Why do some providers lie about their strong preference to smoke on multihours?

gimme_that's Avatar

Ladies if a client request a multihour up to 12 hours, and request perferably that you don't smoke, would it affect your mood or services in session? Would you consider it less incentive of a booking if you could not take smoke breaks? Is it a hidden requirement you usually won't speak on unless asked? And lastly........If your client perfers to be discreet and is in a hotel that doesn't cater to smoking, should that full donation stay in the room, or is it required that you carry it with you when you smoke?

I don't mind that some ladies perfer to smoke.....its ok. Its something you have to tolerate or it will severely limit ladies you can see who don't smoke. But I will admit....if I see two ladies in my area with similar menu, services, and body......Ill go with the non smoking one more so than the one who smokes especially on multihours.

Why you ask? Well for me theres many reasons.

1. I don't smoke personally, so it will arose suspicion if its on my clothes, and me. I usually dress down so I don't get smoked up attire. I usually just throw it all away........

2. I don't think the smell permeated through her hair when cuddling and being close is sexy. The more she smokes into the appointment the less likely I will kiss her toward the later parts of the meet.

3. Even when ladies brush their teeth, there is a certain amount of time you should refrain from kissing to accommodate that. The reason being when you brush your gums they are more open to cuts and since BBBJ and kissing are start points for appointments its more risky right after......until of course at least an hour after since the parts of the mouth are extremely vaseous and heal quick.

4. Not all ladies feel the need to shower again after smoking........and worse.....few will wash their long flowing hair and its still very smoky indeed when you are close to it. I will say this tends more so to be a thing that black women won't do, get her hair wet....absolutely not. Usually blasphemy to even ask.

5. Its sometimes more difficult to book smoking rooms. Since I prefer outcalls, this sorta limits my comfort. And the hotels smoking area usually is in an area where she has to temporarily leave the building. This places me at risk for exposure, CASH n DASHES to a waiting car (with fake throw away gear in room) "don't worry baby, I'm not gonna leave my bag", her being identified if she shows her face locally, etc.

6. Lastly dinner dates. Most times ladies prefer not to drive in their car when we go out. So I would use mine. But now I just opt to get a rental car so as not to get ash all over my dash. I don't want smoke all in my car, but sometimes I like to go out....so I feel limited.

Again I don't mind accommodating for ladies to smoke if there no other booking option for me or its a must for her for it to occur. I just was wondering why ladies choose to reveal a strong preference to have multiple smoke breaks after the fact....just curious.

I think providers who really don't smoke, and providers with no tattoos are a rarity. I don't mind either but it would be nice to find one who doesn't, or one who can refrain from it. Is this an unrealistic expectation to have for all the cheifers out there lol.
WOW. As a non-smoker (ok...you have to get me drunk...like college girl drunk - stumbling), I really can't speak from a smokers POV...BUT let's get real folks, overnights are usually $1000+ , and that's a low ball for these so called "high end" providers. So seriously, if you can't go 12 hours without smoking for $1000+, your calibur (if there truly is one in this biz ) in my eyes, plummets dramatically especially when the gent makes it known smoking is a turn off.

As accommodating as you great gents are, it shouldn't kill anyone to accommodate YOU. IMO, some (note the SOME, there are plenty of us who don't need the reminding of job woes and what Working America is really like) providers/ladies need a wake up call/reality check with a full time job...you know, like work for a living...hehehe

A) few breaks, one lunch
B and the most significant) $1000+ in a days work = a bi-weekly paycheck after bonusing and
$10-12+ an hour.
C) No drinking on the job - or screwing lol
D) Dealing with Boss/Co-workers that are ASSES, and NO, you can't walk away bc you'd get dismissed. Here we can walk away and the pussy goes nowhere.

just my .02

from a non-smokers POV

<-------Team No Tats
I believe if a lady is on a 12 hour date and she is willing to forfeit a good experience with her client and 1k+for a pack of cigarettes, that's just plain ridiculous. I know some ladies smoke. If they know that they cannot go 12 hours without one w/o being irratable and in a bad mood, they need to not set the date or make sure that the gent doesn't mind smoking. Saying that she won't smoke and then sneaking one out on the balcony is just disrepectful and shows a lack of self-control.

As far as the black women thing yea, lol it's usually like that. Just to point out though, in case you weren't aware (I don't know your race or ethnicity), but black women do not wash their hair every day. We don't need to, if we did, it would dry out and fall out. Our hair doesn't secrete the natural oils as our caucasian counterparts so it doesn't get as greasy and doesn't need to be maintained as often. I can understand their reluctance especially if a lady has just spent time and money washing and/or styling her hair before an appointment. Since we do not style our hair every day washing it right out would just be a waste of all that time and money it took to get beautiful . Also, a lot of black women wear weaves that get knotted and damaged when wet and/or washed.

