legitimate Question For Biden

rexdutchman's Avatar
Legitimate question for Biden supporters : Why back Biden ,Go
sportfisherman's Avatar
There are many Biden "supporters" who are for him simply because he is not Trump.They are against Trump.Some were never Trumpers from 2016.Some are now converted never Trumpers put off by his time in office.You must acknowledge this as so.

Then there are many who prefer a more moderate president.Trump has taken us pretty far right on some things.He eschews oversite and was backed up by the Senate republicans on that.

Republicans will try to paint Biden as extremely liberal but he is not really.Now there are many fairly liberal views being touted by some Dems,mainly by House of Representatives people,but Biden will go along some in order to get elected.After that he won't be a major liberal agenda pusher.

So to answer the OP question.Vote for Biden to pull back some from the abyss that Trump has brought us to.

Trump at present is President of the United States of America.
That is all 50 states.
All cities within those states.
All people within those states.

His term is a disaster.Unemployment is terrible.The Economy is terrible.Stock market holding on but that is it.Plus the full impact economically has yet to be felt yet from Covid.His hold on the virus is non-existent.And that is central.

Trump accepts no responsibility for his failed governance.
He blames problems on "Democrat" run states,cities,and the people in them as well cause they elected democratic officials.

He is president over all this mayhem.It is his watch.

The question should be "Why would Anyone not vote for Biden ?"
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Legitimate question for Biden supporters : Why back Biden ,Go Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Because he'll fall down backwards if someone is not behind him.
Because if you are in front of him he will put his hands on your shoulders and sniff your hair.
winn dixie's Avatar
Bitten is only a cuckold of the dnc
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump is bat-shit crazy

Biden isn't
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2020, 10:10 AM
Biden is drooling Senile - Trump is not.

harris is a marxist revolutionary - same as her parents - Pence is not.
Budman's Avatar
There are many Biden "supporters" who are for him simply because he is not Trump.They are against Trump.Some were never Trumpers from 2016.Some are now converted never Trumpers put off by his time in office.You must acknowledge this as so.

Then there are many who prefer a more moderate president.Trump has taken us pretty far right on some things.He eschews oversite and was backed up by the Senate republicans on that.

Republicans will try to paint Biden as extremely liberal but he is not really.Now there are many fairly liberal views being touted by some Dems,mainly by House of Representatives people,but Biden will go along some in order to get elected.After that he won't be a major liberal agenda pusher.

So to answer the OP question.Vote for Biden to pull back some from the abyss that Trump has brought us to.

Trump at present is President of the United States of America.
That is all 50 states.
All cities within those states.
All people within those states.

His term is a disaster.Unemployment is terrible.The Economy is terrible.Stock market holding on but that is it.Plus the full impact economically has yet to be felt yet from Covid.His hold on the virus is non-existent.And that is central.

Trump accepts no responsibility for his failed governance.
He blames problems on "Democrat" run states,cities,and the people in them as well cause they elected democratic officials.

He is president over all this mayhem.It is his watch.

The question should be "Why would Anyone not vote for Biden ?" Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Anyone that blames the current economy on Trump is simply a "never trumper". All sane people know that the economy was roaring ahead full steam before covid. Placing the blame on Trump is so stupid that you have placed yourself in the same category as the squad and all other left lunatics. Biden will be controlled by the far left faction of the country. He may have been a moderate 30 years ago but today he is not in control of his positions or his faculties. Hope you enjoy the next 4.5 years of Trump.
  • Tiny
  • 08-24-2020, 10:23 AM
The question should be "Why would Anyone not vote for Biden ?" Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Because he's going to raise my taxes and also take away jobs from my friends who work in the oil and gas industry. We really don't have a good choice this year.
matchingmole's Avatar
Biden is drooling Senile - Trump is not.

harris is a marxist revolutionary - same as her parents - Pence is not. Originally Posted by oeb11

Trump is a cat ass trophe..
HedonistForever's Avatar
There are many Biden "supporters" who are for him simply because he is not Trump.They are against Trump.Some were never Trumpers from 2016.Some are now converted never Trumpers put off by his time in office.You must acknowledge this as so.

Then there are many who prefer a more moderate president.Trump has taken us pretty far right on some things.He eschews oversite and was backed up by the Senate republicans on that.

Republicans will try to paint Biden as extremely liberal but he is not really.Now there are many fairly liberal views being touted by some Dems,mainly by House of Representatives people,but Biden will go along some in order to get elected.After that he won't be a major liberal agenda pusher.

So to answer the OP question.Vote for Biden to pull back some from the abyss that Trump has brought us to.

Trump at present is President of the United States of America.
That is all 50 states.
All cities within those states.
All people within those states.

His term is a disaster.Unemployment is terrible.The Economy is terrible.Stock market holding on but that is it.Plus the full impact economically has yet to be felt yet from Covid.His hold on the virus is non-existent.And that is central.

Trump accepts no responsibility for his failed governance.
He blames problems on "Democrat" run states,cities,and the people in them as well cause they elected democratic officials.

He is president over all this mayhem.It is his watch.

The question should be "Why would Anyone not vote for Biden ?" Originally Posted by sportfisherman

You say Trump has taken us far right on some things. Can you give us a couple of examples please.

You say Biden is only going along with the far left to win the election but will snub them when elected. Turning on the people that got you elected is a recipe for disaster. I disagree with your assumption. I think Biden has actually accepted as his own many of the far left proposals. One of us will be proven right very quickly I predict.

