We Might Have Real Presidential Debates

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The pressure the Gary Johnson campaign has been putting on the networks may be starting to pan out. They are considering including Johnson in at least one debate.

Wouldn't it be nice to hear some real discussion for a change?

joe bloe's Avatar
The pressure the Gary Johnson campaign has been putting on the networks may be starting to pan out. They are considering including Johnson in at least one debate.

Wouldn't it be nice to hear some real discussion for a change?

http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/was...ential-debates Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That should be just enough for Johnson to get an additional four or five percent, which will insure Obama's victory. I'll bet the liberal networks will love to put Johnson in the debates. I'm sure they're all too happy to assist in splitting the conservative vote.

Johnson is the new Perot.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-23-2012, 05:04 PM
tough shit joe, deal with it.
  • Laz
  • 07-23-2012, 05:19 PM
I hope he is included.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-23-2012, 05:20 PM
tough shit joe, deal with it. Originally Posted by CJ7
LMAO....my come back would be FUCK YOU, CHEW HARDER......LMFAO

But then that's just me....lol
Debate and hear a voice of reason--would that be any fun? Just have the two and let them hang themselves.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-23-2012, 05:59 PM
LMAO....my come back would be FUCK YOU, CHEW HARDER......LMFAO

But then that's just me....lol Originally Posted by seedman55

yeah Joe what seedie said .. tough shit, chew harder THEN deal with it.
joe bloe's Avatar
LMAO....my come back would be FUCK YOU, CHEW HARDER......LMFAO

But then that's just me....lol Originally Posted by seedman55

I never would have thought of that one!
tough shit joe, deal with it. Originally Posted by CJ7
LMAO.. one can only hope..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm really torn, I don't want Obama re-elected, but I want Johnson to have a voice. Maybe it will teach the Republicans to quit taking the Liberty Movement and Tea Party for granted, and give us a real candidate sometime.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
LMAO....my come back would be FUCK YOU, CHEW HARDER......LMFAO

But then that's just me....lol Originally Posted by seedman55
how about FUCK YOU, strong message to follow
joe bloe's Avatar
That should be just enough for Johnson to get an additional four or five percent, which will insure Obama's victory. I'll bet the liberal networks will love to put Johnson in the debates. I'm sure they're all too happy to assist in splitting the conservative vote.

Johnson is the new Perot. Originally Posted by joe bloe

That just shows how deeply divided the country truly is. It's sad that in a time where we are in such terrible economic straits, we are still being carved up into morally correct or class warfare dogmatic nonsense. A Third Party should be welcome, especially by Independents such as myself, but too much is on the table to risk the status quo being re-elected.
joe bloe's Avatar
That just shows how deeply divided the country truly is. It's sad that in a time where we are in such terrible economic straits, we are still being carved up into morally correct or class warfare dogmatic nonsense. A Third Party should be welcome, especially by Independents such as myself, but too much is on the table to risk the status quo being re-elected. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I believe the course of action that is necessary to save the country from a complete economic collapse is to downsize the federal government. The federal government should limit it's actions to what is allowed by the enumerated powers in the Constitution.

The Republicans and the Democrats have long since given up on abiding by the Constitution. That's why we are sixteen trillion dollars in debt with over one hundred trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

The Libertarian party seems to be the only voice in the political discussion that is seriously proposing to reign in the federal government and restore it to the limited size the founders intended.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is any chance that the majority of Americans will ever vote Libertarian. We have been functioning as a de facto democracy for too long. I don't think it's possible to get 51% of the people to voluntarily stop looting the treasury.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've tried to convince myself that Romney is the better choice, because Obama is such a complete and total disaster, and marginally, Romney is. I do think that Romney may give us one or two years of pandering to the right for the Liberty Movement to possibly take hold and show both parties for who they are, and throw them both out.

However, if we can get our message out on a national stage, and show that there is a genuine alternative to the Democrats and Republicans, we may be able to ignite that movement regardless of who is in power. Once people see that liberty is not just a subset of the Republican Party, and is a stand alone movement, not beholding to the Republican establishment, maybe they will be able to see that the Liberty Movement is truly an independent movement ready to take on the Establishment.

The odds are that regardless of how the election turns out, the country will become more and more of a police state. It is very unlikely that the Liberty Movement will gain any traction under any circumstances. Too many people are dependent on government for something, and are happy to turn over their decision making to bureaucrats. So I'm just searching for whatever will give us the best chance, regardless of how small that chance is. Right now, I don't know what that strategy is.