Sloth Fetterman: Protecting Criminals Instead of the Public

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Sloth Fetterman: My Top Priority is Ending Life in Prison Without Parole for Convicted Criminals

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D), running against Dr. Mehmet Oz for the state’s open United States Senate seat, has said that his top priority is ending life in prison without the possibility of parole for convicted criminals.

During an interview with Jason Flom on the Righteous Convictions podcast in November 2021, Fetterman named ending life without parole for convicted criminals as his priority above all other issues facing Pennsylvanians.

The interview went as follows:

FLOM: If you had a magic wand and you could wave it and fix one thing, what would it be? [Emphasis added]

FETTERMAN: Life without parole in Pennsylvania. We could save billions in revenue in long term, we could save thousands of lives, and not make anyone less safe. And also, [it] expunges many permanent records of people that have been living their best lives and have been paying well beyond when they should have for a charge that they caught 10, 15, 20 years ago. [Emphasis added]

The remarks come as Fetterman’s jailbreak initiatives have come to light as he faces Oz in the state’s highly contested Senate race.

Fetterman, as Breitbart News reported, has overseen the release of 13 convicted murderers while heading the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons. Likewise, one of Fetterman’s appointees to the board sought to end mandatory life without parole sentences for first and second-degree murderers.

In 2021, Fetterman advocated for eliminating the state’s mandatory life without parole sentence for suspects convicted of second-degree murder.

“It is not justice for most of these people to be serving the same sentence as the Tree of Life shooter who murdered 11 people in their synagogue,” Fetterman said of ending mandatory life without parole sentences. “It doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t make us any safer, and it isn’t what justice would ask of us.”

In 2019, Fetterman successfully lobbied the Board of Pardons to eliminate application fees for convicts seeking pardons. Also that year, Fetterman hired two former inmates convicted of murder who had their life sentences commuted by Gov. Tom Wolf (D).
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Today from Citizens for Sanity in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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in today's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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INSANE: Democrat Sloth Fetterman says if he had a magic wand to “fix one thing,” he would end “life without parole” for MURDERERS.

Fetterman claims it would “not make anyone less safe.”

... Your "BEST Democrat choice for the Senate!" ...

Fetterman's campaigning song should be "Stayin' Alive"...

NOT for him - but for all Pennsylvanians who have to live here
once he releases all the criminals. ...

#### Salty
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Sloth Fetterman voted to pardon multiple murderers and advocated for releasing one-third of PA’s inmate population.

He wants to put criminal first, not PA families

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Must watch video - this is what Sloth Fetterman has wrought
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Sloth Fetterman is out with a new ad today claiming it’s “false” that he supports releasing one-third of Pennsylvania’s inmates.

That’s news to everyone with eyes and ears since Fetterman is literally on tape calling for exactly that.

In total, Fetterman has advocated for releasing one-third of Pennsylvania’s inmates — or 12,000 convicts — at least 11 times:

2020: Fetterman said “1/3 of the prisoners in PA state prisons” could be released and “we wouldn’t be any less safe.”

2020: Fetterman again said "we could release a third our inmates and not make anyone less safe.”

2020: Fetterman tweeted “we absolutely must” “reduce our prison population by 1/3.”

2020: Fetterman excitedly claimed Pennsylvania “could release a third of our inmates.”

2020: Fetterman tweeted “we could reduce our state prison population by 1/3.”

2020: Fetterman tweeted “we could relaxes [sic] 1/3 of our inmates, make us *no* less safe.”

2020: Fetterman said “I agree … we could reduce our prison population by a third and not make anyone less safe in Pennsylvania.”

2020: Fetterman said “we could reduce our prison population by a third.”

2020: Fetterman told Pennlive “the state could cut its inmate population by one-third.”

2020: Fetterman said “we could release a third of our prison population and not make us any less safe.”

2021: Fetterman “I agree … we could release one-third of our inmate population and not make anyone less safe.”

Bottom line: Fetterman wants to release one-third of inmates, and that’s a fact.
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Spotted in today’s Harrisburg, PA Patriot-News

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John Fetterman: My Top Priority is Ending Life in Prison Without Parole for Convicted Criminals

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D), running against Dr. Mehmet Oz for the state’s open United States Senate seat, has said that his top priority is ending life in prison without the possibility of parole for convicted criminals.

During an interview with Jason Flom on the Righteous Convictions podcast in November 2021, Fetterman named ending life without parole for convicted criminals as his priority above all other issues facing Pennsylvanians.
... Your "BEST Democrat choice for the Senate!" ...

Fetterman's campaigning song should be "Stayin' Alive"...

NOT for him - but for all Pennsylvanians who have to live here
once he releases all the criminals. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Come on man, I get a kick out of watching him talk to himself.
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Sloth Fetterman pushed to free man convicted of fatally shooting, stabbing victim

John Fetterman successfully pushed for the early release of a man convicted of murdering a Pittsburgh man.

Fetterman, who oversees the state’s Board of Pardons, voted in August 2019 to grant a public hearing for Raymond Johnson, who was sentenced to life in prison after he was convicted of first-degree and second-degree murder in a 1973 York County slaying.

Johnson was accused of luring his victim to a woman’s house, shooting the man with a sawed-off shotgun before stabbing him to death, robbing him of his belongings and disposing the body alongside accomplice Kenneth Wayne Smith, who was also convicted of first-degree murder in the killing.
Johnson is only one of several individuals convicted of first-degree murder that Fetterman has recommended for commutation.