Is she TGTBT...Info anyone?

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There are actually three of them posting ads together:

All 21 and all showing Midland/Odessa as their location. College girls on a trip...or a new and different scam...??? I would guess TGTBT, but that's spidey-sense, not fact.
They look great but ima go with my intuition on this one and say no go, I’d be really happy if someone TOFTT and proves me wrong 😅
The first two ads seem to be taken down. Called the number on the third, no answer. Received a text long enough later to have already met another. Thinking a double evening would be fun, I responded to set up something. The location and rates seemed in line with what’s usually expected. Only when asked about a service I like, I got a “no” so I’ll end my pursuit here. I would have gone through with a yes and if I had to bet she or they may be traveling girls. I’ve been meeting lots of out of state ladies this time of year