World population to hit 11bn in 2100 – with 70% chance of continuous rise
New study overturns 20 years of consensus on peak projection of 9bn and gradual decline

The world’s population is now odds-on to swell ever-higher for the rest of the century, posing grave challenges for food supplies, healthcare and social cohesion. A ground-breaking analysis released on Thursday shows there is a 70% chance that the number of people on the planet will rise continuously from 7bn today to 11bn in 2100.
But, you could fit the entire population of the Planet into the State of Rhode Island, and still have room for another 3 billion.

That's only about 1200 square miles.
They are fucking like rabbits...
Well, another uplifting "the-sky-is-falling" post from our resident Chicken Little.

We'll wait for the Admiral to tell us how this is all Obama's fault......
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is plenty of room, and plenty of resources. We just need to break the stranglehold the multinational corporations have on the market, and set it free to respond.
Like globalization? LOL
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is plenty of room, and plenty of resources. We just need to break the stranglehold the multinational corporations have on the market, and set it free to respond. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Those multinationals that you hate so much have produced the food that is feeding these billions of people. If we were still operating on little family farms there would starvation in places around the globe. I wish that you would get this unrealistic hate out of your head. This does not mean that they should be completely unregulated (a strawman usually used to attack conservatives) but destroyed???? You'll cause the deaths of millions at least.
Interesting how the OP's link ties into "Climate Change".

Go to The top two countries account for almost 40% of the worlds population.

JD, you were supposed to blame this on Obama. Please stop making little Timmy look like an idiot.
I agree. A romantic notion of the future in which world economies can move away from multi-national globalization AND resources can be effectively distributed to a world population of more than 11 billion.

Time will tell.

There is plenty of room, and plenty of resources. We just need to break the stranglehold the multinational corporations have on the market, and set it free to respond. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree.

Those multinationals that you hate so much have produced the food that is feeding these billions of people. If we were still operating on little family farms there would starvation in places around the globe. I wish that you would get this unrealistic hate out of your head. This does not mean that they should be completely unregulated (a strawman usually used to attack conservatives) but destroyed???? You'll cause the deaths of millions at least. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I can't imagine an alternative economic system that could possible grow, deliver to market, and prepare food and other necessary essentials to a world population that has 11 billion people - even if the global resources are available (which is doubtful).

Not to say that better (more efficient and humane) economic systems can't emerge. In the meantime, maybe Malthus was correct = That the population increase should be kept down to the level at which it can be supported by the prevailing economic systems in place.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So are you advocating abortion or sterilization, whir-LIE-turd?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So are you advocating abortion or sterilization? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
For liberals, absolutely! For every liberal who goes childless, the government should pay them 10 grand. Win-win!!
Each liberal probably does far more damage than that.
Neither. I am not advocating anything in this thread.

Keep up the good work dummy; you, Ekim and TrannyTim are 3 peas outta the same pod.

Isn't it time you bump one of my old posts, then rant Liar, liar.........

Why are you such a pathetic individual?

So are you advocating abortion or sterilization, whir-LIE-turd? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And I don't go into your threads, so stay the fuck out of my threads, unless you have something constructive to offer - cold day in hell.

Can anyone tell us when the last time Dipshit posted anything of substance ?
rioseco's Avatar
TamPage, you have awesome titts !
boardman's Avatar
There is a limit to which the Earth can sustain us.

Fortunately for some and not others, nature has a way of culling the herd. Plague, Flu, natural disasters are all part of nature's way of doing that.

World War III, if it happens, will not be about politics or religion. It will be about food and water.

Einstein said,
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
Overpopulation creates a target rich environment for Mother Nature and her arsenal of dirty tricks including disease and natural disaster. Not a pretty sight, but prosperous nations are better prepared to cope and will minimize the hit. Human avarice and greed will further thin out the ranks as we squabble over diminishing resources. In the worst case apocalyptic finale, the nation with the best submarine launched nuclear warheads will prevail, and for now we have the most and best.....for now.