But...doesn't every occupation have its ups and downs??

Pulled this from another thread:

This point may have already been brought up, but from what I have noticed in the area where I live it really seems to be the escorts with the average hourly rate who have been hit the hardest with the bad economy.With so much undercutting going on the average rate has been dragged down to such a low level that it is this particular group of escorts that I could see decreasing in number if the bad economy continues much longer. People seem to forget that what we do does come with a certain amount of risk to our safety as well as sacrifice when it comes to our personal relationships.With the average rate dropping so low many women will decide to move on to other options as long as there are other options available to them. Originally Posted by Becky
To me that seems like an obvious statement. But I would take it one step forward. I would say that every occupation comes with a certain amount of risk to safety as well as sacrifice to personal relationships. I don't care what you do. Some occupations will be more dangerous than others (I dare say if you look, providers won't be among the most dangerous occupations). And some occupations will affect personal relationships more than others (again, I would say that even here providers won't be near the top).

Nevertheless, I take Becky's point. And I suspect the situation in which providers find themselves also result in their extreme attention to cleanliness, routine medical visits and tests, and also in erecting strategies with which to deal with relationship issues so that relationship harm is mitigated as much as possible.
Pretend there is a provider out there who is qualified as an electrical engineer; average salary 68k.

Obviously, that's with a 40-hour work-week plus commuting and you have to buy clothes for work, pay taxes and all that other stuff. So when you subtract out uncompensated time, tax expenses etc. that electrical engineer probably has 45k with which to pay bills.

So it would make sense to me that when a provider skilled as an electrical engineer got to the point she was making less than 45k after expenses; it would make sense for her to go to work as an electrical engineer instead of as a provider.

But let's say she has a BS degree in social work. Now she's only able to earn maybe 36k/year as a social worker, keeping 25k after work expenses. So she'd have to earn less than 25k as a provider for that transition to make sense.

Of course, I am oversimplifying a bit because of benefits, etc. But the idea applies.

But this is no different from anyone else. The average person changes occupations 7 times. They do it because of market forces.

Providers overwhelmingly insist that what they are engaged in is first and foremost a BUSINESS.

Some businesses go out of business and their owners find other work.

Paradoxically, I think Becky's statement perhaps unintentionally answers another question by pointing out that in many cases (I said many, not all) if providers had better employment possibilities, they wouldn't be providing.

Hey, my businesses don't have price supports and I don't get into a conference call with everyone else in my line of work and collude to keep prices up or raise them all at once either.

Just as an HDH's prices are what they are because the market supports the price; other prices are what they are because of those same market forces.

I feel badly about that situation and if it makes anyone feel better I have my own "provider minimum wage." That wage is $240. If any provider I see charges less than that, she is tipped up to that rate.
Maybe there is a correlation between both? (hourly rates and career options?) Who knows....

This life has allowed me to attend and graduate grad school, move into corporate afterwards moving at my pace and now go back to grad school again. Well..not now..in January. I couldn't have done that otherwise. I have just discovered that a portion of the new grad course has an elective (that appeals to me) requiring a stay in another country..of which the US is an option. Go figure lol. This has thrown me into a bit of disarray in that my schedule for departure will now likely be spring 2011. Again, I would struggle to make that adjustment without this part of my life. Not only is this is something I enjoy doing, it allows me to plan long term for other things I will enjoy doing. I couldn't ask for more really. Sure there are ups and downs, but as Charles said, there are in most jobs.

C x
Rudyard K's Avatar
Any business you do...if you enjoy what you do, you'll do it better. Maybe its easier to enjoy some jobs than others...but you can find joy in any job...with the right attitude. I once saw a show on a guy who cleaned port-a-lets every day. He figured out little ways to make his job fun...and enjoyed his work.

If you enjoy what you do, albeit there will be ups and downs, you will fare better than the average. And that will pull you through.
My point wasn't to complain about the hazards of being an escort,but more to explain why I could see at some point more women moving on to other jobs, or situations when the risks start to outweigh the benefits.

It seems like it has been the average/ hourly rate escort who has been hit the hardest by this economy.Many of them do not have the luxury to stay low volume, and still make ends meet the way the multi hour escort is able to. It becomes pretty obvious that their risk will only go up,or their income will continue to go down if the average hourly rate continues to drop over time.

There is a down side to getting a good deal if clients start to loose some of the more honest/intelligent escorts who can, and will move on as the business continues to cheapen.
Very worthwhile concerns, Becky.

Hobbyists and providers are interdependent, and to some degree anything that adversely affects one will adversely affect the other. I really try to keep my sex partner count down, and have managed to see only 9 in 4 years. But two of those ladies were in the $200 range, and very worthwhile people. I'd hate to see them driven out of business as the risks start to outweigh the rewards.

