The Digital Dollar: Cash-Free Is Coming

ICU 812's Avatar
And there it is.

We have had discussions before about a cash free economy. That is about to become a reality. The Liberal-Left had a taste of near total control over society during the pandemic. With everything opening up again and other liberal sourced, non-pandemic problems evolving towards catastrophe, they are grasping for another way to control the economy.

A Bit-Coin like national digital currency is their tool. The politically scary thing about Bit-Coin and other cripto-currencies for the central control crown is that they had no handle on it. Cryptocurrencies are, for them, as scary as the uncontrolled at-home creation of firearms, the so-called "Ghost Guns". If they can force every transaction to be conducted in some crypto-dollar, they can monitor, track and control everything else.

If THAT is what you want, then vote straight ticket Democrat in the fall.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Side question: Didn't Russia convert to gold backed rubles a while back?

So we sanctioned the Ruskies and blocked their access to digital dollars. Then Putin mentions that he is not a philanthropic enterprise, giving away free stuff, like fuel products. He then informs the EU that they will have to pay for the products in Rubles. Ruh-Roh.

Meanwhile both China and India are saying they will continue along their merry way and deal with their own national policies and interests and continue commerce with Russia as they deem fit. Imma not going to do the population math, but isn't that more than 50% of the global population who don't give a shit who F Joe Biden is telling them to work with and how?

Side question: Do not we have a hefty number of people from those countries and/or heritage living in these United States, including the VP?
texassapper's Avatar
Heh... Russia is back on the gold standard... The only people being fcuked by the US Government is the US citizens.

I'm going to buy some rubles... it at least has a value.
And there it is.

We have had discussions before about a cash free economy. That is about to become a reality. The Liberal-Left had a taste of near total control over society during the pandemic. With everything opening up again and other liberal sourced, non-pandemic problems evolving towards catastrophe, they are grasping for another way to control the economy.

A Bit-Coin like national digital currency is their tool. The politically scary thing about Bit-Coin and other cripto-currencies for the central control crown is that they had no handle on it. Cryptocurrencies are, for them, as scary as the uncontrolled at-home creation of firearms, the so-called "Ghost Guns". If they can force every transaction to be conducted in some crypto-dollar, they can monitor, track and control everything else.

If THAT is what you want, then vote straight ticket Democrat in the fall. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Well if what you're saying is true, I believe it is too. Look for the Dems to pull another fast one to win elections.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Better Than Cash Alliance

Brought to you by the NWO and The United Nations. The same people trying to bring to you: You will own nothing and be happy - or else!

A couple things to keep in mind:

One 1 More Thing:
Remember that F Joe Biden is still trying to implement banks must report ALL transaction to the government (IRS) if an account has more than $600 in it over the course of a year. That's right. Not just for the rich - each and every one of us dirty little peons. No more of reporting on >$10,000 or even $5,000. Every freaking thing. Paying a few hundo for some delectable provider? Uploaded, thank you very much
ICU 812's Avatar
Side question: Didn't Russia convert to gold backed rubles a while back?

? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
And they printed" way more Rubles than they have Gold to support.

The amount of physical Gold held by the Russian government is less than the value of the economy of Texas. . . .if Texas was a sovereign, independent Nation again.

We can quibble over the fine points of Interntional economic history. I certainly am no expert.

What remains is that this idea, and many more proposed by the Biden administration (these aren't his ideas) are not good for the country.

The Forth Amendment is there to ensure that persons hve control over their private property and private papers. The Supreme Court has enshrined the concept of a "Right To Privacy". The Fifth Amendment gives us protections against self-incrimination.

This proposed financial overhaul violates these and other fundamental rights granted to each of us by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If you cannot see that this is so, a short ours in Constitutional Law will help. And it needn't be a graduate school level explanation either.
texassapper's Avatar
What remains is that this idea, and many more proposed by the Biden administration (these aren't his ideas) are not good for the country. Originally Posted by ICU 812
That's the whole point. The communists have taken the Democrat party and are intent on destroying the United States. It is the one nation that's founding is the antithesis of communism. Individual rights, protections for minority views, personal responsibility, equality before the law, self-defense. THe US cannot be allowed to continue to exist as it was or the globalists goals will forever be hindered.

That's why the military is being destroyed form within.. so that it can be used on the citizens. That's why "green" energy proponents ignore China to hamstring the US.

Once you understand the goals of the communists, there behaviours make perfect sense.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
If you recall the headlines, China has been stockpiling gold, food, and other strategic materials. What do they know? What are we (that means Joe and the democrats) doing? We're reducing the size of our army and reducing our strategic oil reserve. Biden is like the dog that rolls over on its back and exposes it's throat to show compliance to a bigger or meaner dog. In order to make the point to our lefty posters...that's like dropping your pants and bending over with a tube of KY in your hand. You're welcome to your perversity, leave the rest of us out of it.
texassapper's Avatar
A cashless society also means the end of hobbying...unless the ladies will fuck for canned food... which given the way the DemoCommies are running things is a distinct possibility.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Now you're talking about the 1970s movie, A Boy and His Dog where the hero trades old, canned food for time with a woman.
  • Tiny
  • 04-02-2022, 09:23 AM
If you recall the headlines, China has been stockpiling gold, food, and other strategic materials. What do they know? What are we (that means Joe and the democrats) doing? We're reducing the size of our army and reducing our strategic oil reserve. Biden is like the dog that rolls over on its back and exposes it's throat to show compliance to a bigger or meaner dog. In order to make the point to our lefty posters...that's like dropping your pants and bending over with a tube of KY in your hand. You're welcome to your perversity, leave the rest of us out of it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
They saw what happened to Russia after it invaded Ukraine. Add to that the USA tariffs on Chinese goods, restrictions on exports of certain goods to China, US politicians wanting to add to the restrictions in reaction to human rights violations in Xinjiang and the Chinese military build up, and looming worldwide shortages of food and fossil fuels, and their response looks rational. They want to be prepared.

We’re not as wise as they are. For example we’re very dependent on China for rare earth minerals. We should be encouraging development of rare earth resources here in North America.
  • Tiny
  • 04-02-2022, 09:24 AM
Now you're talking about the 1970s movie, A Boy and His Dog where the hero trades old, canned food for time with a woman. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I’m glad the movie had a happy ending. I sure would have hated to see that dog die.
ICU 812's Avatar
The Hobby is an enduring aspect of the Huuman Condition.

I do see some version of The Hobby going forward. There will be barter of some sort. probably canned goods will not be the medium of exchange though. We might see a thriving black market in gold (or something else) though. Something will float to the top as a commodity that can be traded for sex, it always does.

Outside the Hobby World; During the stag-flation of the 1970s, there were barter circles in the real world. Even major industrial outfits did three-way trades in raw materials to keep the wheels turning back then.

Something like that will pop up in the Hobb Worls.
Chung Tran's Avatar

A couple things to keep in mind:

Remember that F Joe Biden is still trying to implement banks must report ALL transaction to the government (IRS) if an account has more than $600 in it over the course of a year. That's right. Not just for the rich - each and every one of us dirty little peons. No more of reporting on >$10,000 or even $5,000. Every freaking thing. Paying a few hundo for some delectable provider? Uploaded, thank you very much
[/SIZE][/B] Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

The rumor was $600 or more per transaction, not ALL transactions if an account has $600 in it. Your point is absurd when you twist reality.
VitaMan's Avatar
All above Chung should get a room together and enjoy themselves.