waverunner234's Avatar
Does anyone realize why unemployment is high?

Maybe it is not Obama and his plans
History has shown it is not too high taxes
The republicans have NO SOLUTIONS EITHER, they only jell at Obama for political reasons

What about job loss is NOT temporary, NOT a result of current policies

Job loss is about world economy, jobs move to India, China, Philippines
Job loss is about the electronic highway

Solutions need to be sought in a way that no one has tried yet

Shorter work week, high taxation of overtime
More vacation days, holidays
Share the problem, more people at work for less hours

The financial consequences? I'll be honest, no clue yet but its time to start thinking about it. And bury all the political shit.
These are the real problems, needing real solutions

Blaming current and past and future presidents or presidential hopefuls is totally useless

The first candidate who HAS THE GUTS to think AND act in this more constructive way will have my vote, regardless of political background
(except for Bachmann and Perry of course, but I don't think they are smart enough to come up with this kind of thinking)

Food for thought?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I would say that unemployment is high basically and primarily because of widespread fear.

Many companies are sitting on a lot of cash, but are reluctant to hire people because they do not know where the economy is heading.

This of course then creates a feed-back loop that strengthens and perpetuates the cycle.

It is analogous to a cattle stampede that were spooked by thunder and then the fear spreads throughout the herd and mindless fear grips the cattle.

The world leaders need to instill confidence in the economy, but it is not so easy to stop a stampede once it has begun.
waverunner234's Avatar
I would say that unemployment is high basically and primarily because of widespread fear.

Many companies are sitting on a lot of cash, but are reluctant to hire people because they do not know where the economy is heading.

This of course then creates a feed-back loop that strengthens and perpetuates the cycle.

It is analogous to a cattle stampede that were spooked by thunder and then the fear spreads throughout the herd and mindless fear grips the cattle.

The world leaders need to instill confidence in the economy, but it is not so easy to stop a stampede once it has begun.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
That is only part of the problem, big corporations will keep sending jobs overseas. A current problem: 120,000 layoffs at the postal service ............ can you solve that? No, its going to double or triple as more people turn to online solutions, pay bills, get W-2's, and email. There is simply no way you can compete against that
dfwhd2's Avatar
That is only part of the problem, big corporations will keep sending jobs overseas. A current problem: 120,000 layoffs at the postal service ............ can you solve that? No, its going to double or triple as more people turn to online solutions, pay bills, get W-2's, and email. There is simply no way you can compete against that Originally Posted by waverunner234
Thats just progress. How many typewriters, blacksmiths or stagecoach's, all these and hundreds more are gone and replaced. New jobs and complete industries were created. Tire companys, PC, email.
My personal opinion is corparate greed, top ceo making multimillons some in excess of 200million all while laying off workers making 30-60k and finding cheaper workers. Look at apple sitting on billions and exe's make multimillion and stock worth more than small country but only employess about 11k in the states. Really you cant afford to make some of your products here. Henery ford was asked why he paid his employees so much more than others. His answer he wanted people to be able to afford his cars. Soon there will be no one left to afford any product the scum CEO's make. No CEO is worth multimillions a year and millions in stock options.
Does anyone realize why unemployment is high?

Maybe it is not Obama and his plans
History has shown it is not too high taxes
The republicans have NO SOLUTIONS EITHER, they only jell at Obama for political reasons

What about job loss is NOT temporary, NOT a result of current policies

Job loss is about world economy, jobs move to India, China, Philippines
Job loss is about the electronic highway

Solutions need to be sought in a way that no one has tried yet

Shorter work week, high taxation of overtime
More vacation days, holidays
Share the problem, more people at work for less hours

The financial consequences? I'll be honest, no clue yet but its time to start thinking about it. And bury all the political shit.
These are the real problems, needing real solutions

Blaming current and past and future presidents or presidential hopefuls is totally useless

The first candidate who HAS THE GUTS to think AND act in this more constructive way will have my vote, regardless of political background
(except for Bachmann and Perry of course, but I don't think they are smart enough to come up with this kind of thinking)

Food for thought?
Originally Posted by waverunner234
Unemployment is high because someone else has your job.
i doubt taxing work more will help employment. ive always wondered why an industrious person, who may work overtime or two jobs is penalized by being taxed more on one hours work than another. spreading misery and inefficiencies by limiting work hours seems a defeatest's solution which is really no solution at all

increasing confidence, which has already been alluded to above, is what is needed.

how to increase confidence then?

i recall Reagan's morning in america, juxtaposed with carter's turn down the thermostat and wear a sweater and woe-is-me ism. quite a contrast.

when American's think there is hope, well then there is an expectation with confidence. its the same with the stock market, when more people act one way than another, well, its a self fulfilling prophecy.

when it is first perceived that goverment has a plan in force, a plan is all that is required to begin increasing hope, to get the budget under control, to get out of the micro-management business, to free up the private sector to let free enterprise work, then businesses begin the process and we will see a turn around. if business can make money by hiring and they have confidence as to government policy, they will hire.

