Whose would you retire?

Imagine Eccie taking a stance similar to Major League Baseball (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of...eague_Baseball) and retiring some boardnames.

I believe several are worthy of such an honor. Right off the bat , I would nominate:
  • Whispers - Yeah, he's still active. Yeah, I disagree with a lot he says. But, when he's gone, the last thing I want is somebody using that name (or a similar one) while trying to "take it to the next level" (be it up or down). Those who try to imitate right now make it clear there's only one.
  • Amerie - I saw "LadyAmerie" in the Provider Ads and my heart skipped a beat. I must have clicked that link 12 times before it opened. I don't know if "LadyAmerie" is trying to capitalize on the name or not. Hell, I don't know who used the name first. I do know I was greatly disappointed.
So, who would you nominate and why?
Personally I would keep Whispers around. He adds spice to the board.

The board went on for the most part without him and nothing changed for the better. The most controversial posters just became less intelligent.

They all got run off or banned but now they're back under new aliases.

Whispers hasn't hidden from his board identity EVER. I'm not a Whispers fan but I have no personal problem with him either. Why? All you have to do is look where the Fuck we are. How can ANYONE with half a brain hold a personal grudge on a hooker board?

Hell I'm not even a Codybeast fan. I have to give myself a well deserved smack upside the head on occasion.

His character flaws are revealed in many of his posts but the same applies to all of us frequent posters.

At least he is honest regarding his thoughts and stands strong behind his true board identity.

The only ones I would retire are the double or triple handle posters, providers pretending to be mongers and aggressive chronic ass kissers. You know who you are.
Whispers's Avatar
I actually didn't read JohnBrown's post as wanting to retire me.... Just kind of an honor thing to retire the name "Whispers" so that no one else could come along and clean up the image!.....

And I appreciate anyone that can acknowledge my consistency in posting....
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Just kind of an honor thing to retire the name "Whispers" so that no one else could come along and clean up the image!.. Originally Posted by Whispers
LMAO..... but your such a sweet and caring guy on the boards how could anyone make the name any cleaner?
IDK.. retire them both?
ozmosys's Avatar
Got to agree with Whispers on this one. No one was talking about retiring his account, just the name if he chooses to retire.

But how would you enforce someone using a similar name, like Whiskers or Whimpers? Sounds like an administrative nightmare.

But I know what you mean about Amerie. A name from the past, she was on my short list at one time. It quickly became obvious that LadyAmerie is not one and the same.

Still, she has a right to use the name. Maybe she already had a following with that name. It's not like "The Beatles" or "Madonna". As far as I know, there's no national registry for provider and/or hobbyist names.
Still, she has a right to use the name. Maybe she already had a following with that name. It's not like "The Beatles" or "Madonna". As far as I know, there's no national registry for provider and/or hobbyist names. Originally Posted by ozmosys
Technically there is , we're on it ! Try and register Whispers , LadyAmerie , The Rover , or ozmosys.
I actually didn't read JohnBrown's post as wanting to retire me.... Just kind of an honor thing to retire the name "Whispers" so that no one else could come along and alter the image! Originally Posted by Whispers
Fixed that for ya.