How would houston feel about a night out?

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  • 5T3V3
  • 03-09-2015, 01:43 PM
I wonder if Players N Providers would enjoy a night out at a bar ... to party and meet each other? the guys get a chance to see other Eccie area talent and start the all to important "to do list" and the provider's might make a little cash in the process I would think.


Perhaps we could make it a charity type thing where --- it is run like a date auction ... <wink> <wink> ... a portion of the funds raised to go to say breast cancer awareness ....

so 2 questions Really that you need to answer for me here

1) Would you as a player come out?
2) And what are some ideas to get player participation?

1) Would you as a provider come out to play?
2) How to insure we get ladies to come out to it?
I see this as a bad idea....
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