Brutal new reporting from Axios in article titled “How Biden Botched the Border”.

berryberry's Avatar

- Senile Biden exploded w/ rage at his team aboard AF1 on the way to border last year.

- Susan Rice called HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra a “bitch ass”& “idiot”.

- VP Harris’ team made it clear her responsibilities “began and ended” w/ root causes in just the 3 Northern Triangle counties & Mexico, w/ a former Senile Biden admin official saying Harris has been “at best, ineffective”.

- Mayorkas disagreed with Biden’s 100 day halt on deportations.

- Homeland Security adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall displayed inexperience, asked for a memo explaining the difference between refugees & asylum seekers.

- Senile Biden admin has listened to “vocal immigration advocates outside the administration”.

- “The White House generally didn't want to talk publicly about immigration or the border for much of Senile Biden's first three years, feeling it would draw attention to a political vulnerability.”

- “Publicly, the White House also initially downplayed jumps in illegal border crossings as normal "ebbs and flows" — even as some internally pushed to acknowledge that the problem was significant.”

The article highlights a combination of infighting, incompetence, and indifference regarding the administration’s handling of the border over the last 3 years.
berryberry's Avatar
You know it is really bad for Senile Biden when the DNC media call him out like this
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden didn’t botch anything, the invasion of undocumented democrats is very much on purpose.
lustylad's Avatar
Except during election years, when they suddenly panic and pretend they really DO want to stop the invasion.

(Just like they pretend to be tough on crime, after defunding the police, passing no-bail laws, and putting Soros-picked DAs in office everywhere they can get away with it.)

It's called the Democrats' election-year flip-flop - and it's as predictable as Yellowstone's Old Faithful!

Or Biden and the Senate are ready to unbotch it, and have a border bill ready to go, but *someone who hates America* told his trained monkeys in the House to block its passage. So, the truth is, when the rubber meets the road, Republicans don't give a flying fuck about fixing the problem at the border.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
^^^ This guy thinks the current, unnecessary “border bill” is about securing the border. It’s funny and sad at the same time.
lustylad's Avatar
Or Biden and the Senate are ready to unbotch it, and have a border bill ready to go... Originally Posted by tommy156
Really? They have a bill ready to secure the border and stop the flow? Where were the Dems hiding it for the past 3 years?

Why didn't our spectacularly (in)competent Border Czar Kamala urge her trained monkeys to enact it while they still controlled both the House and Senate?

Thanks for making my point!
Cody69's Avatar
Or Biden and the Senate are ready to unbotch it, and have a border bill ready to go, but *someone who hates America* told his trained monkeys in the House to block its passage. So, the truth is, when the rubber meets the road, Republicans don't give a flying fuck about fixing the problem at the border. Originally Posted by tommy156
“How Biden Botched the Border”.

Don't even try Tommy this is all about Lie Witness News. No truth, just make it like the MEGA are trying everything to fix things but in the mean time Congress shut it down per Bone Spurs orders. Watch the real news channels. Not Mega channels.

So who is really trying to fix the border, not MEGA's. They have been doing this for years now. Even Baby Bush made a comment about it.
chizzy's Avatar
really cody? tommy?

biden by ex order threw out a border policy that had the least amount of illegals coming into the states and since biden over 3 plus million have flowed in

biden didnt need new laws to stop the flow, all he had to do was recind his own orders to stop the flow and he could have done it at any time

the great new border bill? did either of you read it? doubtful because all you are doing is spewing bull...... the so called new border bill allows 5000 people per day to cross the border before it can be shut down
care to get out a calculator and take 5000 times 356 days?

dont worry, ill do it for you////// 1,8725,000 crossing allowed per year

ya great border bill guys.
chizzy's Avatar
well well didnt take long..

why did good old jow want 3 plus million illegals storming our borders???

gee, maybe a few million new voters to steal an election for the dems? take handouts?

but but but, they arent citizens, right? no worry joe wants to fix that
Cody69's Avatar
really cody? tommy?

biden by ex order threw out a border policy that had the least amount of illegals coming into the states and since biden over 3 plus million have flowed in

biden didnt need new laws to stop the flow, all he had to do was recind his own orders to stop the flow and he could have done it at any time

the great new border bill? did either of you read it? doubtful because all you are doing is spewing bull...... the so called new border bill allows 5000 people per day to cross the border before it can be shut down
care to get out a calculator and take 5000 times 356 days?

dont worry, ill do it for you////// 1,8725,000 crossing allowed per year

ya great border bill guys. Originally Posted by chizzy
Brutal new reporting from Axios in article titled “How Biden Botched the Border”.

Just like how the Great President Obama got a law made for the Affordable Health Care. To change it you have to have 2/3's of the house agree to changing a law. Mega couldn't get the votes to change it remember? For 4 years they tried. They did everything they could to take LOW INCOME people health care taken from them. REMEMBER?

Biden didn't change any law. An executive order maybe. If there were a law in place you would have to have 2/3's votes to change it. Congress never voted on any boarder law to change it with 2/3's of the house in Biden's term yet. So its all bull shit. It was an executive order that may have been changed not law.

SO GET REAL WITH BIDEN DID THIS BIDEN DID THAT. ALL BULL SHIT. Make it a law so it is not easily changed. GET IT????

Stop with the Lie Witness news daily!!!!!
berryberry's Avatar
really cody? tommy?

biden by ex order threw out a border policy that had the least amount of illegals coming into the states and since biden over 3 plus million have flowed in

biden didnt need new laws to stop the flow, all he had to do was recind his own orders to stop the flow and he could have done it at any time

the great new border bill? did either of you read it? doubtful because all you are doing is spewing bull...... the so called new border bill allows 5000 people per day to cross the border before it can be shut down
care to get out a calculator and take 5000 times 356 days?

dont worry, ill do it for you////// 1,8725,000 crossing allowed per year

ya great border bill guys. Originally Posted by chizzy
Chizzy - actually I believe under Senile Biden over 3 years he has let over 9 million illegals invade the country that we know about. That is just the number caught and released. That does not include those "got aways" which are also a huge number

And the ONLY border bill ready to go is the one passed by the house, HR2, that Schumer and the Democrats refuse to bring up for a vote. The abomination of a bill that the Democrats tried to pass in the Senate went down in flames not even getting a majority, let alone the 60 votes needed to proceed - so they have no border bill

But again, Senile Biden created this issue by reversing on Day 1 all of President Trump's successful border policies and executive orders. All it would take to fix this is for Senile Biden to reinstate the policies he eliminated. Congress does not need to do a thing

Hell, when Axios, part of the DNC media, runs this type of story on Senile Biden and the border, you know it is really bad
berryberry's Avatar
Really? They have a bill ready to secure the border and stop the flow? Where were the Dems hiding it for the past 3 years? Originally Posted by lustylad
Umm, it's a bipartisan bill that the Senate has ready to sign. Who cares where it's been? It's here now.

And when the rubber meets the road, Republicans are showing they don't want the border crisis fixed. They'd rather say Biden botched it. Gives them something to bitch about during the campaign.
berryberry's Avatar
Umm, it's a bipartisan bill that the Senate has ready to sign. It's here now. Originally Posted by tommy156
Here where?

The abomination of a bill that the Democrats tried to pass in the Senate went down in a bipartisan vote not even getting a majority of the vote, let alone the 60 votes needed to proceed - so they have no border bill. Democrat "no" votes were cast by Sens. Bob Menendez, Alex Padilla, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer

Thus the ONLY border bill ready to go is the one passed by the house, HR2, that Schumer and the Democrats refuse to bring up for a vote.