Provider's perferences???

Do ladies prefer clean cut, shaved and non-hairy,light skin men that are clean and have good cologne or do you like hair, dark skinned men?....Ex military and was just wondering what is attractive to the women here in Austin as I been out of the game for awhile due to Army but I stay military and keep it short, shaved and clean......
John_Dough's Avatar
Most prefer this.

and dont forget Mr Grant
TheDude88's Avatar
I think they prefer Ben over Grant.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
^^ LOL.. ^^

In the "hobby" clean and trimmed no wild hair down there haha. ***

However in my private life I love a man with lots of fur I love the scruffy face with a full beard and if their a Ginger thats hotter. I still like them clean cut down their too

Sweet Lexxxi dd's
I personally prefer clean cut... not a lumberjack look fan I must say.
Daddy Matt's Avatar
Shaved or just trimmed down there?
Spank, don't take this wrong but you ask some of the stupidest fucking questions. It's bad enough that you over pay at the clubs which hurts us all. I still can't get over the $300 one hour stripper review.

Anyhow, if you don't have something interesting to start a thread with I suggest you just plain don't. What do they prefer??? They are hoogars getting paid to perform a service. they prefer u pay and go away and not try to overstay to talk or txt all the time which is exactly what I expect of them which like toys is why I paid (past tense) them to go away.

Now please realize you are a man and have some pride (that goes for a lot of you pussy whipped fucktards out there)