Senile Biden's Gestapo Strikes Again

berryberry's Avatar
Now Senile Biden has his private Gestapo (aka the corrupt FBI) tracking down private citizens who dared question the 2020 election. Democrats prove themselves to be fucking fascists on a daily basis now

FBI Tracks Down Mike Lindell On Hunting Trip, Surrounds His Car And Seizes Cell Phone

Prominent Trump supporter and 2020 election integrity skeptic Mike Lindell says he was stopped by the FBI Tuesday and had his cell phone seized.

While heading home from a hunting trip with a friend, Lindell said he was at a Hardees in Minnesota when "cars pulled up in front of us, to the side of us and behind us, and I said 'they're either bad guys or the FBI,'" he said. "Well, it turns out they were the FBI.
berryberry's Avatar
Nobody should feel good about these Stalinist efforts from the politicized, corrupt FBI. NOBODY. But I suspect we will have the usual brain dead libtards cheering this

The only law Mike Lindell could have broken was being close to President Trump. Liberals call conservatives threats to democracy and then cheer when government intelligence agencies seize the phone of a guy who does nothing but sell pillows

What's the legal basis for suggesting someone who opposed certifying Biden electors was/is a crime? What is the code violated? How does that square with the First Amendment's right to protest?
berryberry's Avatar
I suspect this is next

rmg_35's Avatar
The election denying lying ass piece of shit got exactly what he deserved. Hanging around coordinating rallys with Tina Peters. Just like all the other warrants and subpoenas that went out to the jackasses that have been kiss the tangerine turds ass and pushing his lies and bullshit.

You hang around and conduct business with criminals, you gonna get burned. The real cheaters and election fraud and fraud claims have come from the tRumptards.
chizzy's Avatar
The election denying lying ass piece of shit got exactly what he deserved. Hanging around coordinating rallys with Tina Peters. Just like all the other warrants and subpoenas that went out to the jackasses that have been kiss the tangerine turds ass and pushing his lies and bullshit.

You hang around and conduct business with criminals, you gonna get burned. The real cheaters and election fraud and fraud claims have come from the tRumptards. Originally Posted by rmg_35
when the FBI is politicalized and you think that is okay, you are blinded by your polictical views. your avatar fits you well in terms of being incapable of logic just blind hatred
berryberry's Avatar
Nobody should feel good about these Stalinist efforts from the politicized, corrupt FBI. NOBODY. But I suspect we will have the usual brain dead libtards cheering this
Originally Posted by berryberry
Nailed it !

In other corrupt FBI news, it was revealed late last night that the FBI paid a Russian to lie to them in order to investigate and undermine a duly elected president.
rmg_35's Avatar
when the FBI is politicalized and you think that is okay, you are blinded by your polictical views. your avatar fits you well in terms of being incapable of logic just blind hatred Originally Posted by chizzy
Sorry that your unwilling to except and see that these criminals need to held accountable for their crimes. They need to be exposed for what they are...criminals. it's nice to see that the January 6th insurrectionists are continuing to be rounded up, charged, and put in jail for their crimes. It's taking a little longer for some of the others, but their times is coming.

Sorry if that gets you upset.
berryberry's Avatar
Sorry that your unwilling to except and see that these criminals need to held accountable for their crimes. Originally Posted by rmg_35
And just what crime did Mike Lindell commit?

What's the legal basis for suggesting someone who opposed certifying Biden electors is a crime?

What is the code violated?

Come on - answer the questions with actual facts instead of hatred filled unhinged BS

chizzy's Avatar
Sorry that your unwilling to except and see that these criminals need to held accountable for their crimes. They need to be exposed for what they are...criminals. it's nice to see that the January 6th insurrectionists are continuing to be rounded up, charged, and put in jail for their crimes. It's taking a little longer for some of the others, but their times is coming.

Sorry if that gets you upset. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Oh well then crimi also need to be held accountable.. u mean like the rioters in Portland and minn. That the vp started a gofund me account to get them freed and let go? U mean Hillary wiping her phones and servers and not charged? I could keep going if u like. You sir are a one sided blind to the truth person whose hatred blinds u from logic. Pathetic in so many ways.
rmg_35's Avatar
Who ever said I was against the roiters in Portland and Minn. They should be held accountable too. I'm not for the vp gofund me account for them. Hillary testified, unlike tRump. She's an idiot for what she did with her phone and emails. So your statement doesn't make sense.

I have been more outspoken about people who are trying to undermine democracy and free and fair elections with conspiracy lies and bullshit. May tRumptatds seem to be blinded and one sided in your logic and defense of tRump and all his cronies.

Lindell has pushed this election lie bullshit and has try to undermine democracy. His phone was confiscated because of his dealings with Tina Peters who is accused of tampering with the voting machines in Colorado and Lindell displayed information from those machines at a rally. Lindell also had text exchanges with Kylie Kremer on January 4th about tRumps plans to send the protesters/insurrection rioters to the Capitol or supreme court on January 6th. He being sued by Dominion for defamation because of all his false claims and bullshit that have all been disproven in court. Funny how some talk about hate-filled bs.
rmg_35's Avatar
I personally find tRumptards are totally blinded by logic and blinded by the truth and continually fooled by his cronies like Mike Lindell. That truly is pathetic.
berryberry's Avatar
And just what crime did Mike Lindell commit?

What's the legal basis for suggesting someone who opposed certifying Biden electors is a crime?

What is the code violated?

Come on - answer the questions with actual facts instead of hatred filled unhinged BS
Originally Posted by berryberry
Notice he still didn't answer the question. He just bloviated with more hate filled lunacy and provided no legal basis and did not identify any crime committed
rmg_35's Avatar
Some is the cell phones taken by the fbi:

Rudy Giuliani
Victoria Toensing
Michael McDonald
Scott Perry
John Eastman
Jeff Clark
Boris Epshteyn
Mike Roman
Mike Lindell

And just a reminder, the FBI can’t seize any of them without probable cause they contain evidence of a crime. That’s a whole lot of criming going on and it all points in one direction, tRump. So we can let the fbi answer your question. My post pointed to some of the bullshit Lindell has been involved with continuing to spread tRump lies that the election was stolen from him.
berryberry's Avatar
Some is the cell phones taken by the fbi:

Rudy Giuliani
Victoria Toensing
Michael McDonald
Scott Perry
John Eastman
Jeff Clark
Boris Epshteyn
Mike Roman
Mike Lindell

And just a reminder, the FBI can’t seize any of them without probable cause they contain evidence of a crime. That’s a whole lot of criming going on and it all points in one direction, tRump. So we can let the fbi answer your question. My post pointed to some of the bullshit Lindell has been involved with continuing to spread tRump lies that the election was stolen from him. Originally Posted by rmg_35

You still can't answer the question - and continuing to deflect and bloviate as usual

We all know the FBI is corrupt and doesn't care about probable cause. Hell, it was revealed late last night that the FBI paid a Russian to lie to them in order to "investigate" and undermine a duly elected president.
rmg_35's Avatar
Sure. If the fbi does anything to your dear leader, they're corrupt. What a joke.