Warren calls for massive student debt relief and free public college tuition

  • oeb11
  • 04-22-2019, 11:47 AM
Senator Elizabeth Warren unveiled a sweeping plan Monday to forgive massive amounts of student loan debt for middle-class Americans as she tries to appeal to the young voters expected to play a major role in the 2020 campaign.

The Democratic presidential candidate from Massachusetts also called for free tuition at state colleges and universities as another way to relieve the higher education costs that have financially crippled many millennials.
“College shouldn’t just be a privilege for those who can afford to take on the significant expenses associated with higher education,” she wrote in a Medium post that announced the plan.
Warren is setting the pace among Democrats in the campaign in rolling out major policy proposals, and her education announcement came as she was scheduled to participate along with four other top presidential contenders in a televised town hall forum with young voters in Manchester, N.H., on Monday night. Student debt defines the lives of many young people, and voters ages 18 to 29 are forecast to make up more than a third of the electorate in the 2020 election.
The debt burden weighing them down is not a result of laziness or irresponsibility, Warren said, but a government that has put the interest of the wealthy and well-connected over the interests of working families -- a dominant theme of her campaign.
“The result is a huge student loan debt burden that’s crushing millions of families and acting as an anchor on our economy,” she wrote. Clearing the debt would allow middle-class Americans to buy homes and start new businesses, Warren said.
The plan will also help reduce the economic disparities between white people and blacks and Latinos, because those groups would benefit disproportionately from the debt relief, she said. Women also hold the majority of student debt.
© Kristopher Radder/The Brattleboro Reformer/AP Elizabeth Warren. Her proposal could be an attempt to appeal to supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic front-runner who is battling with Warren for the backing of liberal voters. Sanders is known for the tuition-free college proposal that he touted during the 2016 election and is significantly ahead of Warren in recent polls.
This is not, however, the first time Warren has talked about student debt relief. She has proposed several student debt relief measures during her time in the Senate. She is also a longtime critic of for-profit colleges, and her plan announced Monday would eliminate all federal funding to such institutions.
The out-of-control cost of a college degree is likely to become a key issue in the 2020 election. While Democratic candidates in 2016 focused on tuition-free and debt-free college for future students, this time it seems many candidates agree that debt relief for current students and recent college graduates is important to voters and could boost the economy.
Conventional wisdom -- and the advice of baby boomer parents -- has long told students that the value of a college degree still outweighs the cost, but research has begun to question that assumption. A recent study by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis found that, for the first time, a college degree may no longer be worth the cost for many.
Warren’s post mentioned that her degree at the University of Houston cost $50 a semester, which she was able to afford with only her part-time waitressing job. The idea that a part-time job could fund a degree now is laughable. And while ultra-wealthy schools like Harvard can afford to offer low- and moderate-income students scholarships without loans, most US students must still borrow.
The average student debt in this country is about $29,000, a staggering amount for people who do not earn huge salaries.
Warren said her two-pronged plan would cost $1.25 trillion over 10 years. She proposed to pay for it with her previously proposed “Ultra-Millionaire Tax,” which would slap a 2 percent tax on wealth above $50 million and an additional 1 percent on wealth above $1 billion. Warren’s campaign said the tax would hit 75,000 families and raise $2.75 trillion over 10 years.
Warren will appear Monday night at Saint Anselm College in Manchester to answer questions from with young voters in a town hall forum organized by CNN and the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School. The candidates, including Sanders and California Senator Kamala Harris, will appear separately back-to-back before an audience of more than 500 students, with 200 of them from Harvard. Harvard also plans to release the results of a youth poll on Monday about issues important to young voters.
Related slideshow: Photos of Elizabeth Warren campaigning for president (USA TODAY)

