STD Testing

While I am a doctor, I am not a doctor of medicine. I am sure there are many on here who are qualified to provide a medical opinion. However, knowing they can not possibly object to this academic giving quasi-medical advise, and as I have not seen them step up to the plate, I say the following knowing it may be extremely unpopular. I encourage everyone, including this site with the revenue stream it makes off of its ads, to encourage everyone to participate in STD testing. As in everyone, as in immediately.

Hear that - that is the sound of the pleasure train coming to a screeching halt.

Yes. The behaviors we all participate in may, and I stress may, affect someone other than our selves. That is, we may pick-up and transmit some form of cooties to others all unknowingly. Cooties which may be life defining to the unsuspecting.

The hedonists among you will deride my concern. Those who have a superman complex (it won't happen to me) will ignore its simple message. Those with little cocks and huge egos will simply think it is irrelevant. Those with golden pussy syndrome will simply ignore it. You all are wrong.

Simply get checked. Do so regularly. Most problems are easily treatable if attended to promptly. Treat each other with respect. We are a community. Treat each other appropriately.

Being tested for a STD is not to have one. Having a STD and solving it, after testing, is responsible behavior which makes us a civilization. Make it an age of mankind people hundreds of years from now, if not thousands of years from now, look at us as an enlightened time in the history of our planet.

For you mouth breathers, who have even read this far, and might be confused - bravo. Next off, get tested, you freakin' cretins. We are an isolated petri dish. We all affect the other. Realize it. Act on it.

pyramider's Avatar
Hell, the ladies cannot even get the fucktards to take a shower and you expect them same fucktards to get tested ...
shit.....i must think its "irrelevant"

The sad thing ... I raise an issue of genuine public health ... and people think I must have a STD.

I do not have, nor have I ever had a STD.

Can you say the same?

When is the last time you were tested?

Safe sex is a lot more than a condom.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I just sterilize the sores with a cigarette.
speeedracer's Avatar
i've always wanted to start a thread just wondering how often providers get themselves tested, but i didn't want to get flamed, since i'm still a little new here. and yup, these are the kind of answers i expected. sarcastic and presumptuous.
Hermosa's Avatar
What I find amazing is not the response from some of the guys. Gives a clue to their maturity. No, really guys. However, I am amazed that none of the ladies responded. Maybe the link is too new. But really, I know a number of ladies have kids. They hope to move beyond the hobby. What I'm saying, is that they want (and they do deserve), a future. Goofing is cool and fun, but who wants to die? Or worse, kill someone else??? Something to think about.
Every three months is bout average.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I'm tested every month, usually twice a depends which studio I'm working for.

That being said, I always wonder how many guys get tested. I always hear "You are clean right?" I'm like would anyone actually say "Nah, I have gona-cyphi-herpe-aids and my vagina has now turned a funky green color".
I'm tested every couple of months. If you are gonna play, please do it safely. It amazes me how so few people actually care about the safety of themselves and others. Unfortunately an STD isn't like a secret. Can't keep it to yourself.
pyramider's Avatar
Who keeps secrets anymore?
I had a red rashy SACK

burned to SHIT

after shaving one time

it was just the shingles
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
I always hear "You are clean right?" I'm like would anyone actually say "Nah, I have gona-cyphi-herpe-aids and my vagina has now turned a funky green color". Originally Posted by MaryBeth
I will not eat green cooch and ham, Sam I am Sam I am.
Hermosa's Avatar
We guys have a real problem. We look at beautiful women offering wondrous opportunities and get caught up in the lust and moment. I wonder how many guys got "lucky" and then thought that they better never try that again. Just too risky. It's difficult to deal with reality when we get caught up in the moment. However t reality is this. I could tell you I'm clean and I am. I could tell you I'm clean and I'm not. I could tell you I'm clean and I think I am but I'm not. The answer all sounds the same but the reality isn't. That is true of us guys and you ladies. No offense to anyone intended. Best we all stay safe and play safe. Right?
elhomeboy76's Avatar
Hmmmmm, I think if the government would legalize prostitution or regulate it like they do in Europe and some other countries and make the ladies get tested every month or two it would be a bit safer on the STD side, I still wouldn't eat no working lady koochie, thats just my preference though.