Let's face it, risks accumulate with volume. Risks for everything -- acquiring STDs, violence, arrest, etc. And there comes a point where those risks cannot be justified by the income. And it could move some really wonderful ladies out of the business, which would really suck.

So I'm totally with you.

But then ... in all fairness, philosophical consistency requires a different approach.

It seems to me that when guys question a provider's rate, they are told in no uncertain terms that the woman's rate is her rate and it is absolutely beyond question; that her rate is based upon factors we couldn't even begin to comprehend, etc. Just pay it or don't pay it, but don't you dare question it. Okay. As you know I have consistently defended a provider's right to charge as much as she would like.

Doesn't that apply just as consistently to ladies whose rates are going down as to those whose rates are going up?

Who am I to question her lower rates? Isn't she in a far better position to determine what her rates should be than I am? Isn't her lower rate, just like her higher rate, absolutely beyond question and taking into account factors beyond my comprehension?

So ... as you can see ... two ideas are in conflict here, but I see both sides.
This path is not meant to be a permanent career, IMHO. At some point, you either feel the pull of a "normal life" with children and a family, or your vanilla career options take off, or you just realize that you are getting too old to deal with some of the hassles that come with this profession.

I am a firm believer that EVERY lady has a shelf life. Some are long, some are short. Some don't even get started into this world until their 40's, when their sexual peak gives them the want and freedom to persue alternative avenues.

I love what I do right now. It is the perfect choice for my life, RIGHT NOW. But at some point-- I will walk away, cherishing the memories and thankful to move on.
This biz is like being a stewardess in the 60's. It was never a career decision.
This biz is like being a stewardess in the 60's. It was never a career decision. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Very true PJ.
If I could give anyone advice entering this walk of life for the first time it would be plan your exit strategy before you enter. That means having and knowing your goals.

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  • WTF
  • 10-01-2010, 01:02 PM
. I once saw a show on a guy who cleaned port-a-lets every day. He figured out little ways to make his job fun...and enjoyed his work.

. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

Day Four finds Larry working at a carnival. That sounds fun, right? I should probably mention that his job is to clean out the port-a-potties. Calm your gag reflexes. Larry’s boss today is Fred, an energetic and hilarious man who somehow makes the job fun. Larry and Fred use a vacuum-like contraption to suck out the excrement from the toilets. When that’s done, they get to scrub out the port-a-potties. Throughout the whole process, Fred keeps Larry laughing as they attack what Fred calls “The Battlefield of Poop.” Clever name, Fred.
Very true PJ.
If I could give anyone advice entering this walk of life for the first time it would be plan your exit strategy before you enter. That means having and knowing your goals.

C Originally Posted by Camille
You couldn't put it better than that. Its one thing to have providing be your main source of income. But I think its another to make it the only thing you'll ever do. Things time out. This will to. Sure, that happens at different points for every woman, but it happens. I think its important to plan both for ups and downs, as well as for what you plan to do when this isn't it anymore.
Currently I'm a med student, living well below my maximum available aid, thanks to the hobby. At most, I will be here until the end of school. If at any time I feel that my time is done, I always have the flexibility to take more grants/loans for living expenses and bid adieu to this world.

Makes it easier to smile and just be happy with my profession for now. I can't imagine how the ladies who feel "trapped" in this world cope with the day to day. I require the freedom to move on from whatever I'm doing in life.
I totally support the theory that this HDH lifestyle, or any business model in the Adult Biz, is best when used as a means to an end. The freedom and flexibility allow so much room for creating future career paths. It's not easy living a double life, or wearing more than one hat, but I personally am VERY grateful for the ability to support myself comfortably while building the life I envision.
Another point: the people we get to meet, both ladies and gents, are beyond the scope I would normally have the privilage to engage with on a daily basis. I find this hugely attractive. The level of intelligence, worldliness and...may I say it?..heodinism! is both enlightening and refreshing. Personally, my attraction to this lifestyle and world goes way beyong the financial.

As far as a commited, personal relationship for me right now???
Where are those smiley face things???
Indeed every career has it's ups and downs, however, not every career touches parts of your psychology and body that are so very intimate. In most other careers those intimacies are left to your private life and excluded from the daily grind of earning a living - here they are front and center.

The fact that some women detach and shut down parts of themselves when being a provider is a directly result of the intimate nature of this work. Those very personal aspects of their being are in fact exposed, accessible, and carefully guarded.

I would consider counseling, work in emergency services, non-profit work where you directly come into contact with the people you're helping, social services and such careers much better comparisons.

These are careers that you can't just leave your issues at the office, where a really bad day can be down right traumatic, weigh on your psyche or risk your life.