**Check this out !!** you believe in UFOs? Video link inside ;)

Harley*Jayden's Avatar
I was just browsing and seen this .. want to know your input do you believe??

I think I would freak out seeing something like that just flying around our skys letting us know its their
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 10-14-2010, 05:44 PM
If this is the same story I just watched on the news, those are balloons some kids gave their teacher.....but I am known to be wrong....
lets hope so Fawn...for mans sake
daltxm4f's Avatar
We are here because we heard Earth girls are easy.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
My thoughts on UFOs. It is simple. When I was a kid, someone told me the Universe is infinite. We do not know where it ends or starts. You have a guy who holds Isaac Newton's seat at one of the most prestigious universities on the planet who will not discount life on other planets or the blackhole theory. Oy yea, he is in a wheelchair and speaks with a computer. His name is Stephen Hawking. So with that said, I think it is impossible to discount the fact that we are alone. I just cannot believe that earth is the only fortunate planet to have life form. It is out there, but not visible. Just the other day I read that they found another planet. Not a star, but a planet. they were looking at it for years and determined that it in fact has water. It is far enough from the sun to sustain life as well. Crazy. There is no way we are alone. Infinite is a term that one cannot grasp or comprehend. How do you define a term like that. There are more stars then grains of sand that align the beaches of this planet. I just do not want to be abducted.
gucio's Avatar
  • gucio
  • 10-14-2010, 11:06 PM
He indeed said that but when you realize the enormous distances involved and since Einstein's Special theory has not been invalidated, contact is impossible.
It is not a matter of technology either.
Let's say you stand on a planet that's 500 light years away from us with an incredibly powerful telescope, you'd see Columbus sailing across the Atlantic.

The nearest supernova is 150 light years away, so when we see an image we see what it looked like 150 years ago, it may disappear tomorrow and we would not know it for 150 years, try two way communication with someone that far ! 300 years round trip for a single exchange. Helloooo! 300 years later, who's there ?

Travel Time

The Voyager 1 spacecraft is on an interstellar mission. It is traveling away from the Sun at a rate of 17.3 km/s. If Voyager were to travel to Proxima Centauri, at this rate, it would take over 73,000 years to arrive. If we could travel at the speed of light, an impossibility due to Special Relativity, it would still take 4.22 years to arrive!

( Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to Earth other than our sun, 17.3 km/s is approx 38,540 MPH )
TexRich's Avatar
You have a guy who holds Isaac Newton's seat at one of the most prestigious universities on the planet who will not discount life on other planets or the blackhole theory. Oy yea, he is in a wheelchair and speaks with a computer. His name is Stephen Hawking. Just the other day I read that they found another planet. Not a star, but a planet. they were looking at it for years and determined that it in fact has water. It is far enough from the sun to sustain life as well. Crazy. Originally Posted by Nitwitboy

Stephen Hawking also mentioned if there were alien life form, then it would most likely they would be nefarious and we probably shouldn't try to make contact with them because they would most likely be significantly more intelligent and would view us as nothing more than ants in an ant pile and they would be like us and could easily crush us or kill us without much thought. they would also be looking to use our planet for their own benefit and see killing us a as a means to an end.

just look at any so called civilized country in the past when they decided to expand and colonize other people who were less superior and less intelligent. those that were colonized seemed to always get fucked and not in a good way.

as far as that planet you mentioned, there have been several so called "goldilocks zone planets" (is a planet that falls within a star's habitable zone) believed to contain water but never confirmed. there is always some catch like the planet is the size of saturn, the planet has a rotation that sometimes gets too close or too far away at times because its has a elliptical orbit, and not to mention its only billions or trillions of light years away and it would take generations for us to get there if we could ever build a ship that could travel that far. so no wonder the aliens that have already invented the technology to visit us would look at us as nothing more than morons and perhaps potential slaves or experiment worthy.