Millennials and Generation Z voters -- all born starting in the early 1980s -- are expected to play a major role in the presidential election after unprecedented youth turnout in 2018.
The specific proposal from Warren comes in two parts — debt relief and tuition-free college.
On debt, she proposed to cancel up to $50,000 in student loan debt for every person with a household income under $100,000. For those with higher incomes, she proposes cancelling less in a series of steps. For example, a person with an income of $130,000 would get $40,000 in debt cancelled, and someone who makes $160,000 would get $30,000. The plan offers no relief to households that earn more than $250,000.
Warren said the plan would provide debt relief to more than 95 percent of the nearly 45 million Americans with student loans, and would cancel all the debt of more than 75 percent of them.
But it does no good to cancel debt if the underlying problem — the crippling cost of a college degree — is not remedied, she said.
So Warren is proposing free undergraduate tuition and fees to all public two- and four-year colleges. She also wants to expand Pell and other federal grants to help students cover the other costs of college, like books and housing.
She would also create a fund of at least $50 billion to help historically black colleges and universities, as well as other institutions that serve minority students specifically.
State funding of public colleges has shrunk in recent decades, especially in New England, leading those schools to make up the difference by raising tuition. In Massachusetts, a recent study found that students actually borrow more to attend public universities than they do to attend private colleges.
“We need to fundamentally change the broken system that created this crisis in the first place,” Warren wrote in the Medium post.
The cost of college only perpetuates the wealth gap in this country, Warren said, by deterring people from attending college or prompting them to drop out before they earn a degree.

Warren plans to "Tax the Rich" for all this - despite no idea about the costs and funding from these taxes - which she and her husband would be eligible to pay, but clearly will not. The first pic on MSN of this was Warren -mouth open - mad a hell - first up-raised. Great and characteristic pic of her. now changed to much more subdued pics. MSM propaganda strieks again. She is a loon DPST hypocrite.
I deleted this article from my FB feed. Warren is just clamoring for publicity for her failed Presidential bid.

FB, especially The Fox News feeds, are just clickbait. It's one of the reasons FB stock hasn't tanked.
I deleted this article from my FB feed. Warren is just clamoring for publicity for her failed Presidential bid.

FB, especially The Fox News feeds, are just clickbait. It's one of the reasons FB stock hasn't tanked. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Just imagine FREE College Tuition. They'll be a huge influx of Jackasses going to college just to get away from their parents to party. I would support free tuition for kids that have high academic averages or other attributes that are worthy of them entering college without the burden of high tuition. The slackers and the one semester losers should continue to pay.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Since Obama took over student loans ten years ago, it would be easy; just write off the loss like they do with defense contractors who go over budget.
Senator Elizabeth Warren unveiled a sweeping plan Monday to forgive massive amounts of student loan debt for middle-class Americans as she tries to appeal to the young voters expected to play a major role in the 2020 campaign.

The Democratic presidential candidate from Massachusetts also called for free tuition at state colleges and universities as another way to relieve the higher education costs that have financially crippled many millennials.
“College shouldn’t just be a privilege for those who can afford to take on the significant expenses associated with higher education,” she wrote in a Medium post that announced the plan.
Warren is setting the pace among Democrats in the campaign in rolling out major policy proposals, and her education announcement came as she was scheduled to participate along with four other top presidential contenders in a televised town hall forum with young voters in Manchester, N.H., on Monday night. Student debt defines the lives of many young people, and voters ages 18 to 29 are forecast to make up more than a third of the electorate in the 2020 election.
The debt burden weighing them down is not a result of laziness or irresponsibility, Warren said, but a government that has put the interest of the wealthy and well-connected over the interests of working families -- a dominant theme of her campaign.
“The result is a huge student loan debt burden that’s crushing millions of families and acting as an anchor on our economy,” she wrote. Clearing the debt would allow middle-class Americans to buy homes and start new businesses, Warren said.
The plan will also help reduce the economic disparities between white people and blacks and Latinos, because those groups would benefit disproportionately from the debt relief, she said. Women also hold the majority of student debt.
© Kristopher Radder/The Brattleboro Reformer/AP Elizabeth Warren. Her proposal could be an attempt to appeal to supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic front-runner who is battling with Warren for the backing of liberal voters. Sanders is known for the tuition-free college proposal that he touted during the 2016 election and is significantly ahead of Warren in recent polls.
This is not, however, the first time Warren has talked about student debt relief. She has proposed several student debt relief measures during her time in the Senate. She is also a longtime critic of for-profit colleges, and her plan announced Monday would eliminate all federal funding to such institutions.
The out-of-control cost of a college degree is likely to become a key issue in the 2020 election. While Democratic candidates in 2016 focused on tuition-free and debt-free college for future students, this time it seems many candidates agree that debt relief for current students and recent college graduates is important to voters and could boost the economy.
Conventional wisdom -- and the advice of baby boomer parents -- has long told students that the value of a college degree still outweighs the cost, but research has begun to question that assumption. A recent study by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis found that, for the first time, a college degree may no longer be worth the cost for many.
Warren’s post mentioned that her degree at the University of Houston cost $50 a semester, which she was able to afford with only her part-time waitressing job. The idea that a part-time job could fund a degree now is laughable. And while ultra-wealthy schools like Harvard can afford to offer low- and moderate-income students scholarships without loans, most US students must still borrow.
The average student debt in this country is about $29,000, a staggering amount for people who do not earn huge salaries.
Warren said her two-pronged plan would cost $1.25 trillion over 10 years. She proposed to pay for it with her previously proposed “Ultra-Millionaire Tax,” which would slap a 2 percent tax on wealth above $50 million and an additional 1 percent on wealth above $1 billion. Warren’s campaign said the tax would hit 75,000 families and raise $2.75 trillion over 10 years.
Warren will appear Monday night at Saint Anselm College in Manchester to answer questions from with young voters in a town hall forum organized by CNN and the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School. The candidates, including Sanders and California Senator Kamala Harris, will appear separately back-to-back before an audience of more than 500 students, with 200 of them from Harvard. Harvard also plans to release the results of a youth poll on Monday about issues important to young voters.
Related slideshow: Photos of Elizabeth Warren campaigning for president (USA TODAY)

