Too Hot To See Again??

Ok ladies . . . I know this may sound a bit, well . . . far-fetched ~ but I just gotta ask. Have you ever had a client that you were so attracted to or maybe even had only one encounter with - that caused you to avoid him (or consider it) because you were "too" attracted to him?

I know, I know - you've seen all types but maybe, there was that one sexy guy that really shocked you when you opened the door. So much so - maybe you thought upon first seeing him -"WTF is a guy like that doing here? This guy shouldn't have any problems whatsoever getting women/sex." Then after the session you felt handled sooo right,
that it made you feel something feminine that you haven't felt in a long while. Maybe making you think "Damn I can't wait for visit number two", yet at the same time,"I'm really not certain if I wanna know this guy"? I mean this guy really ROCKED your world.

Despite the donation - you were left feeling like that shy lil' school girl who just scored with the most admired hunk on campus and wondered if he'd come back for seconds or if you were just something he was curious about? I'll hang up and listen.
Jasser's Avatar
Judging by the amount of views and lack of responses, I would say no, lol. In my experience, most of the ladies have their guard up because they've experienced it all with us assholes.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I know I don't have to worry about this one. lol
elgato111's Avatar
Does the term "business" mean anything? That's what hobbying is for the girls, business and only business.
The truth of the matter is - most of us are not this guy (obviously). But great or perceptive providers understand that the key to getting us to come back often and more generously - is by making many of us feel like we are this guy.

Sometimes it doesn't even take faking the funk, or an orgasm (I really meant "funk". In the hood it means pretending you're really into something that you're not).

In fact many times, all it takes is the way your/provider eyes sparkle or the way you look directly in ours with a smile that feels genuine and says, "Hey friend, I'm really glad you came by. Now let's fuck!"
Bobster36's Avatar
It's has happened to me w/3 providers. I've repeated 2/3 of them. But I have to keep my distance or I'll fall for them. And it seems pretty obvious that they weren't really interested in OTC nonsexual activities.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
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PoppyToyota's Avatar

In fact many times, all it takes is the way your/provider eyes sparkle or the way you look directly in ours with a smile that feels genuine and says, "Hey friend, I'm really glad you came by. Now let's fuck!"
Originally Posted by Reeltalk
You know I think this one paragraph would get a lady a lot of repeat business if we(guys) could find this in a session!
CenterLock's Avatar
Somewhere this did a flip from "Ok ladies..." to "Ok guys..." Can't picture "one time" doing it for any of the ladies I've seen here or elsewhere. Sure I guess it's possible... but I just can't see it.
I wouldn't say too hot that I wouldn't see again, as hot doesn't make me turn a client away. Now BO/funk? That makes me turn someone down EVERY time. LOL! Remember, smelly FIRST IMPRESSIONS last FOREVER.
Ok Alyssa, not quite the response I was looking for. Lol! But thanx.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I wasn't aware your nose has such a smellographic memory Alyssa. lol
OMG I'm sure you guys remember the same. Would you be with a provider that in your first session stunk? I'm going to bet that the answer is no......
CenterLock's Avatar
Game, set and match must go to the lovely Alyssa on that one, Poppy.

Don't matter - male or female - first impressions and funk both last forever.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
It was meant as a joke...I don't blame any lady or gentleman for not wanting to see a smelly person.