Austin Man Turns Psycho...Have You Seen This?

I know they say, "keep Austin weird" but, this is a little over the edge...
actually been following this most of the day as have millions of others aorund the country....
Likinikki may be closer to the realism of today's society everywhere than she knows!!

Here is the man's "suicide" letter that evidentally he took a long time to pen. I will not comment on the contents nor do I feel anyone else should within this thread. You should probably just ignore it all together or just absorb the words therein for your own needs whatever they may be.
(easier to read)

A sidebar -- communicating with a Provider there in Austin ==> I found she and her family were very concerned because she had a cousin who worked in the building. They had been trying to call her since the incident and her cell phone just rang and rang. Finally - later in the afternoon - she was able to call and let them know she was alright. Law enforcement had not allowed any calls until that time.
gman44's Avatar
I saw it on the news at work and it is tragic and I even used to work in that area
I suspect and am afraid that we will see more of this type of desperate deeds.
handyGiraffe's Avatar
Yes I saw it...and ....then I thought for a second..what a complete idiot...and then moved on to more important how to pay my taxes on time....
SloaneMacallan's Avatar
It's a shame they found 2 bodies in the wreckage, one they think is his. I feel for the family who lost someone.
Yes Sloane my feelings exactly! I didn't read on as it was just too crazy, but I think he left behind a wife or ex-wife and a child. How sad...he burnt down the, it's not going to be covered by insurance. Guess the family is left with nothing, but the bills! I heard they had to go to the red cross for help...geez that's just awful!
bigrich75's Avatar
how in the fuck wont u go that "crazy" with the shit the IRS puts someone through?
GneissGuy's Avatar
It's a shame 1 died and two were injured.

Other than that, forget this asshole. Making a big deal out of it makes him a hero and is rewarding him by giving him the attention he wanted. It encourages the next nutjob who wants to go out in a spectacular fashion.

He's no more significant that any other nutjob who sets fire to a building and kills 1 and injures two, or someone who deliberately plows his car into a crowd of people.

Forget him. If you don't, you're working with him.
I saw this on the news when it happened and its a horrible thing that has happened to everyone!
I hope that everyone that has family or friends up there is okay!! point wasn't about him so much, as their poor kid who's in the streets now. Yeah, we all have bills to pay, blah, blah, blah...but, we can still have a heart for a little kid that's fatherless now...and wondering where they're going to sleep at night.

I don't care how many more important things that I may have on my only takes a minute to be compassionate.