Any info?

Guitar's Avatar
Guitar considering where you live and how limited the ladies are in your area you are a proper poon hound sir. You also go out of your way to help fellow dawgs and as such deserve to be recognized for your effort. There is no telling how many countless lurkers who will never speak up on these boards use your info to their benefit. Its the same on the coast as it is everywhere men research and buy ass online for that matter. A few do all the work and many reep the rewards without so much as a thank you. For proof all you have to look at are the times a thread are viewed. There will be hundreds of views with no replies to review threads. Trust me when I say its not the same guy coming back to the same thread over and over again but many lurkers using your legwork and risk taking to avoid having to do so themselves. Its a huge part of the reason I stopped leaving reviews on my new finds until I am tired of seeing them. A great many of the guys using our work are also the same guys who tell women to charge more or even take the girls off the market completely if they are a really good find. So someone needs to step up and thank guys like you who openly share their info even when it cost them in the long run.
Guitar's Avatar
Wow thnx, Basscat! I try to share as muchas i can to let others n
Know who is worth seeing and i think is not. Also, i have a fetish, and i want to get a glimpse of every set of pussylips and asscheeks i can before old age makes me unable to! And i just assume everyone else wants todo the same! Wish everyone was more like me and u!
Thanks guys, y'alls input is always greatly appreciated!