Some Thoughts On Hunter Biden, “The Big Guy”, and Those that Dismissed This…..

This is a good chance for us to examine our Government, our News Media, and what they are willing to do to maintain power and further an agenda.

In the last election, it was reported that a computer shop had a laptop that was left by former Vice President and the Presidential Candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Apparently, Hunter Biden forgot about it, abandoned it or what ever, and the person at the repair shop took access to the info..

The information contained was scurrilous. Not only did It show Hunter Biden to be a drug crazed sex addict, it uncovered various dealings he had with Foreign
Countries that looked very like the buying of influence to his father, Joe Biden, whose code name tuns out t be “the big guy”.

The Laptop shows that the Biden Clan is in the business of selling influence to just about anybody with a penny in their pocket.

You would think that a story such as this one be the headline in every paper and the lead story on every TV news outlet.

But no. Instead, the entire Government Establishment, fondly referred to as “the swamp”, circled the wagons and decided, in lockstep, to condemn all of this in the name of a “Russian Conspiracy”. The all had a willing lackey in just about every major news outlet.

All of the Social Media Giants followed suite by banning anyone from their platform for even mentioning Hunter Biden’s Laptop.

They all sung the same tune.

But sooner or later, someone with a set will get up enough courage to say that perhaps it’s all true.

That is where we are now. All of the News Outlets are now saying that perhaps they were wrong. This will compel them to look deeper, and wanting to be on the winning side of history, start telling the truth.

Just think about it. The Democrats, Pop Culture, the Elites, the entire NewsMedia were willing to hand over the reigns of Government over to a criminal corrupt enterprise for one reason……..

Their hatred for President Trump.

I can only hope that the Republicans can win the House and Senate this November. America needs an accounting. What was done in 2020 is a travesty.

But then this is what happens when a political entity and their willing partners in the Press put Party and Agenda first, theCountry second.
Does the laptop show that Hunter was using his fathers name to get access and money


Does it show what you claim it does.

I suspect the former and you’re assuming the latter.
Hunter Hunter Hunter lol. He gives the cartel a big ole boner for some unexplained reason?? He is not a politician or advisor to the President. Trumpy and his cartel are trying to catch a minnow in a big big sea. If by a very slight chance he was indicted lol n omg n wtf stupid people Brandon yuk yuk could make the charges disappear with a snap of his fingers. Trumpy showed the world how to set a record on being the biggest loser ever and handing out the most pardons ever to all his corrupt cartel members

Dah...political witch hunt for no reason..
The responses of the first two posters helps one understand the problem.
Hunter Hunter Hunter lol. He gives the cartel a big ole boner for some unexplained reason?? He is not a politician or advisor to the President. Trumpy and his cartel are trying to catch a minnow in a big big sea. If by a very slight chance he was indicted lol n omg n wtf stupid people Brandon yuk yuk could make the charges disappear with a snap of his fingers. Trumpy showed the world how to set a record on being the biggest loser ever and handing out the most pardons ever to all his corrupt cartel members

Dah...political witch hunt for no reason.. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yep you're right, Hunter is hiding in Big Daddy's pocket. But just the fact that Hunter is a little scum bag doesn't help Joe further his political endeavors.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yes on both counts and it is a whole worse than just these select topics. But why don't you know that already? Sounds like a you and your propaganda machine problem to me. Is it because you spent the last nearly two years being told it was Russian disinformation by the LambSCREAMMedia and 50 "intelligence" professionals? Or is it because you did not read through these forums. Again, those are on you.

Regardless, now that you know that Russian dis-info was a bald faced lie - now what? You still planning to believe the rest of the ridiculous bullshit they keep shoveling on you? What about ye olde 'fact checkers' that said TRUE, it is Russian dis-info? Trustworthy? I think not. But I still can't get a bead on why you don't try thinking for yourself. Is it too hard? Too much effort? Again, sounds like a you thing. What else have you been duped by those same propagandists? Yup, you guessed it - it's a you thing.

Does the laptop show that Hunter was using his fathers name to get access and money


Does it show what you claim it does.

I suspect the former and you’re assuming the latter. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Does the laptop show that Hunter was using his fathers name to get access and money


Does it show what you claim it does.

I suspect the former and you’re assuming the latter. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
.... ... "Down With The Ship" YOU go!.

