The Five Senses

Doc Holliday's Avatar
I thought this would be a fun thread, here!

What is your favorite sense? The one sense if you lost would mean the most to you? The one that can send you over the edge into a wonderful state of bliss and remain throughout the day?

I'm an artist and the sight of a beautiful work of art quickly comes to mind, but a great soulful musician can easily be as rare and appreciated, and sex is senual and all about the passion and embrace of touch, but what about the taste of a perfect savory meal on a trip back home, or the reminiscent alure a scent can trigger from the depths of memory? They can all be great and powerful.

What is your favorite?
When I answered this poll I thought about which one sense I'd have to have if I lost all of the others. I picked sight based on this. However if the question was about which sense could send me over the edge then I would have to pick smell. There are certain scents that always get me going. More than any thing I have ever tasted, felt, seen or heard.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
I'm a touch man, big time! Sight is a close second and always gets the party started. With no touch there is no intercourse. You can always use you imagination to visualize anything you want. If you cant touch it, it is no different than watching porn. Boo!! Or even worse, going to a strip joint. Why would I want to pay to get hot and bothered and then go home. If I go in a strip club some lady will be TOFTT. Taking One For Tony Tiger!!

Ms. Athena's Avatar
TOUCH......I can touch with soooo many different parts of my body, I love the sensual touch of a lovers................ummmm
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I chose touch, i thought about sight but some of my most pleasurable moments I couldn't see
Still Looking's Avatar
I like Sight! Little SL like Touch! Once in a while we both get lucky! LOL
Hobby world? Touch for sure.
Real world? Taste.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hearing. My Dad was a professional jazz trombonist and my mom was a big band singer. If I couldn't hear good jazz, I would likely die. I could also still hear audio books, rainstorms, the voices of my grandchildren. Yes. Hearing is the one I value most.
I need ALL 5 in hobbyland. Anthing less (4-3-2-1) is like using a fems' body to masterbate (waste of $$$). I don't accept anything less...neither does SL. Don't let that bullshit fool you. Did you see the women he met, and do you see the women chasing him!
DallasRain's Avatar
lol---all 5 are essential!

I like taste with touch a close runner up!

I like to savor my treats
Naomi4u's Avatar
All 5!!!!!!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I chose touch, i thought about sight but some of my most pleasurable moments I couldn't see
Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Dayum he looks hot
Doc Holliday's Avatar
Hey, you guys are cheating! YOU MUST CHOOSE!!

I picked sound. I love music and in the realm of the bedroom a well-timed moan in the ear can do it!
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I chose sight simply because I'm an artist. What am I without vision?

That's not true though I guess is it? Crist Delmonico (RIP ) is one of my favourite artists of all time and blind.
What is your favorite sense? Originally Posted by Doc Holliday