SW's in East Dallas or Lower Greenville?

Anyone ever seen SW's in East Dallas or lower Greenville area?
Anyone ever seen SW's in East Dallas or lower Greenville area? Originally Posted by Cabor12
I thought I used to see one on my way to work in the early morning hours (5-6am) at the corner where the Credit Union next to that 1/2 way house. I never stopped but she looked promising.
Tigger!'s Avatar
Couple years back when I lived in the area SW's used to walk up and down Fitzhugh.
Pretty much from Columbia up Ross was the stroll.
Damnthetorpedoes's Avatar
Couple years back when I lived in the area SW's used to walk up and down Fitzhugh.
Pretty much from Columbia up Ross was the stroll. Originally Posted by Übergeil
That WAS a while back.
Stevensegal's Avatar
I haven't seen them on my HOE-DAR