Reasons why you may not hear back from me

I have been getting a ton of PMs, emails, txts and phone calls since posting my last ads, and I just wanted to take the time to explain why you may not be hearing back from me right away.

I have had some devastating news concerning a family member. Because of that, I may be hard to get in touch with for a few days and I apologize for that. I do hope to get back to everyone very soon. For the time being, please excuse my delayed responses and my inability to answer the phone at times. I ask that you forgive my absence and do not give up on seeing me. I don't know how soon my schedule will return to normal, as I may be traveling to and from the town where my mom lives frequently, but I hope to return to taking visits sometime after I have more information about the situation and the news has been processed properly.

Thanks to all that have been so sweet and have been sending kind messages my way.

<3 to all
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Positive vibes to you and yours.
love_jones's Avatar
HD, I really hope and pray things turn out for the best for you and your family...Yall will most definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care...look forward to reading the positive update.
Sending positive thoughts your way...
doug_dfw's Avatar
Thanks for being open and frank. I pray for you and all y'all who are enduring this. Having faced this far too often, and just yesterday, I hope and pray for the best.
Good thoughts and prayers coming your way!! Stay strong!!
Family is always first. Best of luck that things will turn out OK.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Good luck.
Good luck with everything xoxoxo

You could disable PMs on ECCIE and then set up an auto-response (also called Vacation Reply) on your email so anyone who contacts you will get your message.