The war on radical Islam getting close

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As they say about strange bedfellows, Anonymous, Bill Maher, and Nicolas Kristof have declared war on radical Islamic terrorists. Nice to have new friends.
The president of Egypt gave a great talk recognizing the need for Islam to change. A speech he may well be killed for making. Of course Obama had backed the Muslim brotherhood against him
General Sisi kicks ass... he's the opposite of the ISIS
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We will see if the French wake up and come to the understanding that being occupied by the Islamists may become worse than the occupation by the Nazis. The again, there may be little difference.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
General Sisi kicks ass... he's the opposite of the ISIS Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I hope he is able to last!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We will see if the French wake up and come to the understanding that being occupied by the Islamists may become worse than the occupation by the Nazis. The again, there may be little difference. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Why do you give a fuck about France, twodipshits?

I haven't seen a positive or constructive post from you ... Ever.

just bitch and moan about your personal challenges and grump about everybody else in the world.

Got therapy?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Sad, but you really have no clue.