Biden vs. Trump approval rating

VitaMan's Avatar
Second year of term beginning of April

Biden 41 %
Trump 39 %
tman1847's Avatar
There’s a big difference between disapproval of Trump because of his “tweets” and democratic lies

And disapproval of Biden as he destroys our country
matchingmole's Avatar
There’s a big difference between disapproval of Trump because of his “tweets” and democratic lies

And disapproval of Biden as he destroys our country Originally Posted by tman1847
arvest hoursnavy federal near me
LexusLover's Avatar
There’s a big difference between disapproval of Trump because of his “tweets” and democratic lies

And disapproval of Biden as he destroys our country Originally Posted by tman1847
Not to mention the LameStreamMedia barrage for 4 years....some folks even on here still believe the hype....e.g. Russian Collusion!
Plus 2% points is less than the margin of error in most polls which is usually 3% to 4%.
  • Tiny
  • 04-03-2022, 08:38 AM
Second year of term beginning of April

Biden 41 %
Trump 39 % Originally Posted by VitaMan
Your point is? Biden is as unpopular as Trump. If Americans had any sense Gary Johnson would be serving his second term.
i cant get over gary johnson and his tongue
  • Tiny
  • 04-03-2022, 09:04 AM
Yeah the tongue and Aleppo definitely hurt him. I would have loved to see him on the debate stage with Biden and Trump.
Second year of term beginning of April

Biden 41 %
Trump 39 % Originally Posted by VitaMan
Really? You're going to prop up Biden with a 41% approval rating, which was probably six months ago, lol. It's under 40%, last I saw Biden's approval rating was 36% and falling.
... "HISTORIC LOWS!" ... MSNBC calls Biden's numbers ...

While TRUMP just had a HUGE and FUN rally in Michigan!

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
When faced with the FACTS, Trumpites still try to bash Biden and defend their Donald.

Facts are after all the Trumpite talk of issues with the Biden administration and Biden bashing, Trump had a LOWER approval rating at the same time in his term of office. Things must have been terrible in the Trump administration to have approval ratings lower than the Biden administration. If the Biden administration sucks, the Trump administration sucked even more.


Levianon....Current Biden approval rating is 41%, not 36%. Trump at the same point is his term was 39%. was not 4 years of media bashing. The 39 % ratings are during the second year beginning April.

tman.....totally ridiculous post

Salty....maybe you would be surprised what historic lows Trump achieved. The 39% rating is not even close to his historic low approval ratings that would come later in his term.

Have at it. You can't lie or twist this like the Trumpites do with all other topics. But you sure are trying. Hard for them to deal with actual FACTS.

The main point to take away is:

the Trump administration sucked worse than the Biden administration, or ratings don't matter
... You're surely entitled to yer-own opinion there, mate.

At least for a little while longer here in America.

... But you ARE being silly and embarrassing yourself.

And rather badly.

#### Salty
When faced with the FACTS, Trumpites still try to bash Biden and defend their Donald.

Facts are after all the Trumpite talk of issues with the Biden administration and Biden bashing, Trump had a LOWER approval rating at the same time in his term of office. Things must have been terrible in the Trump administration to have approval ratings lower than the Biden administration. If the Biden administration sucks, the Trump administration sucked even more.


Levianon....Current Biden approval rating is 41%, not 36%. Trump at the same point is his term was 39%. was not 4 years of media bashing. The 39 % ratings are during the second year beginning April.

tman.....totally ridiculous post

Salty....maybe you would be surprised what historic lows Trump achieved. The 39% rating is not even close to his historic low approval ratings that would come later in his term.

Have at it. You can't lie or twist this like the Trumpites do with all other topics. But you sure are trying. Hard for them to deal with actual FACTS.

The main point to take away is:

the Trump administration sucked worse than the Biden administration, or ratings don't matter Originally Posted by VitaMan
If Biden's Approval Rating isn't 36% it's still under 40% and by Midterms it will be 36% if not lower.
tman1847's Avatar
Did I say the approval rating you published were not fact? Don' think so!

What I did say is they were judged on different criteria

Like I stated Trump’s low approval rating was based on his “tweets” and lies spread by the Dems and the liberal media.

Biden's is based on his failures as a president

I suggest you watch your liberal NBC, “Meet the Press” and CBS, “Face the Nation” Since the beginning of January, every Sunday, they have been discussing Biden’s failure after failure.

Today's discussion was about immigration, When Biden pulls Title 42 in 3 -4 weeks border crossings are going to increase from 7,000 to 18,000 a day. And they have no strategy in place to handle this. Typically another Biden fuck up

If you can point out all the political decisions Trump made during his first year that rival Biden’s disasters please educate us all.

Don’t run and hide or try and change the subject like the rest of the biden followers, Prove me wrong
Has trumpy ever been over 50% in his corrupt life? Except in Michigan where they named him man of the year or some shit he lied about....again

Keep on eating his shit cartel