All this chatter about being Managed

Excuse my naivety, but all this talk about ladies being managed is confusing to me for several reasons

1. Is having a manager the same as having a Pimp?
2. Why so much negative banter on this subject? How is it wrong to pay someone to help you manage your business?
So if i hired someone to run my ads, do screening etc, does that mean I have a pimp?

Sorry if the blonde bimbo in me is making an appearance. I just dont get it
IQ160's Avatar
  • IQ160
  • 08-17-2018, 05:13 PM
Sometimes a manager is a pimp (staff edit-S31). Sometimes, a manager is a person who arranges the dates. Probably the big difference is an arranger charges 10% for each date as a service fee; the pimp takes 50-90% of the fee. It's only negative if you want your money to go to the pimp rather than the provider.

In Vegas, there are a lot of services and the main service that they provide is advertising - in fact, one service has a truck with ad placards on both sides of the truck that runs up and down Las Vegas Blvd. from 3:00 PM to 3:00 AM.
dumars's Avatar
None of us (hobbyists), with conscience, like to see or think of a woman being used, manipulated, taken advantage of, forced. We like our ideal world of being with one of you on mutual (you and us) terms, expressed, implied or understood.

"Pimp" is commonly replaced with other words or phrases, "security", "boyfriend", "driver" and, yes, "manager". Nothing wrong with paying someone to help. However, those of us that have been around the block have developed spidey senses that gets aroused on the slightest hint of a man being around. Our brains instantly go South.

That's not to say women don't have legit and honest reasons to have a man around. There used to be a woman who lived out in the Kansas countryside, literally! She was married!! Her husband would call the house to check on her toward the end of the appointed time. Yes, with us, the client, still there. I shit you not!

Stories of men driving women around or "managing" them so they can collect the proceeds for themselves or an outrageous portion is not a strange story. It happens at ALL levels of the bizzness! We just don't want to be or participate in that story. Speaking for me and only me, I just don't want that kind of shit on my conscience. As I explained to another lady recently, I have a strange conscience and I know it.

Excuse my naivety, but all this talk about ladies being managed is confusing to me for several reasons

1. Is having a manager the same as having a Pimp?
2. Why so much negative banter on this subject? How is it wrong to pay someone to help you manage your business?
So if i hired someone to run my ads, do screening etc, does that mean I have a pimp?

Sorry if the blonde bimbo in me is making an appearance. I just dont get it Originally Posted by SweetSuzanna
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-17-2018, 06:43 PM
Excuse my naivety, but all this talk about ladies being managed is confusing to me for several reasons

1. Is having a manager the same as having a Pimp?
While years ago they seemed to have a different meaning, now they used interchangeablyby the majority of people.

2. Why so much negative banter on this subject? How is it wrong to pay someone to help you manage your business?
So if i hired someone to run my ads, do screening etc, does that mean I have a pimp? Originally Posted by SweetSuzanna
No, there is nothing wrong with a lady hiering someone to do things for them: post ads, take calls, schedule, etc. The distinction I and some others have comes down to, "Who is working for whom?"

In simple terms if the lady sets the parameters, decides when she works, who she sees, what her menu is, and controls the money, then the other person is NOT a pimp, but her employee.

If the other person--male or female--decides the when, who, how of what she does, and controls the $$$, then they are a pimp, regardless of whether they are called a "manager".

Pimps are scum. They typically control through fear, threats, intimidation, etc. They take the vast majority of the $$ while the lady takes the risks--and contrary to what a lot of people (pimps) would have folks believe, they will throw the lady under the bus in a heartbeat to save their own skin. The women become as close to indentured servants or slaves as you can find.
KayC_K's Avatar
You are your own woman. The best thing to do for yourself is take charge of your own schedule and events. After all, if they had real managerial potential they'd be at Walmart, so if you need help with your professional prose, appearances or appointment calendar you can ask me. I'm in Kansas city local, I won't ask for or expect a thing from you.
KatiforYou's Avatar
Sometimes a manager is a pimp (staff edit-S31). Sometimes, a manager is a person who arranges the dates. Probably the big difference is an arranger charges 10% for each date as a service fee; the pimp takes 50-90% of the fee. It's only negative if you want your money to go to the pimp rather than the provider.

In Vegas, there are a lot of services and the main service that they provide is advertising - in fact, one service has a truck with ad placards on both sides of the truck that runs up and down Las Vegas Blvd. from 3:00 PM to 3:00 AM. Originally Posted by IQ160
Since when do pimps only take a portion of the fee? I believe its 100%, making them different than any other sort of manager/agency out there.

Pimps are coming out of the woodwork since fosta/sesta. The chances that you have seen or will see a girl with a pimp are pretty good.