Appointments vs Arrangements....

Guest102312's Avatar
Which would you choose?

I have a mixture of the both and I like both. Here lately I have been leaning more toward the arrangements.

I find the arrangements to be a little more personal then just fly by your seat appointments which are nice and of course the known factor.

I however find the fly by the seats to be very erotic (which I have been craving a lot here lately). Something sexy about coming in using me and leaving......yummy!!!

So now I ask which one and why do you choose over the other!!!
Arrangements I think over the long term become better value -- not just money-wise of course, but in terms of learning more about what the other likes and developing as something that is more mutual to both parties. That said, outside of some personal friendships I've never entered an arrangement with a provider, so I may not entirely get what is expected and given in return.

But I do agree... appointments as you put them are hot -- there's something that turns me on know that I'm going to enter, do the dead and leave. It's a little business like, but variety is the spice of life, and I do like me some variety.
nuglet's Avatar
Valaeg said. "....I'm going to enter, do the dead and leave..".
Are you friends with Dr. Bayardo? (county coroner)..
To each his own...
Jus' messin' with ya bud..
Passion2015's Avatar
I have to agree with you for some meetings just depends on the lady. There are the few that I have to make appointments with because of our schedules. Bit the arrangement and the use and abuse can be erotic and orgasmic. Just saying))
Valaeg said. "....I'm going to enter, do the dead and leave..".
Are you friends with Dr. Bayardo? (county coroner)..
To each his own...
Jus' messin' with ya bud.. Originally Posted by nuglet
Ahahaha... if only I could claim that was on purpose. Next you know I'll post in the requests forums looking for a corpse provider.

I dont believe we have a choice in the matter as you hold all the cards. I have only one provider that has ever strayed from the showcase agreement.And guess who I'm thinking of on payday?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Ahahaha... if only I could claim that was on purpose. Next you know I'll post in the requests forums looking for a corpse provider.

/facepalm Originally Posted by Valaeg

You might be in luck. I believe there are a few BP providers who have been compared to a corpse.


I prefer arrangements, not just because it's always thursdays at 6PM, but because knowing that time should stay reserved makes it easier for women to show up. Not all my arrangement meetings are so regular. Things come up, and we need to reschedule. Other times, we may decide to get together on the spur. I've had women with whom I had standing arrangements meet me at a secluded words exchanged, just a stranger who happened to be passing by.. or she leaves the hotel room door unlocked... There are ways and ways to make it exciting.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-01-2012, 04:24 PM
I prefer arrangements, not just because it's always thursdays at 6PM, but because knowing that time should stay reserved makes it easier for women to show up. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I agree completely!

(Of course, I do apologize to all those gentlemen who wanted to schedule an appointment at the shared incall at that particular day and time, as it was never available! And for the few times that I caused you to have your scheduled appointment rescheduled... )

I find myself considering arrangements more and more. There is an element of fun in the hunt and meeting a beauty for the first time, but I suppose something in me is calling for more consistency and known intimacy. Or maybe I'm growing increasingly weary of trying to hunt and schedule, just to end up with no appointment and continue the hunt.

Alas, an arrangement can only be had if I'm in town consistently enough to build rapport with a lady (or two) to make an arrangement... And to keep the arrangement. Would suck if I had commitment issues in a non-relationship arrangement because I'm out of town often. Hah!
Grecco's Avatar
I personally wish I could afford to make arrangements. If I know and like someone I prefer to see them rather than taking my chances with someone I do not know. Sadly I don't have the funds to do so and if I did my schedule will always conflict with most of the ladies. There has been only two ladies with whom I never had schedule conflicts. Anyway that is my opinion.
I think arrangement's are always nice. I have thought about it a few times with some of my regulars that I enjoy seeing...or miss seeing due to their work schedule. I am always open to considering an arrangement. It's is always nice too, as Maci mentioned to have a stray appt. here and there
the_tall_texan's Avatar
I think an arrangement is a great idea. Building a rapport and getting to know each other would be fun. It also reduces the risks to both parties - which is the flip side of the "use 'em and leave 'em" excitement.

That being said, the one girl I tried to make an arrangement with burned me for the first month's $$ after our first meeting. Seemed like bad business as we had been having pseudo-monthly appointments for several months prior. Soooo, I'm a little leery of trying again.
Arrangements, appointments, appointments, say potato I say potata, you say tomato I say tomata....potato potata tomato tomata arrangements appointments-

let's call the whole thing off...
budman33's Avatar
Appointments is too much clock watching even if there is no clock to watch. I'm aware of the time, and suspect she's aware of the time so we do our thing and miraculously they usually end just before or after the hour even if neither of us checks a clock.

arrangements are generally more laid back and go 45 minutes to 4 hours. More fun, Less "well talking is fun but we better get to it" and More "lets do it again!". I imagine for the ladies it is a little more relaxed not waiting for the phone to ring to see what her day is going to be like.
Appointments are great for taking care of a craving and getting back to real world. Arrangements are great for bang for buck and enjoying a gettaway, whether its for a few hours or a few days. Sometimes it comes down to a matter of time. When I had arrangements, plus so sometimes time becomes an issue. With appointments I can make them when I'm in the mood and be done when I'm done. With arrangements it becomes almost like dating at times because you might spend a whole day with them and sometimes I have more important or pressing things to do but it's hard to get a away without offending.

Time constraints only real downside to arrangements, many pluses especially on long bcd days.