Last minute meetings?

Any ladies open for last minute meetings? You never know when the mid is going to hit.
hornyoldtoad's Avatar
best to get established with a provider for this. once you have been on a few dates this more do-able (imo)...

screening takes time to ensure safety - and makes last minute appointments risky and harder for a lot of providers.
Thanks HT. I have seen about a half dozen ladies in KC. All good meetings. I think getting verified for me will be easier than scheduling on a short notice. Short notice scheduling works well for me, and if set up, I have a 100% reliability for following through. I have been white listed on oThER sites that are not as widely utilized now. Patience is a virtue and as you noted, I will need to reestablish more virtue.
Hi sir, I thought maybe I'd "raise the veil" for a sec and let you see why it might be tough for you to find short notice companions, and these are just some of the reasons.

1. Companions need to get locations if they don't already have an established incall. Hotels only allow you to check in during certain hours. And you pay more for short notice. Then she has to hope she can fill those remaining hours that she has the room with clients to try to recoup costs, all because she took a short notice appointment.

2. Companions have private lives to schedule around. Just like you.

3. Companions don't walk around ready to be companions all the time. If you want a companion to show up looking and smelling good, she needs some time to prepare herself. Not that we walk around smelling bad, but we don't walk around dolled up and silky smooth every day! (excuse me if I'm just speaking for myself!)

4. Companions like to be in the mood, too. So while you're a blowtorch, we are crockpots! Marinating on what I'm going to do to my lover on a date is a huge part of the fun for me.

I hope you find your short notice companionship and if patience was a virtue, sir, you are a filthy slut!
The market here is small relative to other parts of the board, so naturally the selection of SN ladies is small too.

I've had mixed luck with short notice. It usually takes two hours to get something set up and I still only have a 50-60% success rate.

I miss the SNATCH thread (or whatever it was called here). But even back then, it wasn't guaranteed.
Interesting that there are two threads running simultaneously on this subject along with one from somebody who says he can't understand the appeal of AMPS. well...
Bart.Pimpson's Avatar
I had a short notice the other day, but it was with a girl I had already seen before, she hosts at her actual apartment, and the only plans she had for that night at that point were for sitting on the couch glued to her TV.

I honestly was lucky to get that, TBH. That perfect storm doesn't always come like that.
2-3 hrs notice is what I was thinking of. Also, I can host.

The appeal with SN availability for me is my hectic schedule and being in the mood. I never thought that it would invoke ire and name calling.

Good info everyone. Thanks. Sincerely, Filthy Slut

I did see the other thread. Sounds like the mods are considering bringing back something like ISO.
2-3 hrs notice is what I was thinking of. Also, I can host.

Good info everyone. Thanks. Sincerely, Filthy Slut Originally Posted by KC Heisenburger
If you're a filthy slut, horn doggy, you're part of my tribe. Now go get that pink, bae!
The appeal with SN availability for me is my hectic schedule and being in the mood. I never thought that it would invoke ire and name calling.

Good info everyone. Thanks. Sincerely, Filthy Slut Originally Posted by KC Heisenburger
Oh my goodness, I just re-read your response more carefully, OP, and you completely misunderstood my attempt at a joke! Hand to heart!

I say it about myself ALL THE TIME! "If patience is a virtue, I'm a slut." So I understand the need for immediancy. I was not bagging on you for wanting SN AT ALL!!!! I was teasing you for being like me because when I want something, I want it now! I thought you'd like being called a filthy slut!

Please accept my apology. Foot in mouth. Just trying to mess around with you.

I hope you find 10 girls tomorrow who are available SN!
My apologies Seductrix4U. Foot in mouth and messing around sounds nice. Thanks!