Ideas to Make This Better

AlyssaWest's Avatar
Now I know that ECCIE is sure getting bigger and more and more people are joining from everywhere..which is awesome! And ECCIE is awesome but does anyone have any ideas to make it better? I didn't see anywhere where there could be a suggestion box but I have one, does anyone else?

Ok so mine is that somehow after you see a girl there could be a way you could put her in your network and rate her on safety and reliability...then the girl could rate you on the same!

I mean girls arent you tired of a girl not picking up or not knowing the guy because he only saw you once...wouldn't it be easier to just look at his profile and go to his network and boom there is 15 girls in his network and you can just see him right away...NO MORE WAITING for other people!

And can see her right when you want too!!!! Also you know she is real and she is reliable because some girls can be flaky!

So anyway...any other ideas?
This is the location for the suggestions .
AlyssaWest's Avatar
Oh my bad...duh silly me...oh well...thanks for the tip!
Glad to be of help sweetie.
Your idea definitely has some merit.I don't think alot of guys would like to be rated on ladies network but I certainly could see benefits for the ladies being posted in a man's.
I was actually thinking of something on those lines earlier today.
great minds do work alike.
I like it a lot. Sweetie I think you are on to something. How about for the guys a provider OK like P411 but right on his profile. OK I let my P411 lapse because I had my circle of providers but there are so many new girls here......and only one Jack, fundamentally unfair.
I think that is a good idea
I like it a lot. Sweetie I think you are on to something. How about for the guys a provider OK like P411 but right on his profile. OK I let my P411 lapse because I had my circle of providers but there are so many new girls here......and only one Jack, fundamentally unfair. Originally Posted by LuckJack
Glad to be of help sweetie.
Your idea definitely has some merit.I don't think alot of guys would like to be rated on ladies network but I certainly could see benefits for the ladies being posted in a man's.
I was actually thinking of something on those lines earlier today.
great minds do work alike. Originally Posted by looiecypher
I like the idea to simply have a check box. I would be interested in knowing why guys might not like it. It isn't a rating system. It isn't providing any additional info on the hobbyist than they already have on their profile. What Alyssa suggested (and LJ refined or focused) is a simple approval system. If you only had a check box for approval, a provider couldn't abuse the system by hitting no (akin to a hobbyist writing a fake review to run down a provider).
well since you are the only one who mentioned "check box ,something like that would probably work.I was just saying guys don't like the idea of being reviewed.
There have been quite a few threads about that.
But yes if you kept the boxes to be checked simple,say with info like: On Time,
Clean,Courteous, etc etc it could be a useful tool.