economic decisions have to be made based on economics. not on some ideological idea of "change", not on top down control, not excessive regulation. i grant that there has been many things since Ronald Reagan that has culminated into where we are now and obama didn't cause them all. but i think what he did do was severely exacerbate them, budget wise, regulation wise, heathcare wise, which, coupled with words that tumble from his mouth, scare business into inaction and concern over what's next and limit hiring. in short, he is not a bastion of confidence building to those who hire.

of course one huge over hang, other than our own budget woes, is the breakdown we are seeing of the social welfare system in europe financed with sovereign debt that is unsustainable and the fear that we are well on our way to that mistake. germany, about the, so far, only remaining semi-solvent state in the european union has basically refused to prop up other members so that their citizens can continue to retire at age 50 with lifetime pensions. who can blame them? we are in a global economy and that is a problem.

one practical way is to free up exploration of oil and gas in this country(and coal too for that matter). it really is beneficial in so many ways. rabid enviromentalists and green earthers may have other visions, but it will help a lot in terms of price, and deficit and jobs and not shipping money to despots.

government forcing of subsidies to green energy is wasteful, causes economic dislocation, and is without merit. when those things become practical, the private sector all by itself will further them.

just an example.
  • Laz
  • 08-22-2011, 05:27 PM
The only thing the Fed Govt can do to reduce unemployment is to get out of the way. How many jobs were lost because of the ban on oil drilling in the gulf, because of the potential expenses of Obamacare, because of high corporate tax rates, because of over regulation, because of unreasonable lawsuit liability, because of government market intervention, etc. I am sure that this list has many more things that people can think of adding to it.

The bottom line is that the govt activity reduces jobs. Greenspan stated that a billion dollars of government spending will create jobs but a billion dollars of spending in the private sector creates far more jobs. He stated that numerous studies in Europe prove this.
"Solutions need to be sought in a way that no one has tried yet

Shorter work week, high taxation of overtime
More vacation days, holidays
Share the problem, more people at work for less hours"

****************************** ************

Oh boy! We get to call ourselves.........France
No CEO is worth multimillions a year and millions in stock options. Originally Posted by dfwhd2
Statements like the option will not win you many friends among the conservatives on this board. These idiots will defend the greedy CEO's to their death. Meanwhile those same CEO's are laughing at our idiots all of the way to the bank!

Unemployment is high because someone else has your job. Originally Posted by acp5762
And unfortunately, most of those good paying American jobs are now low paying jobs overseas! The Republicans have yet to connect the dots. Quite frankly, I am not certain if Obama has made that connection yet either!

Meanwhile, Gov Good Hair will tell anyone stupid enough to pay attention that Texas is business friendly. That is code word for: we have created more minimum wage jobs with little or no benefits than any other state in the country! He is obviously proud to be leading the charge in Texas' race to the bottom!

I never thought I would say this but Good Hair makes Dubya appear to be smart!
Statements like the option will not win you many friends among the conservatives on this board. These idiots will defend the greedy CEO's to their death. Meanwhile those same CEO's are laughing at our idiots all of the way to the bank!

And unfortunately, most of those good paying American jobs are now low paying jobs overseas! The Republicans have yet to connect the dots. Quite frankly, I am not certain if Obama has made that connection yet either!

Meanwhile, Gov Good Hair will tell anyyone stupid enough to pay attention that Texas is business friendly. That is code word for: we have created more minimum wage jobs with little or no benefits than any other state in the country! He is obviously proud to be leading the charge in Texas' race to the bottom!

I never thought I would say this but Good Hair makes Dubya look smart! Originally Posted by bigtex
You mentioned something I find significant about the good American paying jobs are all low paying jobs overseas. I think I read an article pertaining to Wal-Mart's clothing line was being manufactured in overseas Mills where 13,14 and 15 year old girls were working there making next to nothing. Goes to show ya, you're right. Those jobs could have been held by american workers.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Henery Fford was asked why he paid his employees so much more than others. His answer he wanted people to be able to afford his cars. Soon there will be no one left to afford any product the scum CEO's make. No CEO is worth multimillions a year and millions in stock options. Originally Posted by dfwhd2
Henry was, of course, correct. I wonder what those folks overseas working for nada buy with all of their money? If THEY can afford goods and services that would otherwise be purchased in America then let's see those prices over here. At some point in time the only people making any significant money are going to be those who move money around yet create nothing and those who own cheap fast food chains.

But, I digress. Regardless of what you think about Romney's politics, his new $12M house demonstrates the flawed thinking that promotes the notion that a few very wealthy people can keep the economy moving. Here's the question: what's better for the economy, 1 $12M home being constructed or 50 $240K homes (or 100 $120K homes, for that matter)? In the end, $12M gets injected into the economy but which way spreads it around better, i.e. is more efficient?

