Tell Me - Tell Me Lies

... So NOW there's a report out that the FBI/DOJ
went in and searched for classified documents
at Biden's UPENN "think tank" office awhile back.

Blimey! ... this is the first we've heard of that.

And a bit too late, since Joe's Chinese mates no doubt
have already taken whatever documents they needed

... Nice to have the whole weight of the FBI/DOJ
continuing to protect Joe and his son. ...
Corruption at its finest!

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... So NOW there's a report out that the FBI/DOJ
went in and searched for classified documents
at Biden's UPENN "think tank" office awhile back.

Blimey! ... this is the first we've heard of that.

And a bit too late, since Joe's Chinese mates no doubt
have already taken whatever documents they needed

... Nice to have the whole weight of the FBI/DOJ
continuing to protect Joe and his son. ...
Corruption at its finest!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

... Hmmm... Reckon the Biden family surely got a couple
of doctors there... Dr. Jill is one.

And Doc Joe and Doc Hunter are two more.
... uh ... "DOCument" Joe and DOCument Hunter. ...

... The FBI and DOJ surely need to do the right
thing here and tell the truth.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
1) According to CBS News, the FBI searched Senile Biden’s “think tank” office in mid-November for classified documents – a search that was NOT previously disclosed.

2) The White House and their allies in the media and their defenders here repeatedly insisted that they were being transparent. That was a lie.

3) The FBI, which leaks like a sieve against Trump, somehow managed to keep this quiet until now.
berryberry's Avatar

Does the Biden White House know what the word “transparent” means?

According to new reporting from CBS News, the FBI searched Biden’s “think tank” office in mid-November for classified documents – a search that was NOT previously disclosed.

The White House has repeatedly insisted that they were being transparent. That was a lie.

January 11: “Again, we released information that was very transparent… They put out on Monday a very — a very, you know, informative, transparent statement about this particular issue.”

January 12: “I want to say that we have been transparent here.”

January 13: “We have been transparent in the last couple of days”

January 17: “I have been forthcoming from this podium.”

January 18: “I believe that is transparency.”

January 19: “We’ve been exhaustive. We’ve been transparent. We’ve attempted to answer all your questions from here.”

January 25: “We have seen statements from the President’s personal lawyers. We have seen statements from the White House Counsel’s Office that laid out — I believe there was a timeline that laid out how this process went on from — from our point of view.”

January 27: “Who has put out a — statements on this, on their timeline and talking — speaking to this. My colleagues from the White House Counsel has had conversations with many of you answering questions on this.”

Add this most recent omission to a growing list of coverups in the GarageGate scandal. You can’t trust a thing the Biden White House says.
berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: The FBI is searching Senile Biden's Rehoboth home for Classified Documents at this moment
berryberry's Avatar
CBS News on Biden’s Document Scandal: “We keep hearing about transparency, but then you hear stories like this.”

... Blimey! ... Is there anywhere that Biden may not have left
any classified documents?? ... ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
91 days ago: Docs found at Penn Biden Center

43 days ago: Docs found in Senile Biden's garage

20 days ago: Docs found in Senile Biden's home

Why did the Justice Department wait until TODAY to finally search Senile Biden's beach house?

Did they rummage through Jill Biden's underwear drawer?

Doesn’t the delay of months and then the advanced notice defeat the purpose of a search if Senile Biden had months to hide compromising materials and serious evidence of a crime?