Potential stink bait for you mongers

Ok, to begin. I know zero about this girl. Never seen her in the flesh, nada, nothing. She's on seeking arrangement and started messaging me out of the blue. Sent me her number saying she needed help getting a room and could I see her to help out. She's in Garland by the Deluxe Inn on Garland avenue. I'm. not promoting her, managing her or anything of the sort. You want to see her you contact her and it's between you and her. I can't see her as I'm on the west side of DFW till next week. I asked her if she wanted me to share her number with "friends". She asked what could they do for her. I said, "Give you $ for something in return which I'm sure you can guess what that is." She replied, "Hell yes they can pick me up if they're real and not gonna flake." I recognized her number from a Craigslist post a couple of weeks ago. Same number and she was at that Deluxe Inn. Phone number is a Texarkana area code. Again, I don't know her. You see her, it's your business your choice.


http://dallas.backpage.com/FemaleEsc...night/42665219 Originally Posted by secpro
Interesting. When I got her number, first thing I did was Google. Didn't get any hits.