Millennials and Generation Z voters -- all born starting in the early 1980s -- are expected to play a major role in the presidential election after unprecedented youth turnout in 2018.
The specific proposal from Warren comes in two parts — debt relief and tuition-free college.
On debt, she proposed to cancel up to $50,000 in student loan debt for every person with a household income under $100,000. For those with higher incomes, she proposes cancelling less in a series of steps. For example, a person with an income of $130,000 would get $40,000 in debt cancelled, and someone who makes $160,000 would get $30,000. The plan offers no relief to households that earn more than $250,000.
Warren said the plan would provide debt relief to more than 95 percent of the nearly 45 million Americans with student loans, and would cancel all the debt of more than 75 percent of them.
But it does no good to cancel debt if the underlying problem — the crippling cost of a college degree — is not remedied, she said.
So Warren is proposing free undergraduate tuition and fees to all public two- and four-year colleges. She also wants to expand Pell and other federal grants to help students cover the other costs of college, like books and housing.
She would also create a fund of at least $50 billion to help historically black colleges and universities, as well as other institutions that serve minority students specifically.
State funding of public colleges has shrunk in recent decades, especially in New England, leading those schools to make up the difference by raising tuition. In Massachusetts, a recent study found that students actually borrow more to attend public universities than they do to attend private colleges.
“We need to fundamentally change the broken system that created this crisis in the first place,” Warren wrote in the Medium post.
The cost of college only perpetuates the wealth gap in this country, Warren said, by deterring people from attending college or prompting them to drop out before they earn a degree.

Warren plans to "Tax the Rich" for all this - despite no idea about the costs and funding from these taxes - which she and her husband would be eligible to pay, but clearly will not. The first pic on MSN of this was Warren -mouth open - mad a hell - first up-raised. Great and characteristic pic of her. now changed to much more subdued pics. MSM propaganda strieks again. She is a loon DPST hypocrite. Originally Posted by oeb11

The net effect of this is the nationalization of post secondary education(if the federal governement is paying, it is in control).

Most of the professors "want" this, then when I explain the consequences, don't. It is kind of funny, actually.
This plan cheats those who worked there way through college and paid off their debts - what do they get?

It cheats people who go directly to work in a job without college - why do they get?
  • Tiny
  • 04-22-2019, 09:35 PM
You can tell she used to be a university professor. Instead of doing something about tuition costs that are out of control, she's just going to throw a bunch of money at the problem. That way I guess the universities can keep getting more costly and inefficient and the professors and administrators can keep getting paid more and more. Like the two overpaid Marxist cocksuckers at University of California at Berkeley, Emanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman who advise her on the best way to fleece (i.e. steal from) people.

What the asswipe doesn't understand with her wealth tax is that if she takes all the capital away from the capitalists, she won't be able to keep bleeding them to pay for more bull shit. It's called killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
  • Tiny
  • 04-22-2019, 10:43 PM
I’m watching her on television right now, a CNN townhall. What a lying, overdramatic bitch. She talked about running against Scott Brown, a Republican, for Senator in Massachusetts in 2012. How she was a huge underdog. Her Democrat friends all told her she’d proabably lose because Massachusetts just wasn’t ready for a woman senator or governor. So every day when she was campaigning she’d seek out little girls and she’d get down on her knees and she’d tell those little girls “My name is Elizabeth. And I’m running for Senator. Because that’s what girls do.” And then they’d do a pinky swear. And at the end of the day Elizabeth would count up all her pinky swears. And she’d be content because even though there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell she was going to win, she’d made a huge difference in those little girls’ lives.