If you look around, the ultra wealthy who support radical conservative causes aren't really in the business of making things. On one hand there are the oil-baron types (Koch Bros and others) who enjoy the profits of a product that is more like illegal drugs than an appliance - we're hooked on gasoline and there are just too many gas using vehicles around for it to be any different - then there are the media types (Rupert and his minions) who don't even manufacture the hot air they distribute, and on the other hand there are those in the financial sector who merely move money around. Now, of course, there are hundreds of thousands of small businesses who actually do a good job of keeping many people employed, but they are struggling because they are running out of customers since so many people are out of work and easy credit for borderline borrowers is a thing of the past. So, where are Henry Ford's employees now? You know, the ones being overpaid so that they can contribute to the economy by being consumers? Guess they're in Maylasia, India and China. If Americancompanies want to profit and enjoy the benefits of cheap foriegn labor then they need toclose up shop here and move everything to wherever. I'll guarantee that their fat asses won't be far out the door when someone else starts the same business here to take their place - and, they'll be glad to make "only" a few million instead of insisting on making hundreds of million. Companies that send jobs overseas need to be penalized, not rewarded, by our government. Why? Because by doing so, the government would actually be doing something that would benefit the populace instead of the very few. As it now stands, those in power are so beholden to big money and otherwise are afraid of the perceived threats of moving everything offshore that they cannot act in the best interest of our nation. Unfortunately, the tea party anger is real and should be a force for useful change, but they have unknowingly been purchased, too, by big money and are now merely another set of tools to protect the agenda of the very wealthy. Going cheap and cutting ones way to prosperity has never worked. The only thing that will is consumers here who can afford to buy someting that someone here makes.
the thread is how to increase employment and it reverts to anti-free enterprise, spread the wealth, how bad the oil business is, the bad corporations, evil ceos, a call for government to punish people, and a denigration of what you say are "beneath you" available jobs. its as if you view all wealth creation to be some common trough to be divided by vote of a rabble of some slight 50.0001 percent democratic vote. who will create this wealth to be divided? no wonder theres no confidence with the current people in charge. what a relentless level of envious sloth!

lets say you wished to hire someone, would you hire someone with those attitudes? you, a person, a single person, who sweated and took a chance and started a business and missed paychecks so he could pay his suppliers and make sure the one employee he started with never missed a check, and now things are better and one of you dudes with this mentality and swagger comes with a "look down your nose with a sniff" attitude for a position and a hardly beneath the surface wonder of why the hell do you make so much, its not fair, sneer. you are going to hire him?

just how far from capitalism are you
Statements like the option will not win you many friends among the conservatives on this board. These idiots will defend the greedy CEO's to their death. Meanwhile those same CEO's are laughing at our idiots all of the way to the bank!

And unfortunately, most of those good paying American jobs are now low paying jobs overseas! The Republicans have yet to connect the dots. Quite frankly, I am not certain if Obama has made that connection yet either!

Meanwhile, Gov Good Hair will tell anyone stupid enough to pay attention that Texas is business friendly. That is code word for: we have created more minimum wage jobs with little or no benefits than any other state in the country! He is obviously proud to be leading the charge in Texas' race to the bottom!

I never thought I would say this but Good Hair makes Dubya appear to be smart! Originally Posted by bigtex
Why is it that we can't tax the crap out of the imported goods that come to us from other countries? Why can't we penalize these big corporations and close these friggin corporate tax loop holes when it comes to outsourcing jobs to other countries?

We take in more imported goods than we do shipping out our own American exports. Sigh..
  • Laz
  • 08-23-2011, 10:18 AM
Why can't we have a business environment in the US that makes companies want to stay and operate here. Just look at where businesses are moving to or choosing to operate in here in the US. Business friendly states are getting more opportunities. Apply that concept internationally and you will see the same thing. We need to be competative as a nation to attract businesses to set up operations here.
I see several factors that have hurt the US Economy and Congress had a lot to do with our present situation. Go back to 2007, small business across the country were hit with three minimum wage increases. 60% of our nations economy is made up of small business. Yes these companies usually hire people at lower wages. But consider this, small business owners were leasing retail space, buying equipment, including cars, restaurant equipment, construction materials and other items. When small business owners could no longer keep building new facilities, this had a ripple affect throughout the economy.

The wars in Iraq and Afganistan has drained our economy, the wars not only cost lives of our brave young men and women, but economic resources too.

The Federal Government saved banks, and many other companies like AIG. DUMB DUMB DUMB. If a company took risks and failed let them fail others will stand up and take their place.

Environmental laws hurt old style industries. Yes we need to be responisble and do what we can to polute less, but my goodness get a brain. We have more coal than the world has petroleum reserves, use this resource. The Gemans in WWII were converting coal to oil and that was in 1942, we have the technology to do the same and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. If we dont need their oil we can charge more for food, and we can grow more food than anyone. Food is power, let people try and eat their oil, they wont last long.

State and local governments hurt business. The local guys are hard on small business, way too hard. Again when small business is limited or the cost of doing business is too great because of state or local laws, they will not grow and they will not hire.