If you had a genie in a bottle...

A few things come to mind, if you take money out of one of your wishes.

1. What is one thing you would wish for to make your life better?

2. Is there a physical possession you would specifically want?

Chime in with more. As well as your responses. It doesn't have to be hobby related.

For me:
1. I'd like to sleep like when I was a child: fall asleep shortly after being still, sleep solid through the entire night, and waking up refreshed at the beginning of the day.

2. I would like to have a very nice house, even a historical one, or new. Not sure how many bedrooms, but two fridges in the main house, a two story guest house, a two story pool house, and an incredible "green" saltwater pool, with nice grass all around and trees.
Reverseheadstock's Avatar
1 Peace

2 The skull of he who set peace too for me to reach. I would drink my morning coffee from it.
KittyLamour's Avatar
For eccie to be troll free
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Just like in the last movie of freddie astaire "at the end if the rainbow".. or something like that, i would ask that donald trump to turn into a black woman, and his wife into a muslim guy, and his money into tax credits for the poor.
Hercules's Avatar
1) Perpetual good health.

2) House on about 200 acres where I can adopt every big, lumbering, drooling, goof-ball dog out there and become known as the crazy dog man.
To take my mom's cancer away forever and make it stop coming back
Charlie Brown's Avatar
1. Wish that providers didn't think that I'm actually Charlie Brown.

2. Three more wishes.
1) Perpetual good health.

2) House on about 200 acres where I can adopt every big, lumbering, drooling, goof-ball dog out there and become known as the crazy dog man. Originally Posted by Hercules
Love this one. I had to let my lab stay with my old roommates, as I couldn't take him when I moved closer to my campus, and he had grown a strong bond with my roommate's lab. It would just break both our hearts to separate them.

And CB, everyone knows you can't wish for more wishes.

Tara, of course many of us who are affected by a loved one with cancer, would want to wish that away. I have a friend dealing with that with a family member now. All we can do is pray that the treatment she is getting is the one that will give her the least amount of pain and to finish this life without suffering.

Kitty - if you're so wrapped up in this board, that if you could wish for ANYTHING that isn't' money in particular, you'd still wish for less trolls? If you feed the trolls, they are just like stray cats. They keep coming back for more. Occasionally it's a little fun to jab with them a bit, but you've got to bring your A game for that, or else you just look foolish.
Peace, an erection which would last, serene locale, a singing voice.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Kitty - if you're so wrapped up in this board, that if you could wish for ANYTHING that isn't' money in particular, you'd still wish for less trolls? If you feed the trolls, they are just like stray cats. They keep coming back for more. Occasionally it's a little fun to jab with them a bit, but you've got to bring your A game for that, or else you just look foolish. Originally Posted by tntangie
Thank you kindly for the unsolicited advice. You obviously know so much more about dealing with trolls than I do.
Thank you kindly for the unsolicited advice. You obviously know so much more about dealing with trolls than I do. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
How to block
I think I'm going to try it out. Been on here since 2009, when eccie first started, and I've never bothered to use it. I think it will cause me a lot less reading and nonsense.

Back to the topic;

If you had one talent you could wish for - what would it be?

I would like to be able to play the piano masterfully, and even be able to play something by ear. I started to play when I was fairly young, and it just wasn't something my family could afford to keep me in.
Chung Tran's Avatar
first of all, I "had" Genie in a Bottle..


regarding what I would wish for? simple.. in the words of the Indomitable Lionel Richie, "I'd wish the World had all happy people, then there'd be no more wishing to do"..
KittyLamour's Avatar
first of all, I "had" Genie in a Bottle..


regarding what I would wish for? simple.. in the words of the Indomitable Lionel Richie, "I'd wish the World had all happy people, then there'd be no more wishing to do".. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That is so very true... sometimes you just have to realize the world is full of very unhappy people. Thank you for that reminder Chun Tran, I needed to hear that this morning.
Hercules's Avatar
I had to let my lab stay with my old roommates, as I couldn't take him when I moved closer to my campus, and he had grown a strong bond with my roommate's lab. It would just break both our hearts to separate them. Originally Posted by tntangie
My first baby (that was all mine not the family's) was a rescue black lab. Got her when one of my parents unexpectly passed. She was THE craziest most awnry dog ever. She also saved my ass from a snake and a nut-bag that decided to pass out on my front porch. She set the bar high for the rest.
tommyqueen's Avatar
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