My ass. What a load of crap. How was she supposed to lose in overwhelmingly Democratic Massachusetts. The most “progressive” state in the country just wasn’t ready for a woman governor or Senator. Kind of funny how Texas elected Ma Ferguson in 1925. And Ann Richards and Kay Bailey Hutchison later on, long before Warren arrived on the scene.
lustylad's Avatar
Since Obama took over student loans ten years ago, it would be easy; just write off the loss like they do with defense contractors who go over budget. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
This was predictable. In fact, I predicted it from the moment odumbo pushed private lenders out of the loop 10 years ago. That action set up the dems to start forgiving student debt down the road - an easy way to lure votes, which is exactly what fauxcahontas is now doing!

Vote for me! Vote for me! I'll offer you more handouts using other people's money than the next dimotard!

I'm trying to figure out if writing off the loans (now up to $1.57 trillion) would increase the national debt. Right now they are an interest-earning asset on the federal government's balance sheet. Writing them off means the asset disappears, but the funding liability doesn't.

Student loan debt has now surpassed both credit card debt ($1.05 trillion) and motor vehicle loans ($1.15 trillion) in the US economy. When will fauxcahontas pay off my car loans and card balances?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dealing with tuition rates require that universities reform themselves.

they won't do it. too many fingers in the piehole.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
This was predictable. In fact, I predicted it from the moment odumbo pushed private lenders out of the loop 10 years ago. That action set up the dems to start forgiving student debt down the road - an easy way to lure votes, which is exactly what fauxcahontas is now doing!

Vote for me! Vote for me! I'll offer you more handouts using other people's money than the next dimotard!

I'm trying to figure out if writing off the loans (now up to $1.57 trillion) would increase the national debt. Right now they are an interest-earning asset on the federal government's balance sheet. Writing them off means the asset disappears, but the funding liability doesn't.

Student loan debt has now surpassed both credit card debt ($1.05 trillion) and motor vehicle loans ($1.15 trillion) in the US economy. When will fauxcahontas pay off my car loans and card balances? Originally Posted by lustylad
The government did that back in the Savings and Loan scandal. Senator Metzenbaum had a bill passed that greatly reduced the deductibility of mortgage interest from your taxes. All of the property that the SNLs were holding the paper on became worth less than they were. That put many SNLs in the non liquid category and they failed because of a change in the law.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 04-23-2019, 02:29 AM
If she wants it so badly let her pay for it. Yeah all those idiots scream free this free that. Well someone has to pay for it. Really?
I’m watching her on television right now, a CNN townhall. What a lying, overdramatic bitch. She talked about running against Scott Brown, a Republican, for Senator in Massachusetts in 2012. How she was a huge underdog. Her Democrat friends all told her she’d proabably lose because Massachusetts just wasn’t ready for a woman senator or governor. So every day when she was campaigning she’d seek out little girls and she’d get down on her knees and she’d tell those little girls “My name is Elizabeth. And I’m running for Senator. Because that’s what girls do.” And then they’d do a pinky swear. And at the end of the day Elizabeth would count up all her pinky swears. And she’d be content because even though there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell she was going to win, she’d made a huge difference in those little girls’ lives.

My ass. What a load of crap. How was she supposed to lose in overwhelmingly Democratic Massachusetts. The most “progressive” state in the country just wasn’t ready for a woman governor or Senator. Kind of funny how Texas elected Ma Ferguson in 1925. And Ann Richards and Kay Bailey Hutchison later on, long before Warren arrived on the scene. Originally Posted by Tiny
We have to stop worshiping Universities and stop throwing money at them.
  • A1.
  • 04-23-2019, 04:35 AM
Play for the media . .

Feminism is nothing more than the politics of convenience.
This political ploy is aimed at the millions of Millenials who have huge student loan debt combined with worthless degrees.

These student loans are like buying a used car with that "as is no warranty" sign in the window. It breaks down and you don't have enough money to fix it, but you still have to make the monthly payments.