Neat app for those who just want to know what is around them

"aroundme" is a droid app that based on your gps location will tell you what bars, pubs, hotels, stores, theatres, restaurants, etc.... what is listed around you, how far and pull up a map to them.

useful for those who travel
I want a Droid app that tells me what providers are near by.
I want a Droid app that tells me what providers are near by. Originally Posted by SR Only
I do not see that happening since it would make VICE's job more easier.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I am working on a new start-up company with the next killer app for the iphone and other mobile devices.

The basic idea is to give you a reading on which nearby girls are "in the mood" by monitoring pupil dilation, vaginal hydration and other parameters I am not yet ready to disclose for fear of patent infringement.

If you could take all these variables, rank them and reduce them to a read out where a high number indicates she is in the zone, I think the stock on this company would zoom higher than Google!

I think that maybe around $500,000 should be enough start-up capital.

Of course, all the nooky would just be incentive gravy for the programmers working for me!
