Best in DFW?

TexEngnr's Avatar
We have all seen and probably participated in threads such as "Best Redhead", or "Best BJ", etc. I'd love to see some discussion of another Best in DFW category: Who are the intellectually stimulating providers in DFW?

I can think of sub-categories such as:
- most quick witted
- best conversationalists
- most articulate posts

For me, these qualities are as important as the more traditional "best of" lists. Now, I am not completely non traditional! I still pay attention to the more obvious feminine charms! (OFF, your photographic essays never fail to please.) But let's have a discussion of the less obvious.

Gents and Ladies, please jump in. Create your own categories and nominate your favorites. Should be an interesting, enlightening conversation.

Lastly, let's all be kind: No need to mention the slowest witted, or dullest conversationalists!
Chevalier's Avatar
My favorites, from those with whom I've been BCD:

I could name several retirees, including but not limited to Angela Taylor, Caitie Mae, Catherine Adair, and Violet Star. But among those still active, those who stand out in my mind are Carrie Hillcrest and (now that she's back) Jenna.

A lot of other ladies might qualify as well, but I may just not have noticed it as much. I get, ummm, distracted at times. And of course some ladies I've not spent as much time around.


Edited to add: These types of threads do tend to elicit the "soft bigotry of low expectations," applying standards that are lower than for civilian ladies or for other guys. Which makes the information posted of limited value. And it's all in the eye of the beholder; what I call "articulate" and "witty" might be very, very different from what Joe Blow calls "articulate" and "witty."
TexEngnr's Avatar
A lot of other ladies might qualify as well, but I may just not have noticed it as much. I get, ummm, distracted at times.
I understand very well.

"These types of threads do tend to elicit the "soft bigotry of low expectations," applying standards that are lower than for civilian ladies or for other guys. Which makes the information posted of limited value. And it's all in the eye of the beholder; what I call "articulate" and "witty" might be very, very different from what Joe Blow calls "articulate" and "witty."
Yeah, I hesitated a long time before starting this thread - for that very reason. The discussion will by its very nature be highly subjective. Nevertheless, with so many ladies available, additional viewpoints from varying perspectives will certainly help make more informed decisions.

Are not all the opinions expressed here subjective?
Chevalier's Avatar
Are not all the opinions expressed here subjective? Originally Posted by TexEngnr
Sure. That's why I don't think "Best BBBJ" or "Best Redhead" polls are very useful either. Hell, I don't find most reviews (mine included) very helpful either.
TexEngnr's Avatar
LOL - Candor deeply appreciated.
I get chewed out anytime I try this, so I will abstain.

Those that have seen me more than once will understand that they made MY LIST.
TexEngnr's Avatar
I had intended to let others express their own ideas before I added my own. But for your consideration, these are my nominations:

Most level headed with her posts - VNurse

Living on the East side of Dallas, I have not had the opportunity to visit with her personally, but her posts are calm, thoughtful and abound with plain old common sense. It has been said before but . . . strange how common sense is rather uncommon.

Most interesting observations with her posts and in person - LovingKAYLA

Kayla, sees to the heart of issues. She is sometimes bluntly truthful but never mean spirited. You are never left wondering what she really thinks, but also never left feeling attacked. This a remarkable communication skill.

Cleverest witty remarks - Nicole Preston

Nicole makes me laugh over and over again. She has a way of inserting just a few words that expose pretentiousness, or unclear thinking. And she does this in a way that, well, you just have to laugh with her.

All three of these women strike me as uncommonly intelligent, and that makes them all 3 very attractive in my book. I have seen Kayla and Nicole, both are so much fun to be around. I suppose one day, I'll need to make the trek to Fort Worth to visit VNurse.

These 3 are my nominees, whom would you add, and why?

My humblest apologies to worthy candidates I have overlooked. Please add to my knowledge so that I might make the same error again.
WOW! I only just now saw this post AND it's within the 30 day time limit! WOOHOO!

Thank you so very much for the kind words! I really appreciate it! "Uncommonly intelligent"? I may have to print this out and frame it! LOL!

I DO agree with you, "common sense IS rather uncommon" these days. Sad but true.

To me, the absolute best sessions ever are the ones where there is a mental connection. If you can't have decent conversation, the rest is, at best, mediocre.

This was a great, unique post...thanks for putting thought into it!
TexEngnr's Avatar
vnurse, you are so welcome; just wrote what I felt. Your posts are always interesting, thoughtful and honest.

I am besotted with your mind. One of these days we'll need to get together.