Craigslist Rant and Rave...What happened?

yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 04-04-2012, 08:41 AM
Did anyone ever post or read Craigslists' "Rants and Raves" page years ago?

Out of boredom the other day, I checked it out for the first time in a couple years...It is pretty much dead there...Around 6-7 years ago there would be roughly 100+ postings a day, and there were quite a few regulars...For the most part the postings were entertaining, and some were even thought provoking...I stopped reading the posts when the board began to get swamped with schoolkids and flaggers...It's a shame because, like I said, a lot of the time it was a fun board...

Anyway, just curious if anyone else was a frequent R&R reader/contributor...
Blade78633's Avatar
all the good shit was moved to the hall of fame section