Dinner For 6

My love for great comedy is insanely unacceptable by man's standards. Conversation came up, someone asked who is my favorite? Good question. I realized it is nearly impossible to have only one favorite comedian.

Follow up question:

If you could invite 5 over for dinner who might they be?

Hummmpt. Good question, again.

Who would you invite to dinner?

Only 5. Dead or alive are suitable answers. Explanations are bonus
Sam Kinison - funniest ever
Richard Pryor - one of the best
Graham Chapman - most bizarre
Eddie Murphy - early career was too funny
Lisa Lampenelli - need a female that can out crude them all

Would give up my seat and serve for George Carlin
Hire Cheech & Chong to wash the dishes
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Mitch Hedberg - Figure he'd be a laid back dinner guest
Louis CK - I dig the way his brain works
Kevin Hart - Add some energy to the mix
Ricky Gervais - Keep everyone on their toes
Sarah Silverman - Not a huge fan, but she has huge... fans?

Just to clarify; I'm not saying these are my top 5 favorite comedians; I just think they would make better dinner guests when it comes to my personality and interests.
yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 01-07-2012, 06:37 AM
1- George Carlin
2- Lewis Black
3- Richard Pryor
4- Bill Hicks
5- Robert Schimmel

It's tough to provide an explanation as to why each individually would be a great dinner guest, but (for me at least) this group together would make for one hell of an entertaining dinner conversation!
I am going to have to go older on this one...

1. George Burns - need someone funny to smoke a cigar with and need one old school
2. George Carlin - social insight and wicked humor
3. Ron White - dry, southern, and will get funnier as he gets drunker...cigar smoker, too
4. Dennis Miller - his HBO weekly show still makes me laugh almost 20 years later
5. Wendy Liebman - funny and sexy as hell.

I have about 5 more if the restaurant has a back room I will reserve it.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
Redd Foxx
Richard Pryor
Ellen DeGeneris
Dave Chappelle
George Lopez
Jon Stewart
Stephen Colbert
Redd Foxx
Larry the Cable Guy
Lucille Ball
Jennifer Aniston (to sit in my lap)
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
I am going to have to go older on this one...

1. George Burns - need someone funny to smoke a cigar with and need one old Originally Posted by candlelitenwine
Haha... My boy, George Burns. I admit, that would be interesting.

I forgot all about Dave Chapelle... what the hell has he been up to? I haven't heard anything since he decided to take a break from the DCShow.
NipLover's Avatar
Chapelle is still around, but from what I understand is his mental health is kind of fragile.
  • Paven
  • 01-08-2012, 05:26 PM
Phyllis Diller
Joan Rivers
Bill Hicks
Milton Berle
Dave Chapelle

Now that would be some interesting conversations

Some of my favorites would be too spassy to sit down for dinner ie:Robin Williams lol
  • Paven
  • 01-08-2012, 05:28 PM
Mitch Hedberg - Figure he'd be a laid back dinner guest
Louis CK - I dig the way his brain works
Kevin Hart - Add some energy to the mix
Ricky Gervais - Keep everyone on their toes
Sarah Silverman - Not a huge fan, but she has huge... fans?

Just to clarify; I'm not saying these are my top 5 favorite comedians; I just think they would make better dinner guests when it comes to my personality and interests. Originally Posted by GRIN OF SIN
Do you guys listen to 24/7 Comedy on 102.7 here in Austin?
Once I found that station that's all I listen too in my vehicle.
It's awesome!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I LOVE stand-up so to pick just 5 is gonna be hard

Mitch Hedberg -Just learned of his passing but found him funny
Kat Williams... He makes me laugh hard
George Carlin love him
Lewis Black would love to hear him and Carlin in everyday convo
Louis CK
sixxbach's Avatar
Ah damn, when I first read the title of this thread, I thought you were offering to cook me dinner!

I would invite:

Rodney Dangerfield
Richard Pryor
Eddie Murphy
George Lopez
Dave Chappelle

homersimpson's Avatar
Andy Kaufman
Steven Wright
Michael Palin

And some security to throw out Kinison or Kaufman if they uh took offense to the proceedings....
cckid2006's Avatar
Ah damn, when I first read the title of this thread, I thought you were offering to cook me dinner!

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I like the ladies:

Sarah 'Big S' Silverman
Gilda Radner - because you know you get that little drop of sweat hanging on your nose
Tina Fey - I'd ask her to come as Palin
Anna Faris - just so I could hear devil voice
Wanda Sykes - She's a good cook and I would need help for the dinner