when you ask for a reference?

Please ladies when you send a reference request. Please say more than hey Bozo123 says he has seen you is he OK?""""""""
Goodness.. For me I visit more than 16 Cities to just throw a name and ask if he's OK. Please try to get a location a near date that we saw each other and something I can remember.
I log down location, physical/vehicle description, number for verification, etc ... Im a great ref if needed. We are all in this together - it's important to help eachother be safe!
I agree that providers should provide enough information about the client, such as name, e-mail address/ phone, client location, board handle if available. For the most part, ladies have been good about providing adequate client information, but some still don't get it.

I would also like to add, be polite when asking other providers for references AND say Thank You upon receipt. This just seems like common courtesy...
DallasRain's Avatar
quote--I would also like to add, be polite when asking other providers for references AND say Thank You upon receipt. This just seems like common courtesy...