I realised that a lot of people don't know about simple things that differ across races, like hair care. I was surprised when I learned that other ladies washed their hair every day or every other day. I was like, damn, I sure save a lot of money on shampoo! Lol.

But it should still hold true, if the lady, regardless of race, wishes to smoke and not take the appropriate steps to rid the smell as much as possible (like washing their hair), then I wouldn't see them again.

I too have also noticed the lack of ladies with no tattoos and of those who truly do not smoke at all; neither with clients nor in their personal lives. I'm glad to say I am a part of that very exclusive group and happy I didn't get that dragon tattoo at 18 lol.
gimme_that's Avatar
I really appreciate your breakdown in the hair situation for black women. I knew of it....but could not explain it in the detail you did.

I will admit.....there's been more than a few situations wehere ladies offered to come in the shower with me....but seeing them pull out that "elementary cafeteria lady" hairnet killed the mood. I felt like shower fun should be more spontaneity......but I know that's expensive. And also there just isn't enough room in there, I like ladies with big butts and curvy preferably.....and unless we are having sex in a handicapped hotel room with the shower bars (don't steal my shit) its just too full in their to truelly get clean. And the hairnet is a turn off.

But that smoke travels. Believe me I know how ladies can relax moreso when they take a hit of their favorite smoke. I've seen the differences.....I just wish they were more honest about it. Surprises aren't always a good thing in regards to this...trust me.

So where should the 1G plus donation be. Should she be carrying it when she smokes or should she leave it on the dresser. I always do the dresser with it visible. I've never paid up front and usually when they reach for it I know the games are about to start and cancel the appointment right there if they feel some kind of way about it. But I only do that with backpage ladies, not the ones on this site who are reputable. But still I don't like that vulnerability while she has left......leaving her suspect looking purse as a bartering chip. At least be a designer one comparable........
Lamaoo at the bathroom scene I just imagined. She should leave it on the dressor. It's not fair to you. If she decides to leave you alone for that cigarette the donation should stay in the room. Does she honestly think that you will pack your shit, check out of the hotel, and then sneak by to your car in the 3 minutes it takes to smoke? As far as the irritability, the lady should KNOW how she gets w/o cigarrettes. If she dishonestly books an overnight agreeing to no smoking and then her attitude turns so sour to the point that you NEED to let her go have a smoke just to get better performance, that's her taking advantage. If a lady is dependent on cigarettes and know they can't go overnight in their personal lives without smoking, they should just be honest and say I can't do an overnight with no smoking, especially if this is a crucial preference of the gentleman she is with... If I were a dude I'd be that asshole that would leave if she insists on smoking or if her attitude begins to suck. I would pay her for time already spent of course, but outside of that I would leave and make it very clear in the review why I did so.
jbravo_123's Avatar
As long as a provider isn't lying on their smoking status in their showcase (and you can probably find the info in their reviews as well), I would think that them being a smoker or not shouldn't surprise you.

Ie, if you schedule an overnight with a smoker, then I don't think it's unreasonable for them to take smoke breaks, etc.

If that's a problem with you, either let them know ahead of time that it's an issue or you should find someone else.

Of course, if they lied on their profile information about their smoking status, that's something different.
kusmaldo's Avatar
gross they taste like cigarettes.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 06-13-2013, 03:20 PM
Maybe bring some nicotine patches with you. Or the nicotine gum. Buy them some disposable e-cigs. Altogether, these items should be around $50-75, and should last more than one session. (Patches and gum, that is.)

Maybe discuss the above possibilities with the provider when scheduling, to see what they have to say about it.

I quit smoking about 2.5 years ago, and the taste/smell of cigarette smoke on a person's breath/hair/clothes/room is almost more than I can take.

Strangely enough, though, the smell of a cigarette burning doesn't bother me, it actually makes me want a cig RIGHT NOW, even though it's been years since I had one.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
As long as a provider isn't lying on their smoking status in their showcase (and you can probably find the info in their reviews as well), I would think that them being a smoker or not shouldn't surprise you.

Ie, if you schedule an overnight with a smoker, then I don't think it's unreasonable for them to take smoke breaks, etc.

If that's a problem with you, either let them know ahead of time that it's an issue or you should find someone else.

