrate his way out of his own Master's thesis....

You boyz keep it up!! Some day, you will be as witty and insightful as liverspots.

I mean....FAAK!....sexman already knows how to spell "dystopia" and use it in a sentence. Whew! This sum good shit...

Maybe spots will lend you his copy of "Animal Farm" to help speed your progress. Heck, he ain't read it since he was forced to in 7th grade. That and his copy of "Atlas Shrugged"...which is like new, ain't never been opened cuz it's over 200 pages.

Do NOT ask for his copy of "Twilight" though. Damn. Them vampires is sooooo sexy....
