Justice for Cisco a dog wrongly killed in Austin

I heard about this today and as a dog lover it really got to me.


Attached is link to Facebook to show some support.

And I was going to give the officer the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't on purpose. But after watching the video and seeing how this heartless jerk shows no remorse for what he did. He just shrugs his shoulders in a sort of" Oh well that's not my problem" kind of manner.


It REALLY upset me at work today and I hate any person that shows any cruelty to animals ESPECIALLY dogs. I hope this officer gets fired for his mistake, I feel bad for his family though because they have to support his actions and stand behind this coward. Okay I'll get off my soap box now, just wanted to vent a bit because I hate animal cruelty. If animal cruelty was an ethnicity I'd be the most racist person towards it, that's how much I can't stand it.
Right there with you buddy, I hope this motherfucker gets shot in the face. Seriously, he's a despicable human being and I hope he gets MORE than what he has coming to him.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Its very heartbreaking I dont know what I would have done if that was my doggie.
I hope something is done
As a owner of pitbulls , I've had twitchy cops around mine, and I do know exactly what I would do . And they would need more bags !
Britttany_love's Avatar
I have furry babies one a pit and the other a small dach.. i cant imagine something like this happening to one of my babies... totally devastating.
NipLover's Avatar
Clearly an officer who just doesn't care that he killed this guy's dog...

  • Paven
  • 04-18-2012, 10:23 AM
That sort of thing just makes my heartache that poor pupper dog .
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 04-18-2012, 05:13 PM
I watched the dash cam video on the KVUE site. The cop never gave the guy a chance to control his dog. The time stamp is rolling, at 18 seconds you see the cop walking towards the driveway, and then he's out of sight but you can hear the audio. At 25 seconds you hear the cop shout "hands where I can see them!" So, his gun must be drawn. At about 27 seconds you hear the dog barking. Just as the time stamp rolls to 28 you hear the coup shout "Get your dog!" and immediately after he gets the last word out, there's the gunshot, before the time stamp rolls over to 29. Hell, the Flash couldn't have gotten to the dog fast enough. Literally, completely within one second the command is issued and the gun is fired. If he even had the superpower ability to go to his dog he would have been shot. I know the cops may all be on edge since the murder of Ofc. Jaime Pedron, but Pedron was not mauled to death by a dog. I could see an officer being in fear of a pit bull, or a mastiff or rottweiler weighing over 100 lbs. But a Blue Heeler? They go 40-50 pounds. They're herding dogs so they are protective, but they're not killer attack dogs. The dog was barking. I've never been snapped at by a barking dog. A growling dog, snarling, with his ears pinned back, yeah, watch out. But a barking dog is not in the act of biting or attacking.
The ear scene that happened to that cop from Reservoir Dogs(irony of the title) would be perfect for this piece of scum.