Of course, if they lied on their profile information about their smoking status, that's something different. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
I agree whole heartedly
If you know she's a smoker ,you shouldn't be doing a overnight with her and expect her not to smoke, it unrealistic. and setting yourself up for failure. sometime you just got to say she's not the one for you.
Personally I won't date a woman who's a smoker, have sex, yeah, but date no, and overnight is out, and you can't smoke in my car or house either, so I know damn well I'm not about to pay someone to stay overnight with me who smokes. I don't care what she may look like, I know that would be a epic failure.
with all that being said, if its not something you would deal with in your personal life why deal with it in this arena.
You know I never understand why some guys put up with shit in this arena that they wouldn't put up with in their personal lives
RedLeg505's Avatar
I quit smoking about 2.5 years ago, and the taste/smell of cigarette smoke on a person's breath/hair/clothes/room is almost more than I can take. Originally Posted by LNK
Interesting how everyone is different. I quit smoking 3 years ago last April after over 35 years of smoking. And I have a favorite provider who is a smoker. She brushes, mouthwashes, cleans up great, but I can still detect the nicotine/tar taste. But for me, its neither a turn off or turn on, it just is and I accept it because she stated clearly in her bio that she smokes and I set the date so I made the choice and other than that, everything else about her is so great, I can overlook the taste when kissing.

But if I were to ever consider an overnight with her, I'd have to make allowances for the smoking, because I know how tough it was for ME to go long hours without a cigarette before I finally quit.
I missed the race part...??? No matter what race, if your hair stinks whether black or white, wash it. Allllll hair absorbs odor - its dead skin cells...not every single aspect involves race. Smh. Now back to one of millions of the nba threads.
I missed the race part...??? No matter what race, if your hair stinks whether black or white, wash it. Allllll hair absorbs odor - its dead skin cells...not every single aspect involves race. Smh. Now back to one of millions of the nba threads. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Then maybe you should read it again

few will wash their long flowing hair and its still very smoky indeed when you are close to it. I will say this tends more so to be a thing that black women won't do, get her hair wet....absolutely not. Usually blasphemy to even ask. Originally Posted by gimme_that
And this has nothing to do with the nba threads. I simply commented on a statement that was interesting to me and then MOVED ON. I neither hijacked his thread nor was disrespectful to him or anyone else in any manner and he did not take offense as you can read in his reply. Unless of course, you can't find that either? Then we both MOVED ON. I don't even know why you are complaining right now and bringing up the race thing again unless you wanted to turn it into another nba thing or just start shit, both, of which you obviously do, SMH

I too said hair care should be appropriate for everybody, regardless of race, so your comment is absolutely useless.

But it should still hold true, if the lady, regardless of race, wishes to smoke and not take the appropriate steps to rid the smell as much as possible (like washing their hair), then I wouldn't see them again. Originally Posted by Karyn Lovely
Practice reading first before you comment. Please and thank you.
gimme_that's Avatar
As long as a provider isn't lying on their smoking status in their showcase (and you can probably find the info in their reviews as well), I would think that them being a smoker or not shouldn't surprise you.

Ie, if you schedule an overnight with a smoker, then I don't think it's unreasonable for them to take smoke breaks, etc.

If that's a problem with you, either let them know ahead of time that it's an issue or you should find someone else. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
I agree whole heartedly
If you know she's a smoker ,you shouldn't be doing a overnight with her and expect her not to smoke, it unrealistic. and setting yourself up for failure. sometime you just got to say she's not the one for you........

You know I never understand why some guys put up with shit in this arena that they wouldn't put up with in their personal lives Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
But if I were to ever consider an overnight with her, I'd have to make allowances for the smoking, because I know how tough it was for ME to go long hours without a cigarette before I finally quit. Originally Posted by RedLeg505

This isn't about their profile smoking preference. Because I always ask and confirm. This is about my preference for them not to smoke before closing the deal of the overnight booking and setting a date and time. Its kinda like if a lady says she "swallows" and when you arrived and cum she dodges it and collects it in her hands only. SO KINDA LIKE A BAIT AND SWITCH THING AFTER THEY HAVE ARRIVED. If she tells me "Oh, Honey I can definitely refrain from smoking on the overnight if we do it"...........and then at the first instance we aren't engaging in sex or pillowtalking she then says......."I have got to have a smoke babe, you don't mind really do you.....its an issue.

Because at that point I feel as a gentleman it places me in a position where I'm compromising their comfort and taking away their "motivation" besides the money to continue. So I have seen it affect ladies moods. An ultimately I caved because I wanted her to be at her pinnacle of service if she felt it would add to her performance. I've had ladies straight get upset because they wanted to suddenly "blaze one for the nation"........to me subconsciously it makes me feel like its moreso a clocked in job rather than a mutually satisfying encounter centered on my fantasy. It makes it feel as if I'm not being sensitive to her vice she has......which isn't the case because I ask in advance and get let down.

I for the most part have grown to tolerated it and acept it but I will be honest to say I don't like it. Imhonest about my preferences beforehand but few ladies will be so proud in regards to refrain from smoking when offered those overnight amounts it seems. Its just peculiar to me.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
You know, you asked why do some providers lie about their strong preference to smoke during mutlihour sessions,
Don't you get it, read what you just posted.
It because they know guys like you won't call them on it and boot their asses out, if you're not going to stand up for what you want and paying for, no need to question the why they are doing it to you.
man up
I don't mind when a client says that he doesn't want me to smoke during a session.