You say he blames problems on Democrat run states and cities. Who is to blame on how a state or city is run if not the Democrat Gov. and Mayors and by extension, the people who voted them into office. That sounds like irrational thinking to me. Of course they are to blame for any failures just like you are blaming Trump for his supposed failures. What is the difference?
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2020, 10:59 AM
What is the diffeence ? - it is that the Marxist DPST's care nothing for facts - they are guided only by TDS, Trump hate, and the LSM Marxist narrative.

Biden is an Harris placeholder - no More - she is a Marxist revolutionary - to whom the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and Bill Of Rights are anathema to her marxist thugocracy - once she disarms America.

Harris - it ain't happening other than from my cold, dead, hands - and with me many , many marxist idiots.

If Beta Beto thinks he will take Middle America's weapons - Beta beto will find out No - it won't happen peacefully - the hard way.

Harris is fomenting civil War!
The only thing that has derailed what has been a great 3 1/2 years is a virus unleashed on the world by the communist regime in China.

Biden would do nothing different than President Trump in regards to the virus. In fact, he would probably do less, since he is in the first stages of age related dementia.

If you are even contemplating voting Democrat, you are a fukin’ idiot.
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2020, 11:03 AM
Biden had a similar situation under Obama - the H1N1 swine flu virus - which they mis-managed totally and completely.

And what lessons were learned - None!!!
sportfisherman's Avatar
I know there has been a virus which would have challenged any president.I do not Blame Trump for the virus itself.

What he is Responsible for is his mis-handling of it.Which has contributed to our unemployment situation,our economy,and our unprecedented debt he has bestowed on us and our children.Not to mention the medical aspect,the deaths.

I have not questioned any board posters sanity or intellect.

Taxes need raising on Corporations and the top earners who got tax breaks under Trump.Hopefully Tiny be in the middle and get a tax break instead of being fucked under Trump's deal.

I gave example in my post ; here is some more.
1.Eschewing oversite by the legislative branch.Ignoring subpoenas.Ignoring and firing Inspectors General.
2.Interfering in the DOJ.That should be separate from the Executive.
3.Interfering in the Intel community ; the FBI,CIA,NSC,etc.Firing and re-structuring to get rid of anyone who doesn't follow Trumpism.
4.Interfering in the CDC and FDA.Again to get people and voices to adhere to Trump.
5.Re-directing defense department money to a border wall.
6.More executive orders than any president in history.

These are right wing characteristics of too much executive.You may rationalize that it is in our countries good.But it pushes Constitutional government to the side.

Too much Trump and too much Russia for me.

Biden will not snub them completely.They will choose a couple of things to pursue while other hot topics will go by the wayside.

Again Trump is president of USA.Ultimately what goes on in our cities and states is on him.Did FDR blame the Governor of Hawaii or the mayor of Honolulu for Pearl Harbor ? I don't think so.

I don't want a king.I want someone that respects our form of government that has stood us well for over 200 years.

Trump passed one thing conventionally through legislation ; his tax bill. That's it.

I am a Never Trumper ! Proud of it. Still am.
Was not and am not fooled.
Budman's Avatar
I know there has been a virus which would have challenged any president.I do not Blame Trump for the virus itself.

What he is Responsible for is his mis-handling of it.Which has contributed to our unemployment situation,our economy,and our unprecedented debt he has bestowed on us and our children.Not to mention the medical aspect,the deaths.

I have not questioned any board posters sanity or intellect.

Taxes need raising on Corporations and the top earners who got tax breaks under Trump.Hopefully Tiny be in the middle and get a tax break instead of being fucked under Trump's deal.

I gave example in my post ; here is some more.
1.Eschewing oversite by the legislative branch.Ignoring subpoenas.Ignoring and firing Inspectors General.
Inspectors General work at the pleasure of the POTUS. Obama's people ignored subpoenas as well.

2.Interfering in the DOJ.That should be separate from the Executive.
Obama weaponized the FBI and DOJ against Trump. Trump has every right to root out the Obama leftovers that are still trying to target him.

3.Interfering in the Intel community ; the FBI,CIA,NSC,etc.Firing and re-structuring to get rid of anyone who doesn't follow Trumpism.
See above answers.

4.Interfering in the CDC and FDA.Again to get people and voices to adhere to Trump.
5.Re-directing defense department money to a border wall.
All perfectly legal.

6.More executive orders than any president in history.
Wrong. Clinton, Obama and Bush all had more EO's.

These are right wing characteristics of too much executive.You may rationalize that it is in our countries good.But it pushes Constitutional government to the side.

Too much Trump and too much Russia for me.
HRC was more in bed with the Russians than Trump ever thought of.

Biden will not snub them completely.They will choose a couple of things to pursue while other hot topics will go by the wayside.

Again Trump is president of USA.Ultimately what goes on in our cities and states is on him.Did FDR blame the Governor of Hawaii or the mayor of Honolulu for Pearl Harbor ? I don't think so.
So you somehow decided that Trump is responsible for the riots going on in the country? The democrats that run those cities are screaming bloody murder about Trump even thinking about sending in the national guard. These riots are just part of the left wing of the democratic party.

I don't want a king.I want someone that respects our form of government that has stood us well for over 200 years.
That is what you have in Trump. Someone who's loves this country.

Trump passed one thing conventionally through legislation ; his tax bill. That's it.

I am a Never Trumper ! Proud of it. Still am.
Was not and am not fooled. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Biden is a swamp creature that has lost in mind.