meeting place

morenankc's Avatar
hey guys what are your thoughts: youre going to see a provider at a hotel with a cafe/restaurant; how would you feel about meeting the provider in the cafe/restaurant first before heading up to the room(seprately)?
john_galt's Avatar
I suppose what you say over coffee can be just as incriminating as in a room and public. Too bad we can't set up safe houses in the area.
I have done this, and enjoy doing it. There has been discussion about this before...usually ending up in a disagreement over whether or not this is gratis, full hourly rate, or somewhere in between.

I will say that I know of a provider who was busted at a its probably not any more safe than any other route.
KCQuestor's Avatar
If it is the provider's request than I would consider it s part of the screening process, which is the provider's responsibility and her time. If it were my request, then I'd expect to pay for her time.
Redwolf's Avatar
I do like this idea. There is a powerful feeling in the anticipation of being with someone who is very attractrive. It can be a tease. It can be sweet. It can be naughty. It can be exhiiarating.

I don't remember whose web site it was. But there is one provider who has a long list of potential date activities, from movies to half-day hikes to water-skiing. Each one listed has a rate. She looked like she really liked to have fun and I thought that it was pretty hot.

The following concern is well-stated:
I have done this, and enjoy doing it. There has been discussion about this before...usually ending up in a disagreement over whether or not this is gratis, full hourly rate, or somewhere in between. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
  • rayc
  • 08-24-2010, 12:50 PM
I'd be okay with it in and of itself, but there's the tricky stuff other's mentioned. Maybe if you offer to spend a few dollars on a drink for the guy (come on, it's just a couple bucks anyway, and a guy like me might even decide to get you one too) when you bring it up over the phone and maybe not count it toward the actual "date time". Seems like it wouldn't get you anything from a legal standpoint, and if it does turn out to be a sting or something there would probably be a bigger audience when the badges come out, but if it turns out to be someone dangerous that audience could be a good thing. Sounds like you just need to sort out some details.
Guest061019's Avatar
I like this idea a lot. I know this will extend the time of the meeting, but it would feel much more like a "date" and not just an "Encounter."
If I was on the fence about a provider, and she offered this kind of service, at no additional charge it would seal the deal for sure. I would love to see it as an option. Maybe $25-$30 for a a quick flirty drink (10 to 20min).
I'm not a high volume customer. I do lots of research and make my selection, weighing lots of variables. This is all about fantasy, for me. The more interaction and connection I make the more I enjoy my visit and the more likely I am to return.
morenankc's Avatar
sounds like you guys are on the same page with me, as far as it being on "my time", and me buying the drinks and what-not, I do realize Its still risky, but I was just thinking it'd be a nice change of pace from "the usual", and as was stated, good for screening, as well as maybe give me a bit of an "edge"...the only thing i cant figure out is what if someone was in a hurry...i guess we coud make it 10 min or so...thanks for all ur feedback!
JRLawrence's Avatar
I like this idea a lot. I know this will extend the time of the meeting, but it would feel much more like a "date" and not just an "Encounter."
The more interaction and connection I make the more I enjoy my visit and the more likely I am to return. Originally Posted by BullDog211
I always like a meeting to get to know someone. You can look them in the eyes and read what they are really like. Does she present a danger to you, or is she OK. Try to make a friend first. If you get a bad feeling, you can always walk away from the situation, and just tip her for the coffee time. LE is less likely to take the time for small talk, and the greedy pimp is always in a hurry.

If you can't get a positive feeling about a person, is it worth the risk? After all, until you have the first few moments alone; you don't really know what is going to happen. Have a little patience and check each other out. This is much more important than all the background checks you think you have; but, you really don't have anything until you meet.

swarmyone's Avatar
Depending on the enviroment and the people involved, it could draw unwanted attention. If you see a middle age white guy meet up with a stunning, hot ass, 20 year old...what do you think? Especially if the bartender has seen that same hot ass 20 year old meet have "drinks" with several other old white guys over the past few days.

Not saying its a bad idea, but its something to consider.
Guest061019's Avatar
Depending on the enviroment and the people involved, it could draw unwanted attention. If you see a middle age white guy meet up with a stunning, hot ass, 20 year old...what do you think? Especially if the bartender has seen that same hot ass 20 year old meet have "drinks" with several other old white guys over the past few days.

Not saying its a bad idea, but its something to consider. Originally Posted by swarmyone
I didn't really take this into consideration....
I guess the ladies would have to vary their meeting places. Some possible places are a bar, coffee shop, restaurant, park, even out for ice cream, The places wouldn't have to be extravagant it could be as simple as a park bench on the plaza. As long as both parties look professional (business casual), and don't draw excessive attention to themselves and show any public displays of affection. We are just talking about a quick meet and greet. I see sales people having meetings in these locations all the time. The keys are discretion and professionalism. The great thing about this from a provider perspective is if she doesn't like what she sees or the gentleman doesn't look or act correctly she can just walk away and vice versa.

Again, I suggest this as an "Option" not as standard operating procedure. There are a lot of guys, and providers, that wouldn't want to hassle with all of this.
So what is the best way to get verified? I'm pretty picky and the last few I have tried to see one I sent home with gas money and another watched a football game with me. So now I have found on that I would love to see and she needs to verify me, any suggestions?
It's why I prefer outcall to my home. I enjoy entertaining, always have wine, beer or mixed drinks available. A limited amount of time visiting over a drink always relaxes and makes the entire encounter more enjoyable.
I get invited to meet for dinner, drinks and conversation a lot. Personally it's not something I'm interested in unless it's someone that I've already met.
I find it hard to talk about things in a public setting and sometimes come off as quiet, whereas in a private setting I feel more free to open up.
I know some of you are probably chuckling at the thought of me being shy and quiet.
john_galt's Avatar
I suppose if a lady had a kit including business cards, letter head, and brochures that would be noticeably visible to anyone passing by. That would explain the meetings in a bar or restaraunt.