#### Salty
Hunter Hunter Hunter lol. He gives the cartel a big ole boner for some unexplained reason?? He is not a politician or advisor to the President. Trumpy and his cartel are trying to catch a minnow in a big big sea. If by a very slight chance he was indicted lol n omg n wtf stupid people Brandon yuk yuk could make the charges disappear with a snap of his fingers. Trumpy showed the world how to set a record on being the biggest loser ever and handing out the most pardons ever to all his corrupt cartel members

Dah...political witch hunt for no reason.. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
... ... ... ... ...

WE surely aint laughing WITH YA there, mate.

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
One has to wonder just whom the FBI works for. Is it the highest bidder these days or what? The cover up is always worse than the crime. But why do they have to resort to crushing an innocent person's life? Someone that went out of their way to do the right thing - the right way at that. What's up with that?

You can find versions of this similar interview with John Paul Mac Isaac. It is both heart breaking and infuriating. The gentleman is legally blind and a small business owner from a long line of American military lineage. I include this version of an interview with him because it gets straight to it - and it's heart rendering. However, I did not include the actual interview. You would have to click on the link to read it. It starts just below the except I provided below.

Nolte: Hunter Biden Laptop Whistleblower John Paul Mac Isaac — The Breitbart News Interview

John Paul Mac Isaac had legal ownership of Hunter Biden’s laptop, followed the rules, did everything right, and still They destroyed him in order to protect a wealthy and powerful Democrat named Joe Biden.

A good man who represents the most vulnerable minority in the world — the individual — did everything he was supposed to do, everything they told him to do, and for that They took away everything he had and refused to protect him from one of the most obscene injustices you will ever read about.

Before a drunken man entered his life with three broken laptops, John Paul Mac Isaac owned a home, owned a small business, and had carved out a life for himself in Wilmington, Delaware. John Paul Mac Isaac wasn’t looking for trouble or to become famous or do anything other than quietly live his life. Then in walked a drunk, entitled, and corrupt Hunter Biden.

And even after he knew what he had, John Paul Mac Isaac didn’t try to financially or politically profit from the potential windfall handed to him and then legally surrendered to him by Hunter Biden. He still did the right thing. He never stopped doing the right thing.

And for that… For being nothing more or less than an innocent bystander who followed the rules, They destroyed John Paul Mac Isaac. He lost his whole life: his business, his trade, his privacy, everything that he’d worked for they took away from him.

He might even lose his home.

Who is They?

They is the government… The FBI that sat on explosive evidence that would have set John Paul Mac Isaac free, and did so to protect a wealthy and powerful Democrat named Joe Biden.

They is the “50 former intelligence officials” who smeared John Paul Mac Isaac as a Russian spy and did so to protect a wealthy and powerful Democrat named Joe Biden.

They is the all-powerful tech giants who falsely accused John Paul Mac Isaac of traitorous criminal behavior, who accused him of being a hacker, to protect a wealthy and powerful Democrat named Joe Biden.

And They is most certainly the corporate media, who knew all of the above was a lie, who knew the Hunter Biden laptop was legitimate, and still, for 17 months, spread and protected the lies that destroyed John Paul Mac Isaac’s life.

You can’t go to the media anymore. It used to be that if you could just get the truth to the media, the media would publish the truth and the truth would protect you. There are all kinds of movies about this, about how the goal is to find a heroic journalist who will tell the truth and save you… The Three Days of the Condor, The Pelican Brief, The China Syndrome… The idea was always this: if the government and big business were about to crush and destroy you — you, the individual, the brave truth-teller, the lonely whistleblower — there was always a safe place to run. There was always the New York Times or the Washington Post or CNN.

No more.

They’re all in on it.

Breitbart News interviewed John Paul Mac Isaac late last week. We wanted to give him a chance to share his story and tell it — other than editing for clarity and length — unfiltered.

Here it is…

For the video-philes out there
There are similar and other videos of it. This one is 7 min long, start at the 40 sec mark

What the ever-living F*ck is wrong with these despots!?!
DIAF is too good for them
... And not to mention what THEY DID to Trump.

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Sooner or later Gods gonna cut you down.

What was done it the dark will be brought to the light

Sooner or later Gods gonna cut you down
matchingmole's Avatar
The responses of the first two posters helps one understand the problem. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yeah....who really give a shit about Hunter Biden? No one voted for him.....his father released his taxes before the election and kicked trump's fat ass back to Florida (where he belongs)
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yeah....who really give a shit about Hunter Biden?... Originally Posted by matchingmole
I don't recall any good reason to be believe you are very rich and powerful, therefore you must be... You know. The thing. Come on man.

