Why are most of the listings on Biloxi BP just phone numbers?

Why are most of the Biloxi BP listings now just telephone numbers with no info? Also, do the social media links really work or are they phishing for info if you click on them?
  • A1.
  • 11-28-2017, 11:43 AM
I think they are getting heat from the government officials that tried to shut down Backpage in the past. A personal ad that has very little information can't be flagged as human trafficking or have any code meanings. Backpage is protecting their company by using a less is best format. Human monitors that work for Backpage can get their job done faster when viewing ads that are flagged.
The.Angel.Luv's Avatar
That’s the way Bp has things set up now. No More Title & Body.
Just number and social media link, you have to have that now and the price went up to pay..