Old but interesting read about Beaumont

I know this is old news about the closing but figured this would be an interesting read, the detail that goes on, I assume they have enough to read ROS? I haven't even had a chance to review anything lately, but probably won't if I find something good. Last to stone & spa reviews were weird too about heat

This is why I only dream of going to any of these places. That place in the article was bad. They didn't even pretend to offer a massage. They stated they didn't do massage only relaxation. This confused me when I went once and after I realized what was going on I stayed away. The standard amps don't offer prostition like tulip was hiding. I stop going to amps if they ask for extra money to do anything. That's illegal. As when I dreamed of Ancient, never did money ever come up. I got a great massage.
wish they were more places like these