Actually, we already knew in your case.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is a good chance for us to examine our Government, our News Media, and what they are willing to do to maintain power and further an agenda.

In the last election, it was reported that a computer shop had a laptop that was left by former Vice President and the Presidential Candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Apparently, Hunter Biden forgot about it, abandoned it or what ever, and the person at the repair shop took access to the info..

The information contained was scurrilous. Not only did It show Hunter Biden to be a drug crazed sex addict, it uncovered various dealings he had with Foreign
Countries that looked very like the buying of influence to his father, Joe Biden, whose code name tuns out t be “the big guy”.

The Laptop shows that the Biden Clan is in the business of selling influence to just about anybody with a penny in their pocket.

You would think that a story such as this one be the headline in every paper and the lead story on every TV news outlet.

But no. Instead, the entire Government Establishment, fondly referred to as “the swamp”, circled the wagons and decided, in lockstep, to condemn all of this in the name of a “Russian Conspiracy”. The all had a willing lackey in just about every major news outlet.

All of the Social Media Giants followed suite by banning anyone from their platform for even mentioning Hunter Biden’s Laptop.

They all sung the same tune.

But sooner or later, someone with a set will get up enough courage to say that perhaps it’s all true.

That is where we are now. All of the News Outlets are now saying that perhaps they were wrong. This will compel them to look deeper, and wanting to be on the winning side of history, start telling the truth.

Just think about it. The Democrats, Pop Culture, the Elites, the entire NewsMedia were willing to hand over the reigns of Government over to a criminal corrupt enterprise for one reason……..

Their hatred for President Trump.

I can only hope that the Republicans can win the House and Senate this November. America needs an accounting. What was done in 2020 is a travesty.

But then this is what happens when a political entity and their willing partners in the Press put Party and Agenda first, theCountry second. Originally Posted by Jackie S

That would be great if ANY OF THEM were saying that, "I was wrong" but I haven't heard a single Democrat or single media outlet that has said "I/ we were wrong".

What they are saying is "at the time, it was a reasonable assumption to make considering all the Russian interference and the fact that Rudy Giuliani was involved".

Well, that is what you should have said with a caveat, "we as a news organization will continue to investigate this story that we have been unable to confirm even though it is evident we never tried because it would have hurt "our guy" 3 weeks before an election". Which begs the question "if it were a story about Trump, would you have exhibited the same concern/ restraint? What other news outlet covered the Bobulinski interview? Not such an easy guy to hang "Putin puppet" on. Not so easy to dismiss e-mails from Hunter and CC to Bobulinski.

I would bet a small fortune that no Democrat or media person will ever say the words "I was wrong". I tried like hell to find the proper words to put into Google to get the story of either Brennan or Clapper ( Brennan I think ) when he admitted that "perhaps he was given wrong information". Notice it wasn't his fault that he passed false information, it was the other guys fault. Anybody remember that story? That's as close ( I predict ) to anybody getting close to admitting they were wrong.

I often talk about my oldest friend in the world, almost 50 years now. He is obsessed with mailing me articles by some of the wokest of the woke on the left. And as Biden and the Democrats numbers are cratering, I can hear the desperation and frustration in his responses.

Here is the latest letter he sent me. I do this to provide a perspective of someone who feels like "his side" is losing and losing badly.

"DeSantis ( second in line to only Trump as the most evil person in the world ) is really smart. All these issues were never a bump in the road when we were growing up!

Trump has brought out the crazy "minority", which will just be an endless class warfare that will stop the country from dealing with current more important subjects.

CRT and "Don't Say Gay" bullshit that could be handled quietly and smoothly, but no, let's make a "political incident".

Signed, "Shocked and disappointed".

For some unknown really really desperate reason the trumpy cartel is all about the minnow Hunter??? Maybe the only (nothing)dem to remotely resemble someone corrupt???
Guess they are tired and really desperate while hearing about corrupt gop politicians (for real) on a more than daily basis including another stable genius Walker.

Will Jared turn on the cartel to save himself and his family? He knows damn well that trumpy would throw him under the bus in a at 11 again and again and again to try and cover all the gop corruption

Dah...tooo funny
:roll1 :

Edit to add....btw the cartel dudes you do know that Biden's numbers are still higher than trumpys

Still cracking myself up and enjoying reading the radical cartel nonsense