Who are the top 3 Presidents of each party in your lifetime

oilfieldace's Avatar


Joe Biden
Jimmy Carter
Barrack insane Obama
Nixon, (minus watergate).

No 3d choice

Worst of the worst:

Biden. Not only is he an old, stupid, inept piece of shit, he is totally corrupt.
Carter was a bad President, but a morally sound human being.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Nixon, (minus watergate).

No 3d choice

Worst of the worst:

Biden. Not only is he an old, stupid, inept piece of shit, he is totally corrupt.
Carter was a bad President, but a morally sound human being. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Your last sentence is why I moved Carter to second worst, as bad as things are today economically they were worse under Carter. Like you said Carter was a good human being, the same can’t be said for Joe Biden.

I too thought Nixon did a good job as President , his indiscretions were like Ned in the first grade reader when compared to Joe Biden and his cohorts. I put JFK BECAUSE I HAD RUN OUT OF OPTIONS.
winn dixie's Avatar
Bush Sr.
Bush W.

I do not like any dem President during my lifetime. I do go back to nixon.
DNinja69's Avatar
Great question. I will offer my top and bottom for each party. Really do not feel there are 3 on either side worthy of making the list.

Dem Clinton - Top
Biden/Carter - Bottom. Biden could easily earn his way to worst ever
he unfortunately has a lot of time left...

Rep Trump - Top. Reagan certainly earns consideration.
Dubya - Bottom. Not really even close for me.
oilfieldace's Avatar
You gotta love Bill Clinton whether you are a D or a R. That man truly has no morals, on the other hand it’s hard to blame knowing what he is married too.

I two think the Bushes are near the bottom. Just barely edging out JC and JB for the cellar
Bush Sr.
Bush W.

I do not like any dem President during my lifetime. I do go back to nixon. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah, do you really expect anyone to believe that tripe?
winn dixie's Avatar
Bush Sr.
Bush W.

I do not like any dem President during my lifetime. I do go back to nixon. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Posted again cause I stand behind my posts
oilfieldace's Avatar
Personally I don’t care to change anyones opinion. To me, The Bushes are douches
winn dixie's Avatar
Ohh and the worst prez

Trumpf hands down by a lot

Don't care for any dems

Best favorites
Bush Sr
Bush Jr
oilfieldace's Avatar
Gee anyone surprised by that? FYI this country has never had a President named Trumpf , perhaps you are thinking of another county.

Idid anyone notice I put two old white man worse than the half white one, that proves I am not a racist!, snick snick