Trumps Thinks American Soldiers Are Whores and Sells Them Like Pussy

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
American Troops Are Now For Sale To The Highest Bidder! Make America Whore Again.

Imagine if the Black guy had done this. What a disgraceful coward this guy is. Sacrificing soliders for fucking cash and pimping them out to countries without any American interest at stake. Sacrificing their lives for foreign bullshit. This fucking dude has no respect for anything.

No one in this Bitch's family has ever served in over 150 yrs so this pussy ass fuck face has no idea of what honor and integrity means. All he knows is how to be a disgraceful fat cunt.
LexusLover's Avatar
So you think that people who pay cops for extra jobs are "whoring the police"?

I hate to break to ignorants like you, but it is customary for "mutual assistance" efforts by others to be reimbursed to their primary employer, which expends extra taxpayer funds to train and deploy them.

You want to be reimbursed for something that happened to your ancestors 100's of years ago ... that makes you a whore!

That's one reason Trump wants NATO to pay it's own way ... with countries benefiting from NATO protection kicking in their "fair share" based on their needs.

I realize you and your people don't accept that responsibility ... just bitch about it, but Trump is rectifying that deficiency by making it possible for them to have jobs for which they are qualified and go no longer depend on a welfare check .... like you! And you won't have to be a whore any more.
  • oeb11
  • 01-12-2020, 07:16 AM
So says the Axis of socialism in pink hair rollers.

Clueless about reality.

Get an hypocrisy vaccination, SC
And go to Tehran where your antics will be receive appropriate response.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This is probably his most offensive impeachable offense yet.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So you think that people who pay cops for extra jobs are "whoring the police"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Cops are paid to protect American interests in guess where? Fucking America!!! US cops arent whored to other countries to sacrifice their lives for cash. Are you really this obtuse?
  • oeb11
  • 01-12-2020, 07:19 AM
Do say - feel free to call nasty pelosi and ask her to add it to her next list of Articles of Impeachment for 2021!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So you think that people who pay cops for extra jobs are "whoring the police"?

I hate to break to ignorants like you, but it is customary for "mutual assistance" efforts by others to be reimbursed to their primary employer, which expends extra taxpayer funds to train and deploy them.

You want to be reimbursed for something that happened to your ancestors 100's of years ago ... that makes you a whore!

That's one reason Trump wants NATO to pay it's own way ... with countries benefiting from NATO protection kicking in their "fair share" based on their needs.

I realize you and your people don't accept that responsibility ... just bitch about it, but Trump is rectifying that deficiency by making it possible for them to have jobs for which they are qualified and go no longer depend on a welfare check .... like you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I just love the cognitive dissonance you folks suffer from. I'm glad Trump is systemically stripping you people of any shred of dignity and pride. Its wonderful to see and quite frankly yall deserve what he's doing to yall. He's completely upended and exposed yalls fake belief system and patriotism. He's made a complete mockery of Conservatism.

Well done Trump well done. Bravo!!!
This is not a new development.

It's part of ongoing negotiations by Trump to get these other nations to shoulder more of the burden for the US stationing troops there.

Contrary to the OP bullshit, it is indeed a good thing and not what the OP is trying to portray.

U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly said that South Korea, where the United States has stationed soldiers since the 1950-53 Korean War, should bear more of the cost.
  • oeb11
  • 01-12-2020, 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you think that people who pay cops for extra jobs are "whoring the police"?

I hate to break to ignorants like you, but it is customary for "mutual assistance" efforts by others to be reimbursed to their primary employer, which expends extra taxpayer funds to train and deploy them.

You want to be reimbursed for something that happened to your ancestors 100's of years ago ... that makes you a whore!

That's one reason Trump wants NATO to pay it's own way ... with countries benefiting from NATO protection kicking in their "fair share" based on their needs.

I realize you and your people don't accept that responsibility ... just bitch about it, but Trump is rectifying that deficiency by making it possible for them to have jobs for which they are qualified and go no longer depend on a welfare check .... like you!

I just love the cognitive dissonance you folks suffer from. I'm glad Trump is systemically stripping you people of any shred of dignity and pride. Its wonderful to see and quite frankly yall deserve what he's doing to yall. He's completely upended and exposed yalls fake belief system and patriotism. He's made a complete mockery of Conservatism.

Well done Trump well done. Bravo!!!

"cognitive dissonance" on display - poster must have been reading the daily DPST guide to misunderstood concepts.

poster makes his/her own cognitive dissonance more than clear.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Saudi Arabia is currently committing War Crimes and Genocide in Yemen they can easily take care of their own soldier needs however they'd prefer to sacrifice US soldiers lives at the cost of 1 billion USD. That's what Trump charged them for Troops to commit genocide with Zero, Nada, Zilch. No American interest involved. It's a pure cash for life transaction. This dude is playing Monopoly with soldiers lives like a board game.

Whoever thought the once mighty and proud US military would be reduced to cash Mercenaries. Lmao so much for Patriotism

Remind me again. Who was responsible for 911
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This is not a new development.

It's part of ongoing negotiations by Trump to get these other nations to shoulder more of the burden for the US stationing troops there.

Contrary to the OP bullshit, it is indeed a good thing and not what the OP is trying to portray. Originally Posted by eccielover
Trump is fucking yalls ass without vaseline. And apparently yall fucking love it
  • oeb11
  • 01-12-2020, 07:33 AM
From the foolish DPST "mind-reader" who thinks he/she can read Trump's mind.

If H.... could have - she would be POTUS now.

Who is responsible for 9-11 - DPST theology says "Trump" - of Course.

Foolish DPST .
LexusLover's Avatar
Saudi Arabia is currently committing War Crimes and Genocide in Yemen they can easily take care of their own soldier needs however they'd prefer to sacrifice US soldiers lives at the cost of 1 billion USD. That's what Trump charged them for Troops to commit genocide with Zero, Nada, Zilch. No American interest involved. It's a pure cash for life transaction. This dude is playing Monopoly with soldiers lives like a board game.

Whoever thought the once mighty and proud US military would be reduced to cash Mercenaries. Lmao so much for Patriotism

Remind me again. Who was responsible for 911 Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Did Saudi Arabia mastermind 911?

So why did you hero kill OBL? "An accident"!

You asked .... Here's the reminder!!!!

The real question is: Why didn't Clinton kill him? BEFORE 911!
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump is fucking yalls ass without vaseline. And apparently yall fucking love it Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Please quit obsessing on my ass! I'm not interested in your ass-obsession. It reveals your deep-seeded gayness, and I'm hetro. Also, it shows your extreme ignorance and lack of education.
Whoever thought the once mighty and proud US military would be reduced to cash Mercenaries. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Continued Bullshit just like the premise of the whole OP.

Troops have been shifted and deployed based on requests for assistance from these countries for generations through many administrations.

Trump is simply showing these countries that there should be a shared burden in the cost of this assistance.

Nothing more sinister than that.