money talk ......

pmdelites's Avatar
i know that it is there and that w/out it, consultations wont happen [i have yet to receive a free session -hint hint ].

but, one thing that just does NOT do it for me is a provider talking/posting about money: her need for money in her real life, how much money she's made, what she's gonna do with the money she's has made or gonna make, how much she got some guy to give her, showing off/talking about things she's bought with her money, etc. etc. etc. [a recent one was a provider saying she needed to pay off her december credit card bills :^( ]
worse is when she pvtMsgs or emails or texts me asking for money.

generally, i can let it go by tuning out if she starts in on it or just close the thread/email if she's posting about it.

and tho' it's not nearly as deflating as poor TCB, poor attitudes, poor skills, poor manners, poorly kept incall, etc.
and maybe some guys like hearing/reading about it,
i just dont like hearing/reading about it.

so, ladies, here's my little plea to please not discuss/post about money or at least keep it to a minimum.
there are exceptions for catastrophes, like a house being destroyed/burned or medical situations or dire emergencies.
i know that it is there and that w/out it, consultations wont happen [i have yet to receive a free session -hint hint ].

but, one thing that just does NOT do it for me is a provider talking/posting about money: her need for money in her real life, how much money she's made, what she's gonna do with the money she's has made or gonna make, how much she got some guy to give her, showing off/talking about things she's bought with her money, etc. etc. etc. [a recent one was a provider saying she needed to pay off her december credit card bills :^( ]
worse is when she pvtMsgs or emails or texts me asking for money.

generally, i can let it go by tuning out if she starts in on it or just close the thread/email if she's posting about it.

and tho' it's not nearly as deflating as poor TCB, poor attitudes, poor skills, poor manners, poorly kept incall, etc.
and maybe some guys like hearing/reading about it,
i just dont like hearing/reading about it.

so, ladies, here's my little plea to please not discuss/post about money or at least keep it to a minimum.
there are exceptions for catastrophes, like a house being destroyed/burned or medical situations or dire emergencies. Originally Posted by pmdelites

Couldn't agree more EXCEPT in the case of the December credit card bills reference. I simply viewed that statement as some reality levity within the ad. Maybe it's because I know that particular lady, and she's the furthest thing from the "the whining pleading for money" type. (With her body, looks, skills and personality, she has plenty of suitors...)

Of course the need for money is just one of a long list of real life issues that doesn't really need to be put out there, but that's another whole thread.

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Look at all this room, this thread could go anywhere.
  • hd
  • 01-07-2015, 06:40 AM
As Billy said, you can usually tell when they're making a joke about money as in "paying off the December CC bills" but like pmd says, when they talk about it as an obsession, that's a turn off. That's showing everyone you're a poor money manager which may lead to other poor (life) decisions.

If your main topic during a job interview is about money, you'll never get the job. That's why I always steer away from such provider adds, etc. Even seeing adds for specials will usually turn me away also.
TinMan's Avatar
The bragging part really turns me off. The tragic situations where there is an attempt to help a member of our community don't. I actually find those touching.

Coming back to the well repeatedly, however, will definitely drive business away.
I was raised to believe that discussing money was vulgar.

I've had to overcome it somewhat here in this world, but even in the real world where other women come right out and ask "What did you pay for that purse?" (or course, "I don't remember" and "It was a gift" are correct answers LOL! But I can't harbor disdain for the questioners or I wouldn't have many friends left )

It's gotten so common (pun intended).
I will sometimes brag about how much something cost. But only if I got it for a steal! Lol

I'm a crazy bargain hunter.

I also tend to brag about how much I saved on my grocery bill with coupons and by using the Walmart app that gives you the difference back from competitor circulars prices from that week when you scan your receipt. I get $20-40 dollars back every week off my grocery bill between coupons and the app. It adds up! Its so awesome!!!!

Haha I get excited over it if you can't tell.

I think it's the intent behind the bragging though too. If you're bragging about how much money you have to blow on things or how much you make every month then that is classless and it really makes you look like an ass. I am usually telling people how much I saved so I can help them save it too. Its a lot of money back in your pocket. Even in just a months time. Different intent imo.
There's been so many scammers around here lately, that I'd have to see the burned down house or catastrophic results myself...

... I do agree, it's quite tacky to discuss money. Makes me wonder what kind of ladies you see to inspire such a thread. If begging and charity cases is typical hooker behavior, then I'm a horrible hooker - my pride is too big!

I understand how annoying it is, I had a provider associate who'd ONLY call to tell me about overnights and how much money guys would give her - never a call just to say "hello" or "hi" .

Now like THN, I WILL brag on savings and coupons, I love sharing deals amongst friends!
sparrow1122's Avatar
Those that could benefit from reading this are not reading it.
Talking about money as HoneyRose's tacky (outside of humor) and off putting.
Unless to are seeking financial or business advise, I don't care to talk about it.

Happiness comes when you learn to be content with what you have and satisfaction come from growing and striving to attain your goals (wealth, education, health or whatever).

Now, go get laid!
TinMan's Avatar
Ok, THN, I'll make an exception...when you declare you've saved enough money using the Walmart app to buy a new Mercedes, I promise to only be mad at myself for not doing the same !
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I was raised to believe that discussing money was vulgar.

I've had to overcome it somewhat here in this world, but even in the real world where other women come right out and ask "What did you pay for that purse?" (or course, "I don't remember" and "It was a gift" are correct answers LOL! But I can't harbor disdain for the questioners or I wouldn't have many friends left )

It's gotten so common (pun intended). Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Not me - my family talks about money all the time. It is in my nature, I guess.
I don't fault a girl for bringing up money, but the hookers I've known who actually save money stop talking about it after awhile, once they have some saved up, which few do.
Additionally, a girl has to learn how to talk about money in this business because I imagine she has to deal with a lot of guys trying to talk her down on price. In the context of paying for sex, that is the only time I don't try to get a bargain. I do talk about it to make sure I understand what she wants, and that we both agree as per the classic "arm's length transaction".
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I will sometimes brag about how much something cost. But only if I got it for a steal! Lol

I'm a crazy bargain hunter.

I also tend to brag about how much I saved on my grocery bill with coupons and by using the Walmart app that gives you the difference back from competitor circulars prices from that week when you scan your receipt. I get $20-40 dollars back every week off my grocery bill between coupons and the app. It adds up! Its so awesome!!!!

Haha I get excited over it if you can't tell.

I think it's the intent behind the bragging though too. If you're bragging about how much money you have to blow on things or how much you make every month then that is classless and it really makes you look like an ass. I am usually telling people how much I saved so I can help them save it too. Its a lot of money back in your pocket. Even in just a months time. Different intent imo. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Not a bad app - I wonder if I could get my wife to use it.....naw, probably not!
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Not me - my family talks about money all the time. It is in my nature, I guess. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
LOL at this comment from this user name
daty/o's Avatar
I'm a crazy bargain hunter.

by using the Eccie app that gives you the difference back from competitor prices from that week. It adds up! Its so awesome!!!! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Where is this app?
DallasRain's Avatar
good post!

It does make me shudder when a provider "begs" for money...especially if she has a high donation rate!

Keep your personal issues in your personal life!!