Any African-American providers are tired of the Race Wars

GuddKitty2589's Avatar
I am really sick to my stomach at how much the color of my skin still matters in 2016. growing up as an African American is already challenging but as the fact that I am a sex worker and that makes it even more challenging. I'm tired of hearing the comments :you're my first African-American so I'm nervous: oh I never been with a black girl before :I'm sorry I only do Asian Latino or white(in other words you'll do anyone besides a black girl). the world we still live in still struggles with racism and it is very much alive I see it hear it feel it everyday and I am sick of it! I mean really grow up! nevertheless I would like all African American women who run across this post to voice their opinions in hopes that one day just one day our opinions will matter and we will matter not as a race but as another human being.
The idea that a sex worker can cut through typical laws of sexual attraction by making new laws is really naive. Of course the world will have racial divides. Of course white women and black women are different. But sex is not different. Even when they have the easy score men will always want to stand out as the best person in that position thus far. This is still America and men, like it or not, are going to act brand new when it comes to saying the right shit at any new sexual liaison. He isn't pointing YOU out, he's pointing himself out. So the fact that you are black is in his eyes how he gains pity, ergo "pay no attention to the limp dick behind the mask." The newness of the situation is liable to make him freeze up. Besides, if a man says that he's never been with a black woman why is it the woman's fault?
You mean the video game???
is as prevalent in this industry as it is in society at large. There are many ways to mitigate how it affects you. People will tell you to get over it, or that you're being too sensitive. The reality is you have a right to your feelings. On here making use of the ignore feature has been clutch. Trolls who antagonize Black women feel compelled to make themselves known. When they pop up in different forums and threads, I press ignore with the quickness. Also, folks who persistently post "No AA" ISOs also garner an ignore from me. Lastly, there are lots of dudes that want to chit chat with Black women on forums such as these, but then you can gather from their reviews that they never have booked with a Black escort (or if they have, that they are too embarrassed to document that they have). I ignore them as well. The way I feel about it is if any client on here reveals that he isn't here for Black women, then he can opine and blab on about XYZ, but I have no f*cks to give.
  • DSK
  • 05-27-2016, 12:23 PM
I've been with plenty of black women, and some were very beautiful, and some were average. The only real difference I ever found was that were more likely to think white people had it great, and they didn't.

Believe me, the really pretty black women know they have it made, just like every other pretty girl out there.

However, if black people would quit bringing up race constantly when things go wrong, maybe people would think about it less.
Wakeup's Avatar
How is anything the OP mentioned indicative of racism?
  • DSK
  • 05-27-2016, 08:49 PM
How is anything the OP mentioned indicative of racism? Originally Posted by Wakeup
The whole post
Wakeup's Avatar
"How", not "what"...I already referenced the "what"...
Bobave's Avatar
"How", not "what"...I already referenced the "what"... Originally Posted by Wakeup
No you didn't.
pyramider's Avatar
Is the OP going to post some taint photos? Taint knows no race ...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
we live in a discriminating world whether anyone realizes it or not.
Naomi4u's Avatar

Believe me, the really pretty black women know they have it made, just like every other pretty girl out there. Originally Posted by DSK

When you're hot, you're hot.


A hard penis sees no color unless the man attached to it is an asshole.

Yes, as a black woman you're still going to be stereotyped.
No matter how classy, educated or sexy you are.

Old white women are going to stare you down at the grocery store and you're going to wonder if you fucked their husbands - you didn't! You're just hot and they're intimidated.

You're going to get sexually harassed by white police officers, it's not because you're black. It's because you're attractive. Black officers do it too!

.... And you being black and hot just makes you hotter because you are "forbidden fruit" and they want to fuck your brains out till the cows come home.

Yes, you will encounter white men who will avoid you like Ebola because they believe everything they hear on fox news and their mommies and daddies told them that blacks are horrible people - but who cares? Do you REALLY want to spend time with those people anyway? There are SO many people out there that think you're awesome! Why waste energy on the few simpletons that don't?

Oh and if you're from another country, you'll be constantly told "you're not like them" meaning "you're not like black american women, you're special, you're different" -- *eyeroll* It's almost like they have to tell themselves that to find you fuckable. It's ok though - cause they'll fuck you anyway.

You're ALWAYS going to be the target of jokes and people are going to be rude but we're a resilient people - after a while who cares really? I mean it's like ok I can take another shot. Just shoot me. LOL

Bottom line is: Color only matters when you're not attractive. When you're attractive you get away with things other people wouldn't. Hot women get a pass and it's ok. That's just how the world works. Hopefully the lady has a great personality to match!

To the OP: Maybe it's because I wasn't born here but those comments wouldn't bother me. It's perplexing at first but then you realize it is THEIR reality. I think blacks know by now that there are three Americas: a white America, a black America and everyone else. Racism doesn't have to go away for me to have fun in this thing of ours. If nothing else, I enjoy being the forbidden fruit and rubbing my chocolate tits in their faces. The end of the race war would mean that I become accepted and I don't know if I want that. Being a walking taboo is fun and exciting (to me). The day it stops being fun, my home country will accept me with open arms. Just smile and ride it .... all the way to the bank
I am really sick to my stomach at how much the color of my skin still matters in 2016. growing up as an African American is already challenging but as the fact that I am a sex worker and that makes it even more challenging. I'm tired of hearing the comments :you're my first African-American so I'm nervous: oh I never been with a black girl before :I'm sorry I only do Asian Latino or white(in other words you'll do anyone besides a black girl). the world we still live in still struggles with racism and it is very much alive I see it hear it feel it everyday and I am sick of it! I mean really grow up! nevertheless I would like all African American women who run across this post to voice their opinions in hopes that one day just one day our opinions will matter and we will matter not as a race but as another human being. Originally Posted by GuddKitty2589
This discriminating topic that's on a lot of boards.A lot of escorts don't AA clients.Other escorts will take paid sessions.
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
You mean the video game??? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

I think it's rather nice to be the" first Black girl" he's**sigh**
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Ya know, I understand why you would be defensive, even though I'm just another cracker, who you might believe, couldn't possibly understand. The thing is, prejudice and programmed beliefs are alive and well in some. Sad, but true, and I've had more than my own share of prejudice aimed at me. It feels the same, no matter the target, the reason or the source.

That being said, please know, you will spin your wheels, rather than make progress, should you refuse to be willing to see things from a diffetent perspective and live accordingly.

1. We are All of us , human
2. We have all been told what to believe and what is truth....rarely, does anyone shake a belief that seems "not quite right", because we often defend what we believe and they are "ours"! LOL.
3. Consider that a gent said that, simply because it's true, not because he's a racist, or is frightened because of some imagined stereo type. Many seasoned hobbyists admit they are nervous, even to me. Trust me, I'm harmless and it makes laugh and wish to put them at ease, rather than complain.

Sweet Lady, you are only a victim if you keep yelling, I'm a victim! Remove the chip on your shoulder, and I promise you with every fiber of my being, you will soon see things in a different light than you are used to, and it will feel much better than the current light you are using. You are a beautiful sexy woman, who makes men is what it is and has been since the beginning of time, doll.

Have a sexy day, beautiful!