High-Heeled Shoes

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I imagine that we can all agree that women's legs look sexier in high heels and the higher the better.

However, there is a high price these ladies must pay for that sexy appeal.

. . . Do you ladies just grin and bear it or do you even think about the pain anymore? It must be hell walking up stairs in those sexy high heels, isn't it? I think men would agree that we appreciate your sacrifice, but how do you cope with those things and why do you do it?

I love my heels but more often than not they stay in my closet. I refuse to trek all over campus, (over cobbleston, uneven pathways and up hills) all day jn 90+ degree weather. My babies are reserved for job/internship interviews, dinner dates and of course my favorite thing, meetings with you sexy gentlemen.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I only wear heels for photo shoots. My closet is full of jeans and t-shirts. I don't think I've ever worn heels to meet a client unless I was already wearing a dress that day. And by that time I hate my feet and want to walk around barefooted

Now give me some high heel boots and we're good. But it's summer and boots are out.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
We appreciate the sacrifice you ladies make to look sexy for us.

At work, I always walk up the stairs rather than ride the elevator, but I often run into girls who are walking up barefooted and carrying their shoes in their hands, but that is still only a crude solution.

. . . I wonder if we just need to invent a better shoe for the ladies. I could probably make millions and save you ladies a lot of pain in the process!

My heels are for BEDroom activities, the higher the heel the better
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
When a lady makes a good faith offering of calf/leg accentuating high heels, the aesthetic over the comfort, showing little or no interest in her right to bitch about the choice, the pain and discomfort of such, then only a fool
refuses her anything she might request in exchange.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, aren't you a clever monkey.

. . . A message barely disguised inside another message. Maybe you could disappear for your next trick!

When a lady makes a good faith offering of calf/leg accentuating high heels, the aesthetic over the comfort, showing little or no interest in her right to bitch about the choice, the pain and discomfort of such, then only a fool
refuses her anything she might request in exchange. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
christylynn's Avatar
i wear heels on the rare occasion if someone i see likes them otherwise id rather not wear them...
Vyvian's Avatar
I LUV my heels! All my shoes(winter, fall, summer & spring) are heels, except a pair of good tennis shoes & flip flops...I've been this way for so long, business & casual, I dont think I can walk correctly w/out heels...Lol...even my casual shoes/boots have heels. High heel shoes are just sexy-if u can walk correctly in them they do add a lil xtra sexy.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, of course, high-heeled shoes are sexy. That is not in question.

The problem as I see it and confirmed by medical experts is how unnatural the foot is placed in to elevate the heel and give the leg that sexy look and the consequences.

Women sacrifice comfort for fashion, but slowly ruin their feet.

. . . Maybe it's time that we developed a new type of shoe for women. I think that if I could invent a shoe for women that was as comfortable as a sneaker, but looked as sexy as a high-heeled stiletto, I could help the women of the world and make a fortune in the process. I think women today suffer in silence needlessly because they erroneously believe that is how it must be. Not very much unlike Chinese women in history who suffered daily for centuries while binding their feet because they thought that small feet were sexy, but they destroyed their feet in the process.

Why did it take them three long and painful centuries to finally wise up to something so obviously wrong?

I LUV my heels! All my shoes(winter, fall, summer & spring) are heels, except a pair of good tennis shoes & flip flops...I've been this way for so long, business & casual, I dont think I can walk correctly w/out heels...Lol...even my casual shoes/boots have heels. High heel shoes are just sexy-if u can walk correctly in them they do add a lil xtra sexy. Originally Posted by Vyvian
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 06-19-2013, 06:58 PM
The problem as I see it and confirmed by medical experts is how unnatural the foot is placed in to elevate the heel and give the leg that sexy look and the consequences.

Women sacrifice comfort for fashion, but slowly ruin their feet.

. . . Maybe it's time that we developed a new type of shoe for women. I think that if I could invent a shoe for women that was as comfortable as a sneaker, but looked as sexy as a high-heeled stiletto, I could help the women of the world and make a fortune in the process. I think women today suffer in silence needlessly because they erroneously believe that is how it must be. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You propose that there can be a comfortable, natural way to elevate the heel and give the leg (and overall posture/carriage) that sexy look.

Read that again, and then engage the brain.

If you elevate the heel to give that sexy look, it will be unnatural, and uncomfortable, until you "train" the muscles and tendons to it. Kind of like binding the feet. And then you have other problems. Kind of like binding the feet.

I know a lady (not in the hobby) who has difficulty walking in flats, barefoot, or even low heels because she's worn high heels (many 5 or 6" +) so often and for so long. She's stretched some of the tendons and muscles, and others have shortened. She walks around tiptoe barefoot, because it's more comfortable. Her bedroom slippers have heels, FFS.

You can either have the look or not. Having the look means comfort goes by the wayside, one way or t'other.
Vyvian's Avatar
I know they're not the best for our feet, backs, etc but they're so damn cute! I've had many work days on my feet & in my dress shoes and by the end of the day I wanna just chop my feet off cuz of the pain goin straight up to my lower back...I must like pain tho cuz I still wouldnt trade for comfy shoes like tennis shoes.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Okay, granted. I know that what I am proposing sounds like a contradiction.

But maybe that is exactly why no one really tackled the problem before. It seemed impossible.

People have just quietly accepted the either/or premise and naturally from that point, there is no solution, but I don't want to start from that point. I do not accept that premise.

. . . I will give away part of the fruit of my mental labor here just to prove a point. What I am thinking about is a shoe that converts to one type or another. Suppose the stiletto heel would swivel and tuck under a small tunnel created in the sole for that purpose. The lady could quickly convert the shoe to the appropriate mode by swiveling the heel under the sole and then back again to revert to high-heel mode. Are you seeing the picture now? Okay, not a total solution - yet, but even partial progress is going in the right direction.