Finally Some Truth

rooster's Avatar
This shit is so tiresome....

At least pick a good one next time. This one musta taken the creator (which def wuzn't you) a whole 2 minutes....

Another metaphor you wont understand.

rooster's Avatar
No, I get it. Let me 'splain it to you. It's called being crass. And simplistic. And unoriginal.

Need me to continue?

Plastic Man's Avatar
Need me to continue? Originally Posted by rooster
nobody ...does
rooster's Avatar
Speakin o' crass and simplistic....

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
One hear's many things.
Which among them is the truth is not clear.
sometimes they HEAR things as well.....

Somes HERE have a hard times with HOMOnyms.....
I'm so happy I check into the Sandbox from time to time and get an update on the most insightful political commentary. I was particularly impressed that the OP was so dedicated to coverage of Biden's asshole. I hope he will continue to provide us with such in-depth coverage.
Zollner's Avatar
The truth will set you free.

rooster's Avatar
Wait!! She was a Democrat?!!

Somehow I missed that despite seeing all of her appearances on Tucker's show.

No one cares. This shrill hag quitting the Democratic party is like a gal that you never wanted to fuck telling your friends that she wouldn't fuck you.

(no one even remembered who she wuz 'ceptin sexman...she ain't what many would call relevant)

rooster's Avatar
And...what kinda parent names their kid Tulsi? Sheesh. Prolly the same kind that names their kid sexman....

Let's compare: Beautiful former congresswoman & Presidential candidates very true comments about the current anti freedom administration in Washington LARPING as representatives of the people

Wait!! She was a Democrat?!!

Somehow I missed that despite seeing all of her appearances on Tucker's show.

No one cares. This shrill hag quitting the Democratic party is like a gal that you never wanted to fuck telling your friends that she wouldn't fuck you.

(no one even remembered who she wuz 'ceptin sexman...she ain't what many would call relevant)

. Originally Posted by rooster
LARPING tv cowboy jimmie attempt to throw shade on the messenger in defense of the anti freedom globalist cabal.

Maybe try a little harder at explaining why what she said isn't true?